Depression Jack x reader

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I sat in Jack's recording room off to the side. He was doing his into. He was playing a new scary game. After he said his intro he said" I might regret this." He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and mouthed" You can do this. I'll always be here." He said" Hold on." He stood up and pulled up another swivel chair. He sat down in his and motioned for me to come over. I stood up and sat in the chair. He said" This is my best friend and roommate (Y/N). Isn't she beautiful?" He was doing a live stream. This comment said' Hey. I think your beautiful. Take off all your clothes.' I looked at Jack. He seen it and said" Guys. She will not take her clothes off or do anything like that." I said" Getting protective." He smiled and hugged me. I hugged back. He kissed my cheek. I pulled out of the hug. He does this because of an accident from when I was little and never felt loved so he is making me feel loved. I love him. I have a crush on him. I said" Anyway, Jack. What's the game?" He said" Well... It's a scary game." I said" One of the spooky games!" Jack said" Like you used to say. It's as dark and scary as your soul. Your soul is sweet, caring, and wonderful. Your really nice." I said" Jack. You amazing. Later I'll go out and buy candy." He said" Cake too?" I said" Cupcakes, cakes, and cookies." He said" You wouldn't!" I said" Already am." He hugged me. This one comment I read said' Are you pregnant?! Who is the lucky guy?" I sighed and said" Guys. I'm not pregnant. I'm single. He was talking about making the cake later and making sure we will record it for you guys. We might forget so I'm sorry if we don't." Jack said" Hey. I was wondering..." I said" Yes. Mark can come and stay for awhile." He said" Thank you!" I smiled and said" I'm gonna go get some cookies from yesterday I made." I stood up and winked at him. I walked to the kitchen and mumbled" I can't do this..." I sighed and grabbed three cookies from the kitchen. I'm hungry. I sighed but shrugged off the urge to eat. Jack hasn't noticed. I heard a male scream. I ran upstairs and Jack was looking at his computer with a scared look. I hugged him and said" It's okay. Calm down. (Y/N)'s here." He said" IT WAS ANOTHER MOTHERFUCKING JUMPSCARE!" I said" I'm always gonna be here for you." He said" Thank you." I gave him the cookies. He gave one to me. He said" Eat." I took the cookie and did. He ate one also. He said" Anyway. Would you like to try to get past the jump scare?" I said" Let me try." I'm gonna make myself throw it up later. After about ten minutes of playing the game and Jack giving me directions a jump scare happened. I kicked the desk and knocked my chair backwards and I back flipped onto Jack's couch. I said" Hell no!" Jack laughed and stood up. He walked to me and grabbed my hand. He led me back and picked up my chair. We sat back down. I said" Is this why your a wimp?" Jack said" If I was a wimp could I do this." He put his arm over the back of my chair. He slowly made his hand go down the chair. He touched my ass. I said" Jack." He said" What?" I said" When does Mark arrive?" He said" He is coming here in about thirty minutes." I said" I'll go pick him up. I'll be back! I promise." He said" I'll come with you." He ended the live stream. We walked to my car. We got in and I drove to the airport. When we arrived I went to the bathroom. Jack waited for me. I threw up the cookie I ate. I went to the sink and washed my mouth out. I got a piece of gum from my pocket and put it inside my mouth. I walked out after flushing the toilet and washing my hands. We walked to where Mark's thing was and sat in the seats. After the minutes that we had left, Mark walked up. We stood up. Mark and Jack hugged. I looked a different way and seen the one person I didn't want to. I heard Jack yell my name and I looked at him. He said" You was day dreaming. Is everything okay? Is there something your not telling me? What was you looking at?" The person I didn't want to see walked up. I sighed and sat down. He said" IM SORRY! Please!" I said" Just go away. I'm sick and tired of you! You killed my family! My brother! You killed my whole damn family. You aren't even a friend." The guys name is Lucas. Lucas said" It's not my fault they wasn't right for you. Nobody hurts my precious." I said" What the fuck happened to you?! I am not precious or anything. I'm just a depressed human like half the damn people on this earth. How was killing my family? Did it please you?! What did you want to gain from that? You gained my hatred." I looked off to the side a bit and down at the floor. Lucas said" Killing was fun. Very much. I didn't gain anything like I'd hoped. I was trying to get you to like me. I wanted you to be the girl I want. I want you to be my girlfriend. I always have." I said" No. I don't date murders or people that kill." This tall boy walked up and smiled at me. My best friend other than Jack. Christian. Christian said" Hey! I didn't know you was gonna be here!" I stood up and quickly hugged him. I said" Where have you been?! I haven't seen you since I was in school." He said" Life was a mess when you left. Depression kicked in for me." I said" I'm still the girl I was." He said" Except the age difference. You was always beautiful. Even as kids." I said" That's where your wrong. I'm a piece of shit human." Christian sighed and said" Please. Just get out of this depression. I'll do anything to see you the way you was. To see us again." I said" Christian. This is a new part of you I never seen." He said" Your my best friend and I love you. No matter what. We can always be like an us. We can definitely act like the us we once were." Christian said" I'm glad. We used to act like brother and sister." I said" Still obsessed with Pokemon?" He said" You bet." Lucas said" Who the fuck is he?! I told you that you were mine and mine only. You must be joking me! I've got competition now!" I said" Hey. Listen to me Lucas. Your a piece of shit friend and your a fucker from hell. You killed my family so there is no competition because I wouldn't date somebody with such low care." Lucas said" Your a piece of shut." I said" Call me what you want. Even kill me if you want. I don't care. Your nothing and you never will be to me." Christian stepped in front of me and punched Lucas. Christian said" You son of a bitch! You caused her sadness! She is so much more than you." I stopped Christian before he killed Lucas. I said" Christian! Don't kill him." He said" I would like to." I said" Christian. Don't. I don't want you in prison." Christian said" Just for you." He hugged me and I hugged back. I don't want to let him go. I started crying into his chest. He said" Hey. look at me. What's wrong? Huh?" I said" I missed you so much. Life isn't and never was the same without you." He said" It's like you wanted to disappear." I said" No. I should've told you where I was. Maybe you could have stayed with us for awhile." Christian said" Something is wrong.. You look like you haven't eaten is days. What's going on?" I pulled out of the hug. Jack and Mark was looking at me. Christian said" You haven't been eating have you? What are you trying to prove. You made my life run and now I'm not the depressed boy I was. You helped me." I said" I'm glad I could help you." Christian said" Last time you didn't sleep. You passed out for six minutes. I remember feeling worried about you. I remember wanting to ditch our school just to be with you. I wanted to be right near you. Why aren't you eating?" I shrugged. He said" There has to be a reason. Oh!" I nodded. He said" Your brother, mom, dad, sister, dog, and Josh died this week. I know you want to see them but you can't. Your not gonna kill yourself either." I said" I never plan on killing myself. I just plan on not eating." Jack said" I thought you was eating. Why was I blind?!" He looked down and I said" It's not your fault. Like I promised earlier, I'm not going anywhere." Jack said" I'm sorry." I said" Don't be. It was my decision." Christian said" You live with a boy? You used to never let a guy near you unless it was me or one of our friends." I said" Like I said... I'm not who I was." Blake ran up. I met him while getting coffee. Blake said" Hey (Y/N)! Will you be my girlfriend?" Christian and Jack looked at me. I said" I can't. I'd rather not." Blake said" Why not?!" Christian said" My sister will not date scum like you Vamce Cinston." Blake said" That's my real name. How do you, oh!" Christian said" Yeah. I'm the one from the Internet." Christian pulled me closer to him and stood over me. He is tall. He didn't stand on my head, he stayed on his feet. I was confused.

