I don't share Delirious x reader

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Delirious's POV

  I sighed. My sister was coming over with her best friend. I heard a knock on my door. There stood my sister with a random girl. My sister said" Hey Del! This is my best friend (Y/N)!" (Y/N) jumped and covered her ears. My sister said" Sorry. I forgot you have super good hearing. What are you doing?" (Y/N) whispered something in her ear. My sister said" Oh. Oh! I'm gonna hurt him. Want me to call you know who." She said" Oh god no. He will kill me and Andrew both." My sister said" Not literally though right? Anyway, Del this is (Y/N). (Y/N) this is my big brother Delirious. His real name is Tyler." (Y/N) said" H20Delirious. I play GTA V with you sometimes." I said" That's you?!" She nodded. My sister said" Del. Where is the guys?" I said" Upstairs asleep." (Y/N) and my sister smirked. I knew what they was gonna do. I grabbed three buckets and filled them with water. We carried them upstairs and poured half on Evan, Wildcat, and Nogla and then the others. After everyone was awake, Evan said" Why do you have to wake us up (Y/N)?" She said" I wasn't alone. Besides. Your my damn brother." He said" Oh yeah. Forgot." She said" You'd forget your dick if it wasn't attached to you." He said" How many books have you read here recently?" She said" All manga's. I read seven." Evan said" Which one you on now?" She said" Attack on Titan. Next is death note. After that it's Black butler." Evan said" Sebastion or L?" She said" Who wouldn't want a sexy demon butler?! Seriously! That would be the life. Lucky fricken Ceil." Evan said" What about L , Matt, and light?" She said" L loves his sweets, Matt is addicted to smoking and video games, and light acts like a child but studies how the toys move." He said" Admit it. You would go to the anime world than stay here." She said" Hell yeah! Going to the anime world! I would most likely never come back." Her phone rang. Evan said" Who is that?" She gave him her phone and he said" Who is Jack?" He answered and put it on speaker. She said" Hey Jack!" Jack said" Hey beautiful! What are you doing? I walked into our house and you wasn't here." She said" I'm with Evan." Jack said" Ah. Cheating on me." She said" He is my brother." Jack said" Sure. Fuck you. I'm sorry." He hung up. She sighed and said" Yeah. Fuck you too." David said" Wasn't that Jacksepticeye?" Evan said" You was dating Jacksepticeye?!" She nodded and said" Probably not anymore though." My sister said" You'll find somebody better than him." (Y/N) smirked and said" He was loveable, kind, sweet, and funny. He is never mean to people. I should probably go talk to him. I'll be back later to pick you up." She stood up and walked outside. Kuliana is my sister. I call her Lina. Lina said" So. What do you think of her?" Evan said" She is my sister and I love her to death. I have her phone still." After half an hour passed, I heard the front door open. (Y/N) walked in. Lina said" What's going on?" She said" I'm so done with him. He doesn't understand that Evan is my brother! If he breaks up with me because of a little thing like this, I'll know one thing." I said" What's that?" She said" I'll know he is overprotective and overprotective people don't want their girlfriends or boyfriends hanging out with anybody but their own genders. Sometimes not even that." Lina said" I'm sorry." She said" It's not your fault Lin. Don't worry about it." She said" Yes it is. If only I told him you was gonna be with me at my brother and your brother's house, maybe he would have acted differently." (Y/N) said" Remember. I still don't care about my life. I care about yours. Stop feeling sad because he and I might break up. I don't care. I won't cry." Lina said" Why do you not cry anymore? I see you want to but you won't. Why won't you?" She said" What's the point? Tears are pointless and a sign of weakness. I'd rather not cry because I don't want to be weak." Evan said" This isn't my sister. My sister was happy and hateful. What happened?" Lina said" I agree with Evan. This all didn't start happening until you.... I KNOW!" (Y/N) said" Pretty much. It was when I started to date Jack. I started loosing at times and I pretty much gave up on a lot of things." Evan said" Eating one of them?" She said" I eat a few times a week." Evan said" This is not healthy sis. Come on. We're going out to eat. All of us." (Y/N) said" I won't win if I argue will I?" Evan said" Nope." She sighed and said" Okay. When?" Evan said" When did you last eat?" She said" I haven't ate since Sunday." Evan said" We're going out to eat today. Right now. Let's go." We all stood up. We walked to the door. We went to our cars. Evan said" Wait." Before we got in, I said" Something wrong?" He said" Can my sister ride with you?" I said" Yeah. Why though?" He said" I'll meet you all there. I've got somebody to pick up first." I said" Oh. (Y/N), wanna sit up front?" She said" I'm not 10 anymore." She sat in front. Lina said" Bro. Who is he picking up?" I walked closer and whispered" His girlfriend. Her name is Sydney." She said" Sister meets girlfriend. Weird." We got in and I started my car. We drove to toco bell. We parked and I said" Let's wait for Evan. Any songs?" (Y/N) said" Well, I have an AUX cord. I have my music. Could I plug it in?" I said" Of course!" She plugged it in and she turned on my favorite song. She said" My favorite song. I make my own playlists." Lina said" Play disease! Here plug my phone up." (Y/N) moved her phone and plugged up Lina's and played Disease. (Y/N) said" Why do you like this song?" Lina said" Well, you did sing it. You wrote it and sang it. It's amazing!" After an hour of listening to music, Evan pulled in. He got out and we did also. Sydney did as well. Lina said" You must be Sidney!" Sidney said" Yep. I'm sorry but who are you both?" Lina said" I'm Kuliana but I'm known as Lina or Lin. This is my best friend (Y/N) Fong! She is the best!" Sydney said" You must be Evan's sister." (Y/N) nodded and her phone rang. She answered and said" Hey Jack. Go ahead. HE IS MY BROTHER! GET IT THROUGH YOUR IRISH SKULL! I don't care anymore. I'll get my stuff and I'm moving back to my place. You'd better not show up wanting me to forgive you because I won't. If you needed a place to stay you could stay but I'll get a hotel before I am in the same house as you again." She ended the call. Lina said" Well?! What's going on with you and Jack?!" (Y/N) said" We just broke up." Lina said" I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have made you come with me!" (Y/N) said" It's okay! Don't worry. It's not your fault. Besides, I'm glad I payed my house off while I lived with Jack." Lina said" That's smart!" (Y/N) said" Yup. I'm not they type to sell their house because they think they will be together forever. Nothing can last forever. I say marriage is sometimes like a kiss. It doesn't last but is sweet. Unless you get abused. Than it's more of a rough and difficult kiss." Lina said" How do you inspire people?!" (Y/N) said" I threw a book at Jack when he asked that. I won't hit you with a book. I'll just tell you that I read books growing up and since I'm going to college next year to be a journalist, I mostly think about it then write what I think about it." Lina said" Your amazing."

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