Friends best friend Mark x reader

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Mark's POV

  I walked to the kitchen and sighed. Ryan and Tyler walked in and said" Hey Mark!" I said" Hey guys!" They smiled and I smiled back. Ryan said" Let's go to Starbucks." We stood up and walked to Starbucks. We walked inside and I'm on a diet. When we arrived Matt, J-Fred, and Bryan stood there talking to a girl. Ryan closed to the door and ran up and hugged her. We followed him. Ryan said" What are you doing here?" She said" I've just moved back! I live in an apartment right now but it's beautiful inside." Ryan said" Was this a surprise?" She said" Preston is here also." Ryan said" Preston?" This guy walked up and said" (Y/N). What's going on?" She said" Calm down. Just an old best friend." Preston said" Why are you my best friend?! Your too pretty!" These two boys walked up and the blonde said" Hey fish." She said" Ryan. This is Preston Arsement. These other dumbos are Lachlan and this is Rob. Say hi boys." They said" Hello." She laughed and said" Preston. Go sit down. I'll get your guys' coffee." They walked away and she sighed. Ryan said" Are you happy? You seem a bit sad." She said" I have to live with those idiots and Preston sleeps in my room. It's just a mess with everything in Texas." Ryan said" What's going on in Texas? Are you running from the cops?" She laughed and said" No. Just feels weird. I met Preston's family. They seem nice and amazing but still! It's awkward there! That's not my home! It feels great just to be back in California." Ryan said" I'm so happy your back! You have a boyfriend now? That's what I heard." She laughed and said" That's the best prank we pulled. I'm single though. I always was and I still am." Ryan said" We're older than what we was. You should be happy. You deserve it. After all, your my best friend." She said" You should be happy. I am just glad that I got away from Texas." The girl said" Lava mobs girl!" Ryan said" (Y/N)?" (Y/N) said" Thank you. I'll see you some other time Ryan." She walked away with three coffee's. Ryan said" This isn't right. Something is going on. I want to know what too. My best friend is upset." Ryan ordered his coffee then walked up to her.

