Pink Princess V.2 (not clickbait🤭)

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Hey guys! I haven't been on this account in ages lol like I log in from time to time to check but I don't post on here anymore. Anywayyyy idk I was just thinking about this story and how much I miss it and the characters but I also wrote it when I was like sixteen and it's kinda cringe to me now, like my writing and the plot...but yet people still like it and read it???


ANYWHOO I had a very dangerous thought...what if I completely re-wrote and re-vamped it?

Since writing this story I feel like I've grown as a writer and while this book will always hold a special place in my heart it's so cringe when I read it back now like the plot holes and everything, oooooffff make it stop.

Idk even if no one reads the re-write I feel like it's something I wanna do for myself and I honestly really do love this story, the concept, and the characters, it just could be executed so much better. And when I say re-write I mean like starting from scratch. Obviously the main plot won't change, the characters will still have the same names and everything, but there will be TONS of new content and the characters will be different. Not like entirely new people, but for example Aubrey will be way more spunky and bubbly (yeah I bet you didn't think that was possible) and Carter... oh ho ho ho... the plans I have for Carter 😈 if you think he's hot here just wait until you see what I have planned 🤤

It'll be like you're reading the story for the first time, you won't know what to expect.

ALSOOOO while I still plan to keep the story PG-13, maybe we can move the rating up to like other words, it'll be a bit more spicy ;)

Anyway lemme know what you guys think! One thing that's really important you should know is that I won't be posting it on this account. Like I said, I'm inactive on this account besides occasionally checking in. I'll be posting the re-written version on my new account _xoxoG_, so if you're not already make sure you're following my new account. I will post an update on here to let you know when the story is published with the playlist and moodboards, and one more announcing the first batch of chapters. I'm really excited to do this and I hope you're just as excited to read it!

All my love, G😘

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