48 || A very cliche ending

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48 || A very cliche ending

There comes a time in your life that you say goodbye to something old in order to say hello to something new.

That time for me, for all of us, was now.

"I think I'm going to cry," Chanel sniffles on our last day of school. "This is the last time we'll walk these halls, have these lockers, see these teachers, eat their food."

"I for one will not miss the food," Trevor pipes up. "But I will miss my precious lockers," he sprawls his arms across them in a hug.

"I know what Ivy will miss the most," Ryan says.

"What?" She crosses her arms.

"Being in charge of everything."

She rolls her eyes and we all laugh.

The bell rings, the first out of six that will be our last.

"I definitely won't miss chemistry," I grumble as we all split up to go to our respective classes.

"I thought it was interesting," Carter says. "Mostly because of how many times you could've blown up the classroom or the school."

"Hey if I did that you'd been thanking me."

"You can't exactly thank someone if you're dead."

As we step inside for the last time a flood of memories wash over me.

"Hey remember when we first met?" I ask as we take a seat.

"You mean when you bumped into me?"

"For the millionth time you bumped into me."

"We'll agree to disagree."

"Last one to the water is a rotten egg!" She takes off and I shake my fist at her.

"Cheater!" I move to follow her but collide into somebody instead. I fly backward down onto the sand.

"Fuck!" The voice curses. "Watch where you're bloody going!" Is it me or does that voice have a strong British accent?

"Excuse me?" I splutter. "You bumped into me!" I raise my sunglasses to glare at the attacker but instead my breath catches.

Sexy. That's the word that pops into my head. Tall, with defined muscles and a v-line that has my mouth hanging open. A mop of brown hair that hangs wet across his forehead. Killer hazel eyes. Light stubble.

It should be illegal to look that good.

"I bumped into you? You're kidding right?" Yep, I wasn't imagining the accent. It's definitely there. And only adds to his overall hotness.

I gape at him like a fish.

"Well maybe if- if..." I struggle for a worthy comeback. I'm usually full of them but my mind comes up blank. He gives me the dirtiest look.

"Asshole," I finally respond standing up and brushing sand off my legs. Before he can say anything I head down to the water.

I smile at the memory. Oh how long ago that seemed.

We don't really do much in class, everyone just talks and uses their phones. My mind drifts off to when I found out Carter was a student here.

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