chapter 42

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i like gore (✧ω✧)

do u?

As nighttime fell upon the Hidden Village, [Name] lied on a futon on the floor of one of the abandoned houses. She lied across from herselfー the two-year-old next to her was blowing snot bubbles, sleeping soundly.

She still couldn't get over the fact that she could actually physically interact with her infant self. This wasn't even a dream. What was weird, though, was that she had no recollection of this ever happening.

Then again, she didn't remember her parents at all either.

"[Name]..? Are you asleep?" [Father]'s voice whispered through the quieted house. The only other sounds were of the crickets and their peaceful lullabies. [Mother] had told him all about the Gate and how [Name] arrived here, though he used her alias while in the presence of the toddler as to avoid confusing her.

So now, [Name] didn't know which of her he was referring to. She felt a hand rest on her shoulder, shaking her slightly. He called out again: "[Name]?"

Not feeling in the mood to talk with anyone right now, she kept her eyes squeezed shut and feigned sleep.

...And she's glad she did, too, for then:

"We're clear," his hushed voice murmured to [Mother]. Two sets of footsteps could be heard shuffling through the house, before the door creaked open and then shut again.

Oho, there was no way in hell [Name] would miss the chance to see what they were up to.

Peering out the door, the Sheikah watched as the two Yigas entered a building not far from their house - but somewhat ramshackle and certainly not a suitable living area. A fine base, though.

[Name] slipped outside, prowling near the building with as much stealth as she could muster. She hid behind a window bolted with wooden planks. She could eavesdrop well, however was at risk of being spotted easily.

"I'm at a loss..." [Mother] muttered, tone cold now. "I thought [Name] would save us, but..."

"How can you tell for certain our death is approaching? She could be lying," [Father] suggested. His lover snorted.

"She's not like us... She wasn't lying about the Gate—I saw it with my own eyes. She wouldn't lie about something as serious as this."

Her voice fell stern again, almost angry. "I thought keeping her around would be of use. But then, in hindsight, keeping her alive was the reason the Gate was destroyed in the first place."

From outside, [Name] shuddered. She had an idea of what her mom was implying and she wasn't exactly thrilled to hear the rest of it.

"Wouldn't it be easier if we just kill her now, when she's weak and helpless?"

The Sheikah clamped a hand over her mouth. Her shoulders began to shake now, stifling the urge to tear up. Precautiously lashing out at a matured [Name] was one thing. Now they wanted to murder an innocent two-year-old child.

To think she'd learned by now not to trust the Yiga clan.

She made a mental list of things she planned to do: run back to their house, kidnap herself, and run away to safety. She wasn't going to allow them to succeed in this demented plan. If she wanted to keep herself alive, she had to escape. These people were psychos.

...At least, [Mother] was.

"You can't do that!" [Father] rejected, his voice quivering a bit. He was horrified at the idea. "I thought we agreed... We've retired as Yiga. I want to keep raising [Name], away from all that."

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