chapter 3

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"Are you sure there isn't another smith nearby??" [Name] asked for the umpteenth time, and Telma was visibly growing irritated.

"I told you, honey, just wait till Rusl returns."

[Name] scrunched her nose up, before spooning a piping hot serving of pumpkin soup into her mouth. No one knew where Rusl was at the moment, or how long it'd take for him to come back. Yet the nagging curiosity to learn more about this 'Ghirahim' creature was overwhelming.

"In the meantime," Telma placed a basket on the table, "could you deliver this to those sisters up in Lanayru? I know you need some extra rupees." [Name] peered over at the basket's contents. Two baguettes, a wheel of Ordon goat cheese, and some kind of salted meat wrapped in butcher paper. Her mouth watered at the inviting aromas of freshly-baked bread. This was the type of feast she wanted to bring home to Impaz.

"Oh, hey, Shad?" [Name] called, resisting the urge to gobble up that bread and cheese. The male in question glanced up from the history tome he was currently reading, quirking a brow. [Name] stood and walked over to the table the Resistance always met at, before asking:

"You study the Oocca, don't you?"

"I do," he confirmed. She knew he was always ecstatic to answer any questions regarding the topic he favored over all.

"Do you have any idea what a 'skychild' might be? Or, if, like, there are people living in the sky along with the Oocca?"

"Mm..." Shad placed a finger on his lower lip, gently rubbing it as he tried to remember any chapters in his tomes where 'skychild' could have been mentioned. "No... Nothing that I recall... Though maybe I just haven't read far enough. Why do you ask?"

"No reason. Thanks though!" [Name] grabbed her bowl of pumpkin soup and hurriedly slurped up the rest of it, before grabbing the delivery basket and dashing outside.

"Also I'm stealing your horse!"

"Feed her first!"

Then the door shut.

She strolled through Castle Town, memories of the time she had lived here flooding back to her. She stayed with Telma, who was close with [Name]'s mother. However both of her parents were descendants of the Sheikah tribe, and following their deaths [Name] was given the responsibility of watching over the Hidden Village - Old Kakariko - with Impaz. She'd be lying if she said she never got bored in the abandoned town, so oftentimes she'd visit her friends Hena and Iza who lived at Lake Hylia.

She stopped at a street vendor and purchased two apples, before ambling over to the stables. She found Shad's steed, who was beige with a white mane. [Name] offered the mare one of her apples before galloping into Hyrule Field.

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