Yes Jack x reader

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Your POV

  I sat with my sunglasses on. My hair down and the dress I bought yesterday on. It was white and I was sitting outside of my favorite place. It was where I met my best friend. I use the sunglasses to hide my red puffy eyes from the tears that want to steam down my face. I missed him and now he is gone. I looked up and sighed. The tears stopped and I took a drink of my drink. I was sitting at one of the outside tables. I was waiting for Killy. She wants me to meet two of her best friends other than myself but I didn't want to. I said I would though. I heard a car pull up and out walked Killy and two males. She walked up and sat in front of me. I said" Hey Killy." She sat down and said" What's wrong?" She is the type that can always sense when something is wrong. I took a drink of my drink and Josh walked outside. He said" Hey sis! I'm going home! Here!" He gave me money for a taxi so I can get myself to my house. I nodded and he walked over and hugged me. He said" Don't worry. He really cared about you..." I was just broken up with by my boyfriend. I said" You really think I care about him! Not anymore. He broke my heart and I don't care." Josh said" Are you sure you're gonna be okay at your house?" I sighed and said" I don't know. Remember this though, I know where you live if I ever need you now." He smiled and said" Come to me first okay. I love you." I said" I love you too bro." He walked off.  Killy said" What's the name of this motherfucker?" I said" It's not Simon. I promise. I'll be fine the sooner I leave away from this place." Killy said" Oh." She stood up and we all got in her car. We went to the park. My best friend died two days ago and I'm grieving over him. I said" He died two days ago and you know how much he meant to me. He was like my brother." She said" I know. Remember this though, Ty loved you more than anything. You was like his sister." Tyler Michael Lannin. I said" I know but... His parents asked me to be his wife one day... I've been thinking about that this long.." He's gone and he isn't coming back. Killy said" You were actually thinking about getting married?!" I said" No. I was thinking about if me and his never acted like brother and sister. Would we have dated?" Killy grabbed my hand and said" I should've told you this but he said if you wasn't like his sister he would've dated you. His brother said he wanted to fuck you." I said" Christian isn't my type. Neither was Tyler." We sat in the grass. This kid ran up and hugged me. He said" Hey!" I said" What are you doing?" I looked to see Simon walking up. He sat beside me and said" I've missed you." I said" You broke up with me, I don't wanna hear it." He said" I should've told you about Cal. He is my twin brother. We are identical twins." I said" So we never broke up?" He said" Not in my opinion." I said" Okay." John sat down and said" Mommy!" I said" When did I become your mother John?" John said" Well, daddy wants to know if you'll marry him?" I looked at Simon and Simon said" I love you a lot. Will you be my wife?" I looked at Killy and she said" Simon. We need to talk." They walked away and John said" Are you okay?" I said" I'm fine but why did your dad say that?" John said" He loves you a lot and he wants to marry you." I said" I'm not interested in marriage. I just got out of college and my best friend died a couple days ago. I'm not ready." Killy and Simon walked up. Simon and her sat down. He said" Honey. I'm so sorry. I didn't know!" I said" I'm just gonna go home now." I stood up and walked away from everybody. I sighed and went back to the place I was at. I called a taxi. He drove up and I opened the door. Before I could get in an Irish voice was heard. I looked to see one of the guys that was Killy's friends. We both got in and he said" Are you okay?" I said" Yeah. Just done with his antics. Last night he didn't come over and I called him, I heard he was fucking another girl which I'm fine with because I don't care. Anyway, he cheated. I'm done. I wasn't gonna break up with him though  in front of John. He is just a kid." The driver said" Your hot ma'am." The guy next to me said" Leave her alone! Anyway, I'm Jack. What's your name?" I said" (Y/N)." My phone rang. I answered and said" I'm breaking up with you Simon." He ended the call and I smiled. Jack said" At least you didn't say Sam." I said" Transformers reference." He said" Yeah." Transformers is what I was raised watching. Jack smiled and I smiled back. I said" Wanna watch a movie at my house?" He said" Sure. What kind?" I said" Anime!" He said" Hell yeah!" I smiled and the driver chuckled and said" You both act like kids." Jack and I both said" Thank you!" The driver pulled into my driveway and we got out. I gave him the money and he drove off. We walked inside and my phone rang but it said it on my TV. I hit the select button and said" Hey daddy!" Dad said" Hey cupcake! What's my baby girl doing?" I said" Hanging out with a friend." Dad said" Is it a boy?" I said" You know it." Dad said" Even when you was a kid you attracted boys." I said" What?" He said" You lost your first kiss when you was three. Chase White." I said" I lost my first kiss to him?! Now I want to cut my lips off." Dad said" Your not doing that. Anyway, what's going on with Josh. I haven't heard from you both in awhile." I sighed and said" Josh has been working and I've been busy with work as well. I had to