  Your POV

  I sat with them and gave them their coffee's. Lachlan said" You okay? You seem upset." I said" I'm fine. It's just that I haven't seen him for a long time." I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and seen Ryan. He pulled up a chair and said" Tell me what is wrong. Right now. Your not acting right." I said" It's nothing." Ryan said" Lava mobs girl? Did you lie to me? Are you dating somebody?" I said" Ryan. Calm down. I'm single. Preston said that. Not me. His girlfriend is gonna show up later." He said" Your living with me. Get your stuff packed. Your living with me." I said" No. It's okay." He said" I'm not giving you a choice. Your living with me because I love you. Your my best friend and I wanna know what's wrong." The two boys that was with him walked up. I said" Ryan..." He said" Come on. We're getting your stuff." He picked me up and I called a taxi. We got in and went to my house. We walked inside and I went to my room. I took my pictures off the walls and grabbed all my stuff. I put it in the back of the taxi. The driver said" Might wanna put it back farther." I'm short. I know what he is doing. I said" Nah. It's good right there." I walked back inside. I opened the closet and grabbed my clothes. I put them in the suitcase. I went to the recording room where there say five computers. One for Paige. I grabbed my computer and everything else that belongs to me in this house. I went downstairs and opened the fridge. Ryan walked in and said" Are you raiding the fridge?" I said" Nope. I am just grabbing my medicine." I grabbed my medicine and seen it was empty. I threw it away and looked in the back and seen Preston made a cake asking Paige to marry him. I sighed and took the cake out. It said' Will you marry me?' Ryan said" What?! Who was your dating?!" I said" I made the cake but Preston and I decorated it. He is doing this to ask his girlfriend to marry him." I put it back and grabbed a water for the random boy with glasses and I. The two boys walked in. Ryan said" That's what I forgot. (Y/N). This is Markiplier or Mark Fishbach and Tyler. Mark and Tyler, this is (Y/N). Mark is the one with glasses." I said" Wanna water bro?" He shook his head but I said" Here. Take a water." I gave him a water. Ryan said" So. You still roasting people?" I said" Left from right. Kinda like you can't get any because your a price of cow manure that came from a cows ass." Mark and Tyler laughed. Ryan said" Yup. Your still good at it." I closed the fridge and said" I'm gonna turn off the internet so it can prank them." I walked to the living room and turned off the switch. The guys and Paige walked into the door. Paige ran to me and hugged me. I hugged back. Preston said" What's wrong with the Internet?" I said" Nothing." Paige let go of me. Ryan, Mark, and Tyler walked up. Mark took a drank of his water. Ryan said" Well than.. Awkward equals this." I said" No. Awkward equals being flirted with by your brother." Ryan said" Damn. I missed you so much." I said" Yeah. I agree. I missed me too." Ryan said" I love you." I said" I love me too! Aren't I stupid?!" Mark said" Do you have YouTube?" Ryan said" She is the best around." Mark said" She isn't the one we obsess over is she?" Ryan said" Universe_Girl? Yes." Mark said" We're fans actually. When we first heard your voice Ryan went crazy, Tyler was blushing and I was speechless. I said" Ryan was always crazy when we was kids. I remember when I bought a cake for no reason and he went to sit down and I put the cake under him and he sat in the cake." Ryan said" I will get you back." I said" Wanna bet?" He said" If I win this battle you have to tell your crush you love them." I said" If I win you have to tell Mark or Tyler you love them." Ryan said" That's low." I said" I can go lower." He said" Go ahead." I said" You have to get in the bed naked with one of the two. Then act like your gonna rape them." He said" How long is thus gonna last?" I said" Two days. Tomorrow and the next." Preston said" Why are you doing this pointless stuff?" I said" I'll be back." I walked upstairs and grabbed my five swegway's and my drone. I walked downstairs Ryan seen them and said" Can we fly the drone?" I said" When we get home." I went to the cab and put the stuff in the back. The drone was in its case so it doesn't break. The driver walked up and said" Get ready. It's gonna go in." I jumped and kicked him in the nuts. I said" Say that to me again and you'll never have kids." I walked back to the house. Ryan said" What did he say?" I told him. He said" Are you gonna be okay?" I said" Yeah. Fine." Preston said" You forgot something." I said" What's that?" He showed me a bunch of pictures I had under to do not touch place. He said" These." I said" Please to god tell me you didn't open." He said" I opened it and took this." He showed me a picture and I said" Give it back!" I grabbed it from him. It was embarrassing. It was when I was little and my family made me wear a dress. He said" You should really be a model." I slapped him and had an evil look in my eyes. I said" Listen here bro. You get in my stuff again and I will seriously show no mercy. You are nothing compared to me and I can ruin you. Remember this. I know every little secret." Preston was scared and fell back and scooted backwards up the stairs. Lachlan said" She is mad!" Rob said" TAKE COVER." I walked over to both of them and grabbed their shirts. I said" You guys are good. You take care." I hugged them. I hugged Paige also and said" Preston wants to marry you." She looked upstairs and said" I'd better go talk to him." I nodded. Ryan said" What have you done to these boys?" I said" I beat the heck out of one of them because they kept embarrassing me in front of everybody!" Lachlan hid behind Rob who was hiding behind the couch. Rob said" We're sorry!" I said" Stand up. I already beat you up. Jerome is next." Rob said" Just let it go!" He sang the song let it go. I said" Robert." He shut up. I