  Lucas' POV

  I'm a murder. I want to kill her. That's why I asked her to be my girlfriend. So I could murder her. Christian said" She is my baby sister. I will not let anything happen to her." My name is actually Vance Cinston. Jack said" Go away." I walked away. I'll see you again... My love...

  Your POV

  He walked away. Christian turned to me and said" Do not go anywhere with him or accept his request. He kills his girlfriends." I said" How do you know this?" He said" I am also a murderer." I said" Christian... I." He said" It's okay. I ain't gonna hurt anybody you love. Can I kill him?" I said" Leave no traces and be careful. This is your last kill forever." Christian said" Forever." He hugged me and kissed my cheek. He said" Forever and always." I said" I love you. Be careful." He said" Be good sis. See ya." Christian ran off after him. I sighed. Jack said" Lucas is a killer." I said" Christian was always correct as kids. He never missed anything but days of school." Jack said" What was he doing here? Did you contact him?" I said" No. Christian always knew my dream was to come here. He knew this was the number one place I would be. I told him when we was kids and watching television that this is where I belong. I just didn't know I would meet you though." Mark said" Who are you?" Jack said" Mark. This is my best friend and roommate (Y/N). She has told me her life story which led her to depression." I looked at the way Christian ran off to. Mark said" Oh." Jack said" Now we get to go out to eat. (Y/N). You will eat." I said" If I don't?" He said" I will not allow you to play video games and I will turn off the internet." I said" Damn you." He said" Are you gonna eat?" I said" I'll try." After an hour of standing in the airport talking, Christian ran up. He hugged me tightly. He said" Please... Don't ever leave me again...." I said" You have to go back home." He said" Why couldn't I live with you?" I looked at Jack and he nodded. I said" I had to ask Jack. He said yes. I say yes a million times. I love you bro." We haven't stopped hugging. Christian said" Sis... I'm glad I get to be with you. You was always my favorite person." I said" I thought that was the girls you flirted with that whole time we was friends. I thought you liked them more." He said" I'm not that crazy. I'm sorry. I didn't know you was the type to just leave." I said" There is a lot I don't know about myself or you. I didn't know I was the type to do that either." Christian said" I'm glad that you told me this was your favorite place. How did you know you was gonna meet Jack?" I said" I didn't. I was in a pizza place ordering my pizza with pineapple, spinach, and pepperoni pizza and well, my friend new him and I was with that friend. Damn David but yeah. That's how he and I met. David never told me he knew Jack. I was sitting on David's couch and the police ran in and pushed both of us down. One was on my back and one was on his. They arrested him and they told me that he killed somebody. They thought he was gonna kill me too." Christian said" The DaithiDeNogla?" I said" Yes." He said" They thought he killed somebody?" I said" Yeah. It surprised me. Next thing I know the cop that was in me tried to flirt with me. I was scared... David was angry." Christian said" Did he rape you? Did the cop do anything?" I said" Another cop tackled him and he was made to provide me a place to live. David and I was gonna live together until then. I have just recently moved in with Jack. Almost a year." We went to the restaurant and after we stopped hugging. We ordered. Jack said" Eat." I said" Yes almighty God of shit." Mark laughed and so did Christian. Christian said" You guys act like a married couple." Jack stood up and said" Well. I need to ask a question." He grabbed my hand and stood me up with him. He added" I want to say that even though it's almost been a year with you it has been the best months of my life.  Im glad that you could be with me. I love you. Will you be my Sam septic eye?" I said" Yes." He said" Our love came from depression."

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