chapter 45

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"I swear to Hylia, I don't even know why I'm wearing this!"

By now, [Name] was panicking herself. She couldn't tell, not really, but she thought her original clothes had disappeared. Now that she thought about it, the blademaster's suit was rather uncomfortable.

"...I've no words," he admitted. For once, the Great Demon Lord Ghirahim's mind went completely blank. He'd dealt with identity crises, sure, but never.... insecure clothing predicaments..? What?

He was a bit concerned, as much as his ego would allow him to be.

...Which only worsened when [Name] suddenly stood up and hissed. At first he assumed it to be a shoddy attempt at impersonating his tongue flicks, but pushed aside such presumptuous thoughts for now. This was entirely out of the ordinary.

"[Name]?" He questioned. The girl in question glanced up at him. Or so it seemed. He couldn't tell behind her Yiga mask.

"'[Name]'?" She responded, a coquettish purr to her tone. The way she spoke screamed [Mother] but that couldn't be so... Could it? No, definitely not. He kept up a calm composure.

"Who else would you be?" If not for the current situation, he'd have rolled his eyes.

But she grew angry then, for reasons beyond him. "I am not obliged to tell you my name, demon," she snarled.

"Stop ridiculing yourself. I already know your name, [Name]."

"False," she stated, as if this was a guessing game. She then turned to face the two ex-Yiga corpses. "My mission was successful, so I will be on my way."

She lifted both heads, detached from their owner's bodies, gently swaying them by her grip on their hair. Typically Ghirahim would have riveted at the sight of fluids gushing from their open wounds, however his worry empowered everything else now.

"[Name]..." he called, almost a tender murmur, as he strode up to his lover. Regardless of her bulky armor, she still retained her height, and so as such he still towered above her. But size meant nothing in terms of magic skill.

...Not that Ghirahim doubted himself. He never would. It was only somewhat alarming that [Name] seemed to be possessed by some unknown Yiga. Although, even if she was, she could only utilize her own abilities, and he knew for a fact he could always dominate those.

At least, he thought so.

"Why do you insist on calling me by that name? Unless you're a bana..." she trailed off, internally rephrasing the words she wished to speak. She then snapped up with a growl: "I've no business with you!"

Ghirahim wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close to him. His other hand reached up to meddle with her mask, tugging gently on it. Just for clarification, he wished to ensure that this was [Name], and not... [Mother]. Even if the older woman's head clearly hung right before him, he had to confirm it.

However she suddenly whipped out a windcleaver. Her slashes were merciless and precise, aiming for the most vital target areas. Almost immediately he jumped backwardーthough didn't make it in time to evade every attack. She managed to land a pretty nasty gash across his chest.

He recoiled, grunting as his face contorted into a scowl. Although desperate to ignore the searing pain dripping from his breast, he couldn't hide his discomfort, and submitted to wheezing out blood-strewn coughs.

"Unless you wish to die, I'd advise against pursuing me," [Name] shot. He couldn't deny now that she lacked every shred of warmth he had fallen for before. Yet... he was a demon accustomed to even worse behavior. He couldn't understand why this anguished him so.

"[N-Name]," he tried once more. This was so unrealistic of him; he strived to conquer, not surrender. Sometime between now and when he first met [Name], he had unwillingly handed her his own leash. He granted her the ability to manipulate him, suffocate him, destroy him.

This feeling called "love" was miserable.

"I dare you to touch me again," [Name] hissed, the tip of her windcleaver aimed still at his chest. "You don't seem to understand the consequences of vexing a Yiga. I will ruin you."

And at that moment, it felt as though thousands of daggers suddenly pierced through Ghirahim. A threatening realization dawned on him, pinning him down to a meek silence. His emotions were wordless, soaring above incredulity.

This... wasn't his lover at all. '[Name]' was an imposter, a liar, a persona concocted to partake in a Yiga's cruel mind game. It must be eliminated. He shamed himself for falling for such blatant lies. He should've known... Else why was he left behind for four years? So "[Name]" could go and refit her story.

This misconception filled his veins with a venomous fury, and he manifested his own sword, raising it against his opponent's windcleaver. He felt broken, as if both his heart and mind had shattered beneath a banshee's screaming taunts. He wished only for bloodshed nowーa comfort he had recklessly abandoned when he began to yearn for a Sheikah's warmth instead.

He embraced the old craving, his flurry of emotions eventually settling down. For now, he felt eager. A longing for a violent ecstasy; he'd offer this foolish Yiga a final kiss of death as proof of their fabricated intimacy.

"Ruin me," he welcomed, raising both arms as he basked in this attention. He then motioned for [Name] to advance. "If only I don't obliterate you first."


ghirahim didn't wanna believe his lovely was betraying him

so he convinced himself that it wasn't true

but was it really his own thoughts, or is there a mind controller running around?

find out next time

on "Numb - Ghirahim x Reader" by marzironiandcheese at

i'm your host marzi

goodnight everybody



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