smirked and he said" Sorry." Lachlan said" I get it. You hate frozen." I said" Guys. I've gotta go. Call me if you need anything though. Don't hesitate. Your great people." I hugged them and left with Ryan, Mark, and Tyler. Ryan said" We will see them again. I can vouch for it." I said" I know. I have a reason I'm doing this." Ryan said" Would you like to tell me the reason?" I said" Mitch... He is the one I love." My phone rang. Mitch. I accepted and said" Hey." He said" Hey beautiful! What you doing?" I said" Mitch. Are you okay?" He said" I'm fine." I said" Your obviously drunk." He said" No I'm not! Yes I am but I am the truthful drunk. I love you very much and I love you with my whole heart." I ended the call and said" Stop being weird Mitch. Stop... Please...." Ryan said" What's wrong?" I said" Nothing. Don't worry about it." I got into the front seat and Ryan said" So. Anyway, I know that our best friend has a crush on you." I said" I have told him no several times. I'm not gonna tell him again." Ryan said" Okay. Why are you in a bad mood? What happened on the phone. You was never like this when we was always together." I said" Drama and people that are jerks." Ryan said" Who are they? Any boys?" I said" Two. Best all of them up. They stopped. They was giving me drama because I broke up with my ex! Get over it!" I sighed and clenched my fists. Ryan said" What was his name?" I said" Ty. I was not gonna be around all that depressing stuff. What's the point? He isn't worth becoming depressed over." Ryan said" Why did you date him then?" I said" I thought I could at least help him and bring him out of depression but it didn't happen that way." I guess I'm the reason he died. Ryan said" It didn't work and he killed himself didn't he?" I said" Yup. I tried my best but it wasn't enough. I could've tried harder." Ryan said" It's not your fault. You tried. That's the important thing." I said" Anyay, enough about me and the shit that happened. What about you?" Ryan said" Well... I'm a youtuber and I'm living with these idiots." I said" I'm a youtuber also. That's how I managed to get that house." Ryan said" My favorite is Starlit_Moon." I said" Dude. That's your best friend." He said" You are Starlit_Moon?!" I said" Hey constellations. Starlit_Moon here and I'm here to bring joy and happiness to you by being an alien from space." Ryan said" Mark. This is the girl you love watching." Mark said" I love YouTube! It's my life!" I said" Same!" Ryan said" I could have told you that!" I said" Yet I bet you don't remember what next week is." He said" Your birthday." I said" How do you remember everything?!" He said" I write it down." She said" You was always the smarter half is both of us." He said" Yet you always new more about computers." I said" I know how to clean them and everything. I remember how to put them back together also. Thanks to Preston." When the can pulled up we got out but the driver kept staring at my butt. I said" You keep looking at my butt, you will have no more eyes to see it with." He smirked and said" Can't help if it's perfect." I turned around and punched him right across the face. I pulled him out of the car and threw him against the building. I bashed his head twice. I said" Get lost and never do that again." He ran into the cab and drove off immediately. Ryan said" Woah. What did he do?" I said" He kept staring at my butt! I was tired of it so I beat him up." Ryan said" Damn. Good thing you kicked his ass immediately. Did he try anything with you?" I said" He tried to touch my ass when I was putting my shit into the car. I told him I'd break his hand." He did but meh. I broke his hand. We took my stuff inside and out it in the spare room. My computer and everything was in there." Ryan said" My room is too your left. Mark's is right across the hall and Tyler's is on the other side of you." I said" Well I feel protected for no reason." There was a knock on the door. I said" I'll get it!" I ran to the door racing Ryan. I opened it and seen Collin. I said" Collin?! What are you doing here?" He said" Damn. My best friend from preschool returns! The world is gonna need a better police department with us two around." I laughed and said" We will mark all over the walls with crayons!" He said" We
Will paint dildos everywhere!" We laughed and he hugged me. I hugged back. Ryan said" I remember you Collin. You hurt her. I remember specifically that you said that you never had time for her." Collin said" I texted her a year ago and told her I was sorry and we became friends again." I said" I still know what you think of me and him. Still a major no. Best friend!" Collin said" I've got to go. Have fun with the four some." I said" I will. Do f worry." He walked off. I laughed and Ryan said" What?!" I said" We started doing that after he said sorry. He was with some friends that were girls and yeah. It pretty much became a habit." Ryan said" I'll be right back." He walked out the door. Mark and Tyler say on the couch. I ran over and sat between them. Tyler said" Who was it?" I said" Your mom! No I'm joking. Just my best fiend from when I was in preschool." Mark said" I heard something about cops. Are you a fugitive?" I said" If marking on walls when you was in preschool a crime and it's still happening after all this time I'm surprised I'm still being followed by them." Mark said" What all did he say?" I said" He missed me, I missed him, the police is gonna have to get better with us around, made jokes, and he said we will paint stuff on the walls of every neighbor hood and that's what they will be called." Tyler said" What did you come up with?" I said" We would take crayons and Mark all over the walls." Mark said" What did the person come up with?" I said" Don't get mad about this okay. He aid he was gonna be with me and we was gonna paint dildos everywhere." We laughed again. I put my head on Mark's lap and my feet on Tyler. I fell asleep.

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