The moon Jack x reader

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Your POV

  I sat outside on my porch looking at the moon. I said" I wonder who else is looking at you." I felt the wind blow but I heard a whisper. I thought I was loosing my mind. I sighed and looked back up at the moon. I said" I'll see ya tomorrow night. Don't disappear on me for almost two months again." I stood up and walked inside. I sat on the couch and turned on my laptop on the table. Another night of alone on omegle.

  Jack's POV

  I looked outside at the moon and said" Could you possibly help me find the girl of my dreams? I've been heartbroken so many times. Please, help me find her." I felt the wind blow but I felt like it was whispering to me. I sighed and went inside, I looked out the window of my room. I seen the lights if the neighbor's house on. Nobody lies there though. I seen a car pull up and a guy get out. He walked up and knocked in the door.

  Your POV

  I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and seen Alexander there. I call him Alex and he is okay with it. I said" Hey Alex." He said" Hey beautiful." I love hearing his loud but manly voice. I aid" What are you doing here?" He said" Surprise baby." I said" Better be happy I love you." Alexander is my boyfriend. He smiled at me and said" Baby." I said" We need to break up." I don't know what started to come over me. He said" What?! Why?" I said" I love somebody else. I'm sorry." He sighed and sad" Okay. Bye. I'm gonna miss you." I grabbed his hand and said" Let's stay friends though." He said" Okay." I smiled and hugged him. He hugged back. We let out of the hug. I looked over and seen a guy walking over. He said" Hi. I'm Jack." I said" Hi. I'm (Y/N). This is my friend..." Alexander cut me off. He said" Alexander." I said" Bro! What the heck?" He said" Sorry. I didn't mean to cut you off." I smiled at him and he pushed me a bit. He said" You know I'll always care about you." I said" Yeah. I know." He said" Your best friend loves you still." I said" Tell Ash to get over it. I'm not ever gonna be his." Jack said" Do you live here?" I said" My family lived here for three years and then they left. I'm the only one that stayed." Alexander said" Felix is coming tomorrow." I said" My brother!" I'm (Y/N) Kiljberg. Alexander said" He misses you so much." I said" I miss him too. I haven't seen him for three years. I wonder why all of a sudden he wants to see me." Alexander said" Your his sister, he loves you, he misses you, he was busy though. He couldn't see you because he had to stay in Sweden for awhile." I said" Yeah. I bet he lied. He will probably use me." Alexander looked at me and grabbed me by the arms. He said" He is your brother. He has never used you. I haven't used you and I'm your ex-boyfriend. We just broke up." I said" Even though I'm usually surrounded by people I still feel alone." Alex said" Stop. I almost lost you from depression. I will not lose you anymore. I'll save you and take you home with me. If you ever needed me, I would have come to you." I said" How long would you have stayed?" He said" I'd follow you to the ends of the earth." I said" The earth never ends though. How long would you stay." He said" I'd stay by your side forever. Until I died." I said" I may be the sister of a famous guy but nobody knows the true story of him. I bet him friends don't know about me. I don't matter to Felix. We fought badly growing up. He has punched me and ice punched back." Alexander grabbed my hand and said" We need to get your drunk or something. Let's go." We all went to his car. We got in. I looked at Alexander and said" Why did you want me to be your girlfriend? There was so many more." He said" Maybe it was because whatever feeling you felt, I could. I put James in prison. He may be my brother but I was not gonna put up with him hurting you. I couldn't stand it. I put him in jail. He told me he wanted to kill you. He wanted you all to himself. Said you was never gonna be mine. Only his." I said" He is wrong. I'm nobodies. I belong to myself. I may be Swedish but grandma was born and raised in West Virginia. Dad was Swedish. Mom was American." Alexander said" You never talk about your family." I said" I have changed. I'm not the girl I was before. I used to be quieter but not anymore." Alex said" Your not the girl you used to be. Your the women that is better." I said" People aren't worth crying for." He stopped the car and looked at me. He hugged me and said" Stop being sad. Besides, I'll buy you some candy floss." He is British. I smiled and said" Do you know how much I love your accent." He said" No. I just know one other thing. You call it a house and I'm calling it flat. You call it living space or living room and I call it lounge. You call it sidewalk and I'll call it pavement." I said" Your accent is very cool." We was driving again. He looked at me and I said" If you crash. Better hope your dead." He looked back to the road and said" Im paying attention. Hi road! You look very nice today with your yellow strips." I hook my head and said" Your an idiot." My phone buzzed. I sighed and answered. I said" Hey Felix." He said" Hey sis. You okay?" He and I talk like this all the time. I said" I'm fine. I just miss you." He said" I'm coming to see you tomorrow." I said" Okay. I looked at the moon earlier." Felix said" Dod you talk to it?" I said" Yeah. I asked it if anybody else was poking at it. The wind blew and I felt like it was whispering to me." Felix said" Sis. Your weird." I said" You'd better not have a beard or mustache. You don't look like yourself."  