I'll always be here Tyler x reader

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Your POV

I sighed and walked out of Matt's house. I just broke up with my boyfriend but he and I fought. I was dating J-Fred. I let the tears fall. He acted like he didn't care. I still love him but I guess I need to let him go. I don't care anymore. I continued walking. This car pulled up. I recognized it as J-Fred's car. He rolled down the window and said" Did I do something wrong?" I kept walking. He said" Get in. We are talking about this." I stopped. I didn't look at him. I said" There is nothing to talk about. Obviously you don't love me anymore." He said" I love you with my whole heart still. Please?" I shook my head and started walking. I felt arms grab me. I turned and seen J-Fred. He left his car at a parking spot. He said" Let's talk. Like old times. I wanna know why we broke up." I pulled my arm away and started walking. He followed. I ran and he ran also. Why won't he stop?! I ran into a house. I knew the person that lived here. My childhood best friend Mark. I locked the door. Mark walked out of the kitchen and jumped. I said" Keep him away from me!" Mark opened the door after he unlocked it. He said" What happened J-Fred? What's going on?" Joey said" Hey Mark. Can I see (Y/N)?" Mark said" What's going on between you two?" He let J-Fred in. I said" What do you want Joey?" He said" To talk. What's going on? Are you cheating on me or something?" Mark said" (Y/N)?" I said" No. It's different... I talked to this girl and she said she was dating you. I tried the fake break up mechanism and you didn't seem phased. The importan question here is actually Why didn't you tell me you was cheating?" He sighed and said" I'm not. I swear. Baby, you know I love you. I care." I said" You sure didn't show it." He said" Yes, I talk to other girls and flirt and have a date with one later but I love you more." I said" That's called cheating. I'm your girlfriend." He said" I've tried. I've tried to keep you in my life. I wanted you close and I did but I'm sure I'm gonna lose you." I said" You thought correct. You and I broke up because of cheating, no love, and you was a dick." J-Fred said" Shit. I'm sorry about that." I said" Hitting me is one thing but making me feel like a low life isn't." Mark said" He hit you?" Joey said" It was an accident! I swear!" Mark said" Get out!" He raised his voice. Joey said" If only you new how much I loved you. Now I guess it's over." He walked out. Mark said" Why did you allow him to hit you?" I said" I didn't. He was mad and it got all out of hand." This guy walked downstairs. He said" Hey Mark. What's going on?" Mark said" (Y/N). I want you to meet my best friend/roommate. Tyler. Tyler this is my childhood best friend (Y/N). (Y/L/N)." Tyler said" What's wrong?" Mark said" Her and her boyfriend broke up, I just found out he hit her, and he cheated on her. He also acted like he didn't care about her anymore also." I said" My point proven." Mark said" I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I got you and him together." I said" Mark. Don't worry about it. Collin wants me to come see him in Texas. I told him no." Mark said" You still talk to Collin?" I said" Even though he is my ex, he is also my best friend." Mark said" What was the reason J-Fred hit you?" Tyler said" You must have been the girl everybody at the offices talks about." Mark said" This is her. (Y/N). Explain right now why he hit you." I said" I have no idea." Mark said" What's going on? Your not acting right today." I said" Joey called me his girlfriend and well... He asked me to marry him. I'm glad I said no but then while I was going home from the movie theatre. Somebody tried to rape me." Mark said" No wonder! Your beautiful! If I was like them, i'd sure bang you." I said" Too bad. He didn't get far. I kicked his ass." Mark said" What did I tell you when we was kids?" I said" Boys bring babies!" Mark said" Good. Remember that." I said" Shut up! I am not interested sex or anything." Mark said" You never was. Why did you talk to older guys when we was younger?" I said" They seemed nice and I like having people as friends like us. Adults." Mark said" They was perverts." I said" They flirted and sent me dick pics. I blocked them and quickly hit my head off of a wall." Mark said" Anyway. What are you gonna do now that your single?" I said" The usual. On the weekends I'll be free now." Mark said" Good. Down to business." I said" What's business is that?" This girl walked in and seen us. She said" What's going on Mark?" Mark looked at me and Tyler with a help me look. Tyler said" Hey Amy. This is my new girlfriend (Y/N). I was letting her meet Mark." Amy said" Okay." She smiled and waved at me. I said" It's nice to meet you. Tyler tells me a lot about you." She said" Tyler. Has never mentioned you before." I said" I tell him and everybody I know not to talk about me to other people." She said" Explains it. Your very pretty and Tyler is lucky to have you." I said" Same to you and Mark." I smiled at her. She smiled back. Mark said" What are you doing here Amy?" She said" J-Fred." J-Fred walked in again. Mark was trying not to get mad. Tyler was glaring at him. J-Fred said" We need to talk." I sighed and said" I'll be back." Amy said" First. You kiss him so I know you aren't dating Mark." I looked at Tyler with an apologetic look. I kissed him. He kissed back. He put his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck. After two minutes we pulled away. I said" Our first kiss." Amy said" Glad I could make it happen? Yes." I said" Now." J-Fred said" Follow me. Mark. We will be in the kitchen." He nodded. Tyler looked a little sad.

