chapter 51

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The conversation between Ghirahim and [Name] continued pleasantly, with the Demon Lord quickly improvising things to say, pretending as if [Mother] nor Bulblin existed and their only worry was obtaining two ancient relics.

He played along when she assumed his hug was a gesture of affection. ...Which it was, truly, but the Ghirahim she knew wouldn't be so amorous quite yet.

And so he acted as such, blatantly denying her accusations with such force that it pained him. He hated to raise his voice with her; after witnessing her death twice now, she'd become fragile to his eyes. He felt a constant need to speak kindly with her, in fear that the slightest high frequency could shatter her into pieces.

"Now then, I have a gift," he said, reaching into his cloak to produce the Ancient Sky Book. When her eyes landed on it, they widened, and her hands suddenly flew up to encase around its leather cover. However, he kept a firm grip, still only playing with her.

"I never said it was for you. However, I may be willing to hand it over if you begged."

Her eyebrows furrowed and she immediately let go of the precious relic.


Against his will, while he was begging himself to stop this act and just embrace her once more, he offered a sadistic grin.

And in response, she smiled, eerily pleasant. Ghirahim wasn't sure why she'd smile like that at a time like this, as he was expecting a more aggressive reaction. His answer soon came into play when she lifted a leg and slammed a kick square in his stomach.

"I'll make you beg for mercy," she threatened, as he hurled over. Through uneven breaths, he stood, and teleported behind her.

"My, I never expected you of all people to utilize such power~ I suppose you've always been unpredictable. Not that I mind dueling you. I must know everything that deems you eligible to wield me." He kept his voice authoritative, but once he glanced upward he froze.

Master Bulblin stood just a few feet away from them. With a devilish smirk on his face, the Yiga approached with calm, steady footsteps. Ghirahim's hand flew up to grip [Name]'s shoulder, dampened by her wet hair.

"Though this rat-infested city makes for a poor arena, don't you agree?" He spoke with an even tone, but his mind was tearing itself apart. Bulblin was here. He wouldn't allow [Name] to be taken from him again, not now...

And so he vanished, pulling her along with him.

They arrived in Hyrule Field, where Ghirahim decided to duel with her. He wasn't quite sure what he planned to do... Especially since this might be [Name], but not the one who'd saved him, or even cared for him at all yet.

A battle might bring out some confessions, he supposed.

And so he circled her, saying, "You were rather pitiful when we first met. Why did you keep such laudable talents hidden?"

She only glared in response. "I'm not invincible, moron. It takes time to conjure magic and I can't do anything during an ambush without a weapon."

He smirked, dashing towards her with his narrow demon blade in hand. He knew for a fact she had more tricks up her sleeve, as he'd witnessed them himself.

"You're hiding more," he accused. She dodged every slash and thrust, and the lazy attacks continued. Occasionally he'd jeer at her, trying to strike a nerve, as from experience he could confidently declare that emotion pain stung far worse than any physical damage.

One such taunt prompted her to curiously glance up at him.

"Where'd your blade-body go, anyway?" she asked. Good question. Ghirahim didn't know that himself. Last time he checked, he left it on the floor of [Name]'s bedroom, but that was in the future.


"Returned to my master, of course," he decided. "Which will never truly be you."

"That's not Zant, is it??"

His face soured.

"How dare you even suggest that I might serve a vile Twili," he growled. He kept on tossing aimless pounces, not exactly trying to harm her but also ensuring to maintain a labored pretense. He tried to plot an escape, to leave [Name] back to whatever she would have been doing should the Gate not have spat him out on this day.

Luck seemed to be on Ghirahim's side, for then a wolf suddenly charged toward them. It dashed past [Name], standing guard between the two. It carried the same scent as Link, which wouldn't entirely make sense since one was a skychild... Both were vermin, the demon concluded.

"Run," the wolf hissed. While its voice seemed distorted beneath Twili-esque echoes, it unmistakably belonged to the green-clad Hero. Ghirahim sighed.

"Skychild, I just cannot take you seriously when you gnarl like a wee pup. Hurry now - transform back."

With the snap of his fingers, Ghirahim forcibly reverted the young Hylian to his usual form. His bones cracked back into a human's shape, and his fur shed to reveal his white skin, dirtied beneath grime and bruises.

[Name] was, understandably, confused, and so shared a few words with Link. Balancing out a rather auspicious mix of common sense and persistence, she was offended by the fact that he wished for her to simply flee from the scene.

"Why are you here?" She blurted out, successfully changing the subject in order to pin down Link. Ghirahim piped up for the Hylian, who was somewhat at a loss for an answer.

"He's throwing a tantrum over a mere book," he shrugged. The demon then produced the Ancient Sky Book from his cloak and tossed it over to his lover. She caught it deftly, though almost dropped it in her anxious shock.

Finally, it was hers.







they're freaking releasing teasers for a third game

help i can't even with this

i'm drowning in my own tears

this is true happiness:

nonexistent ikemen.

this is the path i have decided to take


i love it.

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