He said" Sis. I have to go." I ended the call. Alex said" Do you miss Shane? You was gonna be his wife but he died." I said" Everyday. Then I met you and he left my mind. He hasn't came back since." Even though he is my ex. He was always like a brother to me. He said" What am I?" I said" Your like my brother because we are dumb." He said" We're not dumb. We're mentally challenged." I said" I remember what we learned in 7th grade." He said" Tell me." I said" Pi equals 3.14 and we all thought we was getting pie. Then we learned it was the wrong type of pie." Alex pulled up to one of the bars. He parked and we got out. He said" I remember that. I asked for actual pie and never got it." I laughed and we all walked inside. I watch this dude by the name of Jacksepticeye all the time on YouTube. My phone buzzed and I seen a Twitter notification. It was Jacksepticeye's. I opened it and seen a picture of him at a bar. I liked it the background and seen Alex. I closed my phone. I said" Alwxander." He grabbed my hand and said" What?! What's wrong?!" I said" I don't know." I felt my temp studs rising. He put his hand on my head and said" Come on." He led me to a booth. He sat me down. I sat there. I don't know what's going on. What am I missing? This usually happens when I'm missing something. Alex walked back up and gave me my Shirley temple with cotton candy. He put the cotton candy in it and said" Here." I put my hand up and it was shaking. He grabbed my hand and I pulled it back. Tears were coming out of my eyes now. I don't know what's happening. Jack walked up and said" It's okay. Calm down." Alex said" What's wrong?" Jack said" She is having a panic attack. I've seen this before." He calmed me down. Jack said" wha was wrong?" I said" I.... I... I don't know. I felt weak and I felt like I was gonna pass out. I was scared about something by I don't know what." Alex said" What did you say earlier? What did you say to your brother?" I said" I told him I talked to the moon and I felt like it talked to me in a breeze." Alex said" What do you think it said?" I said" I heard a name. Sean. I don't know why but I feel like I've heard it somewhere." Jack said" I talked to the min also. It did the same to me. I felt the wind whisper to me too. It said (Y/N)." I grabbed my Shirley temple and took a drink of it. I looked at him and said" I think you might know my brother. Felix Kiljberg." Jack said" My name is Sean McLaughlin and I do know your brother." I said" your the guy the wind whispered to me." He said" Your the name of the girl the wind gave me too." I said" What did you ask the moon?" He said" I asked the moon to help me find my one true love." I said" Oh." He said" Wanna see if what the moon told me was true?" I said" Sure." He said" Will you be my girlfriend?" I said" Yes. I will." He grabbed me right hand. I lifted my sleeve. My tattoo was complete. I don't know where this came from. Alex said" Your tattoo. It's finally come in. You should be happy." I said" I am. Just why... I should feel weird. You did." Alex said" I'm not your true love is because." I said" Alex! I couldn't control my thoughts anymore when we broke up! The moon has a power over me nothing can control. It's helped me with comebacks before. This girl and I got into a fight and it gained every bodies attention. The what was once quiet girl wasn't so quiet anymore." Alex said" I remember that! She moved away!" I said" That's what happened to her? I thought she went to get plastic surgery. She didn't come back though." Alex said" Burn." I said" Yeah. I guess." This girl walked up and said" Hi. I'm jaleyanna." I said" What?" She said" I'm jaleyanna. Would you like me to give you a lap dance?" I said" Back the hell away. I remember you!" She opened her eyes and said" (Y/N)." I said" How was plastic surgery?" She said" Sorry. I didn't get plastic surgery. I moved." I said" Did you move out of your ass and into whoreville?"she said No. I live in a neighborhood." I said" Is it the pound? That's not a neighborhood." Alex said" I bought a dog that looked just like you. Except much cuter." She said" Sorry. I'm not a mutt." I said" Your correct. Your a bitchy whore. Your a female dog whore that likes to fuck other people's man." She said" I'll do him too." Jack said" I will not do you because I am faithful to this beautiful girl beside me. She is the one I love. She is my one true love." I smiled at Jack. She said" Okay. Bye." She walked off and Alex said" She told you to shut up." I yelled" STOP BEING A WHORE AND MAYBE YOU'LL ACTUALLY STOP GETTING BROKEN HEARTED! ACTUALLY, NEVER MIND!  YOUR A BITCH!" She looked at me and I flipped her off. She scoffed and walked off. I said" Awww. The bitch is mad." Alex said" Your amazing." I said" Thanks." Jack said" Your beautiful, amazing, adorable, and mine." I said" I love you too Jack. Anyway, Alex. She was never born. Her owner found her from the pound and adopted her." Alex said" Burn!" The manager walked up and said" Who started the argument?" I said" She did. She wanted to make my boyfriend's junk. I'm not gonna allow her to fuck my boyfriend." Jaleyanna walked up and the manager said" Your fired. Get out." She sighed and walked out. He looked at me and said" As for you... Your pretty hot." Jack said" Stop. Do not flirt with my girlfriend. She is mine, not yours." He said" She could do so much better than you." He looked down and I said" Actually I can't. He is my neighbor and my one true love. He is as sweet at my Shirley temple and as sexy as a hot summer day in West Virginia. It usually gets pretty hot there. I went for a walk there, when my grandma was alive and holy shit. I changed into a skirt and a bathing suit top." Alex said" I don't remember that." Jack said" That was you?! Holy shit." I said" Walking the dirt road with my grandma. Yes. I didn't want to leave my grandma but West Virginia is my third home. I have here and Sweden." Jack said" I love you." I said" I love you too." He smiled and said" All thanks to the..." I said" The moon." He smiled and wrapped me in his arms. We kissed.

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