Just be yourself Mark x reader

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Your POV

  I said" Mark. I can't do this. I can't." I was about to go talk to his friend. He wanted me too. He said" You can do it. I believe in you. I'll come with you. Just be yourself though." I looked at him and said" I don't think he will like me. I'm scared." Mark grabbed my hand and kissed me. I kissed back and he pulled away. He said" I believe in you. Trust me. I'll be with you every step of the way." I smiled and said" Why did you kiss me?" He said" I like you. Actually, I love you." We walked closer to his friend. I said" I love you too Mark." He said" Will you be my girlfriend?" I said" Sure. I guess I'm gonna date me an idiot." His friend smiled and said" Hey Mark. Who's this?" Mark said" My girlfriend. Her name is (Y/N)." I said" Hi." Mark smiled and I smiled back at him. The guy said" I'm Tyler by the way." I said" It's a pleasure to meet you Tyler." Mark said" Now. Tyler, where did your girlfriend go?" Tyler said" I guess I forgot to tell you we broke up two weeks ago." My phone rang. I answered and said" Hey." My cousin, Megan said" Hey." I said" What's up?" She said" I'm sad." I said" Why are you sad?" She said" Adam is sick." I said" Did you try to get him to go to the hospital?" She said" He won't go." I said" Let me talk to him." She said" Okay." A few minutes later I heard Adam's voice. He said" Hey." I said" Why don't you want to go to the doctor?" He said" I don't want to." I said" It could be something you could die over. Then you wouldn't be there. I'd advise you to go to the hospital. You don't want her to suffer or get hurt, don't die on her yet. I allowed you to date my cousin and I have allowed you to marry her but I will not let you hurt her even though your dead. Remember this Adam. I know the best way to make people suffer. I'm not the innocent person everybody thinks I am. I will call the ambulance and they will take you to the hospital. If you don't go for me than do it for her. She loves you with all her heart." He said" Okay. I'll go." I said" Good. Now put her back on." Megan said" What'd you say that made him want to go to the hospital?" I said" I have a way with words and I used it to get him to go to the hospital." She said" Thank you." I said" Your welcome." She said" I've got to go. Bye. Love ya." I said" Love you too." I ended the call and Mark said" Something wrong?" I said" Had to make Megan's husband go to the hospital. He is sick. He wouldn't go but I said that and now he wants to do it for me just because I scared him. I have kicked his butt before." Mark said" You usually cuss on the phone." I said" He gets on me for that. He tells me shit I don't care about." Mark said" Okay. Why did she call you?" I said" I don't know. I could always make people do stuff. Kinda like you made me be your girlfriend." Tyler said" Damn Mark. You've got yourself a smartass." I said" Thank you." Mark said" Your not a smartass baby." I said" I know I am a smartass but I didn't know you didn't." He said" I love you so much but your amazing." I said" I know and you are too." Matt walked up and said" Yo. Mark. Are we gonna record?" Mark said" Yeah." He grabbed my hand and led me but I said" Mark. I'm good." He said" No. Your coming with me." When we arrived, we stopped in front of a door. Mark looked at me and said" Welcome to the offices." I said" Why did you bring me here though?" He said" I love you." I said" I love me too but I don't go anywhere with myself." He smirked and let go of my hand. He pushed me gently and I laughed. He said" I love you but your a dumbass." I said" Thanks. At least I'm not smart." He said" Remember, when your going to see new people babe. Just be yourself because I love you." Matt said" (Y/N)." I said" What's up?!" He said" Let's record." I said" You guys can. I have to do something." They walked away. Mark said" What are you gonna do?" I said" I have to do something. Just go record." He nodded and walked away. I went over to the couch and for our my phone. I called the random number that called me a few days ago. It answered and said" Hello." I said" Hi. Why did you call me?" He said" I wanted to get to know you." I said" Too bad. Not gonna happen." I ended the call and waited for Mark. When he walked downstairs, I smiled at him and he kissed me. He said" What do you wanna do today baby?" I said" Whatever you wanna do." He said" Okay. How about a date?" I said" Okay." He smiled and yelled" MATT! I'M GOING OUT ON A DATE WITH (Y/N)!" He yelled back" OKAY!" Mark grabbed my hand and ran outside. We went to a fancy food place. This random guy walked up and said" How do you do?" Mark said" Baby. I told you what to do." I said" I'm fabulous. How are you?" He smiled and said" I'm great. Thank you." I smiled and said Your welcome." Mark said" Babe. Remember this and I'll always be with you when you need me. Just be yourself."

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