take care of a kid, help my boyfriend, work, and do everything. I was mad. He asked for food two days ago and I told him that he knew where the phone was and the number for Pizza Hut." Dad laughed and said" I've missed you honey. Eli wants to talk to you." I said" Okay." A few minutes later I heard Eli's voice. He said" Hey." I said" Hey bad boy!" He said" Hey baby girl. What are you doing?" I said" After this call I'm going to watch anime." Eli said" Colt, Dillion, Austin, William, and I are planning the big score and we want our hacker." I said" Guys... I gave that up. I came to Ireland to start a new life." There was a knock on the door and Jack went to answer it. Eli said" Okay. We miss you a lot though and William said he misses your lips on his." I said" They've never been on his unless, he kissed me at the sleepover a year ago!" Eli said" Want us to hurt him? I'm with Colt, Austin, and Dillion." I said" Sure. I'll think about helping you with the score though. It's not a guarantee I will but I'll think about it." Jack walked back with a guy and Killy. Eli said" Tommy wants to join us." I said" Let him. Trust me though, I'll think about it. I can rewrite the cops GPS and radios to where you guys will escape." Eli said" Does that mean?" I said" I'm on board. I need danger in my life again. It's too boring." Eli said" I remember when we was so close to falling off a giant cliff and you tied your bungee to a tree and jumped off the cliff." I said" Look at what we seen though. We seen a beautiful field with all sorts of different colors. Trees outlining the field and there was a lake in the middle. I will not do that again though. Austin almost broke his neck! Don't ever bungee jump without a cord attached to something." Eli said" I remember that. He jumped first and then you grabbed his bungee and then you went down and I caught yours. Looks at the bright side! We're alive!" I said" A broken arm and a broken leg and I'm still alive. I feel really bad for the paramedics that have to come and get you idiots after you get hurt. Guys, promise me you'll be careful. I don't want to get a call from a hospital or your families and them tell me your either died or hurt yourself again. Last time, I wanted to kick all of your asses." Eli said" We know and we understand but we also might be shot at by cops this time..." I said" When does this whole thing take place?" He said" Next month." I could practically hear the smile in his voice. I said" Are you smiling?" He said" I'm talkin to my baby girl that is also sexy and like my sister. Of course I'm smiling." I felt my face heat up. I said" Eli. Call me on the house phone and not the TV or cell phone." He said" I'll video call you later through TV." I said" Okay. Bye! BYE DAD!" Dad yelled" BYE CUPCAKE!" I stopped the call and sighed. Killy said" I'm confused?" I said" I guess I'm gonna be the girl I was growing up. The badass girl that never got in trouble but had did stuff against the law. I planted marijuana in the field behind my house before and sold it. Gladly the cops never found out. I stole when I was five! I took something but I didn't know any better. It legit said take one get the other free and me being the girl I am took it instead." Killy said" Please to god tell me they are not planning the big one." I said" Yeah. I'm on board because I'm considered their hacker for big jobs. I can hack into anything pretty much. I broke an arm and leg helping them already, I can't believe I'm doing this again..." Killy said" What about William?" I said" I found out he kissed me last year when I was sleeping and cuddled up next to Eli and Dillion." Killy said" What a douchebag!" I laughed and said" It's fine but I just hope they are okay. By the way I think you forgot to introduce me the the idiots that are in my house now." Killy said" Jack and Mark. You should've realized them because you was always talking about them." I said" Actually that wasn't me. I was with them and doing missions. Remember 8th grade when the principal walked out of the janitors closet?" Killy said" He was all different colors, bad hair, bad clothes, and his ass was yellow!" I said" The guys and I went above the school and pranked him. I changed the name tags and then I got them it of trouble along with myself." Tommy Fishbach might be joining... Wait, Mark's brother might be with us! I said" Tommy asked to Jain the group of bad boys and girls. I really should get my motorcycle." Killy said" Let's go!" We all stood up and got in the car. Mark up front this time. Jack said" I didn't quiet expect you to be a bad girl." I said" I am. They always did know how to get me to help them. Even if it was stealing whatever the teacher took from them. One of my teachers took my MP3 player when I was a kid. I got it back that exact day. Thanks to the guys..." I smiled at the memory of them trying to open the door even when it wasn't locked. Killy said" Who got the door open first?" I said" The door was unlocked but they didn't think so, I went in the room after turning the handle." Killy said" Maybe this is why they need you. Your so smart." I said" Wrong. I'm an idiot. Killy, you know me." Killy said" Stop thinking so lowly of yourself." I said" It's like telling Trickster not to kill himself. He doesn't when I say that but others, yeah, he might." Jack said" Even though we legit just met (Y/N). Will you be my girlfriend?" I said" Yes." He kissed me.

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