Thank you Mark x reader

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Your POV

I was at Matt's house. I was drinking my daily monster. Matt walked in and said" Come on." I stood up and walked with him outside with my monster. Matt said" Okay. Anyway, let's play some games!" I threw a rock at him that I found in the yard and it hit him. I said" Did I win yet?" J-Fred laughed and said" Not yet. You had to hit the target." I said" What target?" Bryan took the monster and sat it on the table. Mark and Tyler walked up. Mark was crying. I said" What's wrong Markimoo?" He said" My girlfriend broke up with me for somebody else." I said" She is a thing of the past. She isn't and never was worth crying for." He said" True but I loved her." Bryan said" We all have somebody we loved and lost them. Look at (Y/N), she lost her youngest brother to a drunk driver." I said" Yeah, thanks for making me remember my brother you dick." He said" Admit it, you love me." I said" As a friend bro." He said" That's what I meant." Matt said" She also had problems sleeping at night." J-Fred said" She sometimes cries herself to sleep." I glared at them and said" You guys don't help that much do you?" He said" We can help. Your just an example right now. I said" Whatever." I picked up the fake gun and shot the target. Bullseye. J-Fred said" She could kill very easily but she chooses not to." I said" If you don't shut up I'll kick your ass." Matt said" Calm down sis." I said" Bruh! Ima unicorn!" Bryan said" Is she high?" Mark laughed. I said" No! I'm not high! I just have majestic unicorn powers!" He said" Sure you do." I said" I must get my horn!" I ran up to my room and out on the cardboard horn with silver going around it. The rest of it is white. I put it on and ran downstairs and said" See! Imma unicorn!" Mark said" Batman and Unicorm!" He had on his batman costume for no reason and his mask. I walked closer and said" hornman!" Matt said" Did you just say horney man?" I laughed and said" No. Horn man." Matt said" Okay." Tyler said" Well. This got awkward real fast." I said" Admit It! You love me!" He hugged me and said" I love you as a friend!" I said" Holy shit I see a wild bitch!" I found a random pokeball and threw it at J-Fred and Bryan. Bryan fell down and said" I'm hit! Tell all my friends I love them!" He acted dead. I said" You don't have friends." He shot up and accidentally kissed me. I was leaned over looked at his face. I scooted away from him and said" WHAT THE HELL BRYAN?!" He said" SHIT! I just accidentally kissed Matt's sister! Yuck!" We stood up and raced to the bathroom. I made it there first and brushed my teeth and washed my face.  After I went back downstairs and Matt said" Why is your face wet?" I said" Got rid of the Bryan cooties." He said" Okay." Brain walked downstairs and said" Your not a bad kisser (Y/N). Best person that I ever kissed." I said" Matt. He is scarin me now." Matt said" Bryan. You ain't kissing my sister no more." Bryan said" I didn't even mean too! It was an accident!" I said" I forgive you Bry. We're just picking on you." He said" Sorry about kissing you." I said" As long as it was an accident." He nodded and said" Okay." Mark said" Why is it that you guys know how to make me laugh and feel better?" I said" I'm a dumbass and I like having people happy." Matt said" That's a first." I said" Shut up and go back to your whole!" He said" My point is, your not a dumbass and you love people smiling and happy." I said" Oh. You no go to corner." He said" Why are you an idiot sometimes?" I said" Why are you gay at times?" He said" I'm not!" I said" I'm always an idiot." Mark said" Well. Thank you (Y/N)." I said" No prob. Anyway, what is the challenge today." Matt said" Date and break. A game I read about in your journal." I said" That was a dumb idea from when I was younger." He said" Too bad. Your the bachelorette." I said" Nah. I'm good. Gotta flee." I grabbed my monster and went inside. Mark sat beside me and said" You okay?" I said" My ideas were dumb when I was little and that was one of them." Mark said" How do I not believe that. Your ideas aren't dumb or anything. I believe that you can do it." I said" My brother needs to stop. I'm okay being single." He said" Oh. Is that so?" I said" What are you getting at here?" He said" What if I asked you out?" I said" Meh. Dunno." He said" I need your help asking a girl out I like even though my girlfriend and I broke up today." I said" Okay. Tell me." I know this trick. He said" Well, I think your beautiful and the best girl I have ever met. If it wasn't for you I would consider never going on a date with another girl. I want you to be my girlfriend and I love how your always there. I love how your so sweet and caring. I love how you make me laugh with the most stupidest things. I love how you act like a child and take stuff serious at times. Will you be my girlfriend?" I said" That made my heart melt. I bet it would her too." He said" No seriously. What do you say?" I said I say yes." He said" Thank you." I said" For what?" He said" For bein my girlfriend and my best girl friend." I said" Thank you." He said" Why me?" I said" Thank you for being who you are and being my Markimoo." He kissed me. I kissed back. After a few minutes he pulled away and said" Thank you for making yourself mine." I said" Thank you for asking."

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