Tyler's POV

  My arms felt cold and my lips felt empty. I felt empty. She is the one I want to be with. I sighed and said" I love her." Amy said" She is your girlfriend. Your supposed too." I said" Her ex used to hit her. That's him in there." She said" Go to her." I went into the kitchen and acted like I was getting a water. I heard him say" I love you. Please take me back!" She said" I can't." I heard a hit. I turned around and seen her holding the side of her face. He had his fist ready to hit her again. I pulled her closer to me and said" Do not hit my girlfriend." We walked back to the living room. When we got in there, I said" Are you okay?" She hugged me and said" I should be. I love you." I said" I love you too." I kissed her. She kissed back. I pulled away and smiled at her. She smiled back. I moved her hand and seen a red place. It's gonna bruise. I said" That's gonna bruise. Can I kick his ass now?" She nodded and said" Go ahead." I walked up to him and punched him. He tried to dodge but failed. I hit him right across the face. I'm usually not a fighter I'm a lover but I'll fight for what I love. He said" What was that for?" I said" My girlfriend. Should not be hit by nobody." A few minutes later we stopped fighting. I won. I went back to the living room and said" He has paid the price for hitting such a fair girl of Tyler's." She said" Mark, Amy, and I came up with a new name for you." I said" What's that beautiful?" She said" Titty Tyler." I said" Wow." They laughed. Amy looked at the time and sighed. She said" I've got to go. See ya sis!" (Y/N) said" See ya!" I said" Sis?" (Y/N) said" Sisters. Taken away from each other as children. She was taken from me." Her phone rang. She looked and said" Hey Daniel Anrada. I'm fine. Trust me. How did you hear about what J-Fred did? My phone was off. I get it. Your mad at him. It's okay. Don't worry. I know. Love you too bye." She ended the call. She sighed and turned to us. Mark said" Why is he mad?" She said" He found about that Joey hit me twice and he is probably gonna kill Joey or something. Unless I'm okay then he will stop. I'm actually trying to save Joey from Daniel. Scary bro. I hate when Daniel is upset or pissed. He could kill anybody that hurts me or anybody he loves. Remember when I got hacked by Bryson?" Mark said" Yeah." I said" Nope." She said" He threatens to beat the hell out of Bryson for saying he was gonna screw me and all this other shit. Daniel was mad. That evening I got on my stuff because I changed the passwords and stuff.. He told me about it and I told him he was joking. He calmed down." Mark said" Who is Daniel?" There was a knock on the door. She opened it and said" This is Daniel when he is pissed." The guy said" Where is he?" She pointed to the kitchen. He went in there and beat the shit out of him. She said" Don't kill him!" He said" Oh. Okay!" He walked back in a minute later. She said" So. What's been going on Daniel?" He said" Well, I heard you have a new boyfriend. Name and I want to meet him." She said" That was a joke." I said" I would actually love to have you as my girlfriend. Would you like to be my girlfriend?" She said" Of course Tyler." Daniel glared at me and said" You hurt her or anything. You will die. You will die slowly and painfully. Do not hurt or touch her wrong. Understood?" I nodded and kissed (Y/N). She kissed back. I pulled away and said" I'll always be here." I kissed her again.

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