Not fully here Adam x Reader

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Your POV

  I sat in my cell in the insane asylum. The lady walked up and said" Come on. Somebody wants to see you." I nodded and we walked to the place. I sat in the chair and she sat beside me. Pete walked up with Adam. I hugged him and said" Adam!" He said" Hey. Are you okay?" I said" I miss you and the guys. I wanna come home." Adam said" Thank you Amy and Pete." Amy nodded but Pete said" No problem." They walked away. Adam looked at me again and said" I'll try to get you out of here. I promise that." I said" Adam. Thank you." He said" We miss you so much. It's not the same." I said" How is the little girl?" He said" She is fine. She missed you too." I hid my arm. I stole a scalpel from the tray thing. He took notice and said" What happened?" I said" I did this to myself." I took the bandage off and he seen what I wrote. It said four words on it. The words were:

I love you Adam

He seen it and said" I love you too baby girl. Will you be my girlfriend?" I said" Yes... I will..." He smiled and kissed me. He said" AMY AND PETE!" They walked up and Amy said" Shall I cover your arm again?" Adam said" Do that and get her ready. She is coming home with me." I got my arm bandaged and I had a bag packed full of the stuff I had here. They walked me to where Adam stood. Amy said" If she gets crazy again, bring her back." I was never insane to begin with. Adam said" Okay." He opened my door and I got in. He closed it and he went to his door and opened it. I waved at Pete and Amy. Amy grabbed my hand and said" Goodbye dear." I said" Goodbye auntie Amy." She smiled and let go of my hand. Adam drove off and said" Didn't know Amy was your aunt." I said" Not real family." He said" I never thought you was crazy." I said" I'm not crazy!" He said" I know baby girl." His phone rang and he put it to where it came through the speakers. He said" Hey." Max said" Hey Adam. We need to do a video with you." He said" Okay. I'll be there soon." Max said" Where did you go?" Adam said" To see (Y/N)." He said" How was she?" Adam said" Ask her yourself." I said" Hey Max." Max said" Hey little cousin. How are you?" I said" Much better. Adam got me out of there. How are you?" He said" Happy that you are out and coming home." I smiled and said" I have to live with Adam." Max said" Okay. Will you still be working with us?" I said" Hell yeah." Adam said" She will be making videos now and no more editing." Max said" Okay. I have to get off here. Ross wants something. Bye." Adam said" Bye." I said" Bye. See ya soon." The call ended. Adam said" I love you." I said" I love you too." We pulled into the parking lot and parked. We got out but I brought a shirt and pants to get into. We walked inside and I went to the bathroom to change. Adam waited by the door. I walked out and Adam smiled. He said" Beautiful." I went to the editing room with him. Everybody was gathered there. Adam said" Guys welcome home (Y/N)" I walked in and Tim said" Hey! Welcome back!" Everybody did this. Adam said" She is also my girlfriend." I looked down and nodded. Max said" Let's get to work Adam." Adam said" Go record a video and explain you are back." I nodded and went to an office. I recorded the video and edited it. I hit upload and walked out. Ross stood there with a smile. He said" What are you doing?" I said" I just recorded my video." Ross said" What are you doing out?" Adam walked up and said" Ross. Stop. Leave her alone." Adam grabbed my hand and I said" Adam." I hugged him and Ross said" Leave." I let go of Adam and left. Adam ran after me. I got into his car. Max was with him now. Screaming and knocking on the door. Ross walked out of the building. Adam looked at Max and said it was Ross. Max ran up to Ross and kicked his ass. He came back and Adam got the keys out of his pocket. He unlocked the doors. Max and Adam tried to hug me at the same time. I stopped both of them. Max said" Are you okay?" I said" He's right. I shouldn't be here." Adam grabbed my hand and said" Listen to me baby, your just as important as the rest of us. You have a purpose in life like everybody else. You aren't always gonna make everybody happy but the least you can do is try. Try your best to forget what happened. You didn't kill anyone and you didn't hurt anyone. Your not insane. A suicidal attempt shouldn't be considered insane because they have a reason and it can be stopped. You matter to all of us. You just scared Ross. That's it. He will be fine. I promise baby. Your just like everybody else on this earth. You matter and your one of a kind. Nobody else could find somebody like you. Your you and that's the way it should stay. No wanna be beautiful." I laughed at that last part. I said" I'm not beautiful." He said" Baby. Your beautiful and my everything. Nobody should be like you. I'd find you in a crowded room and when you was in the asylum, I could only see you in every girl I seen. I only seen you. Your hair, your eyes, your body, and your beautiful smile. That's all I seen. I love you baby girl. Your the only thing I see." I said" Adam. I love you so much." He said" You weren't fully here but now you are." He kissed me and I kissed back.

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