ASL x reader: "You held my hand, and now you hold my heart"

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Your pov:

I raced forward, stumbling through the thick forest as my tattered dress flew up and ruffled each time my small scratched and muddied feet roughly hit the hard ground. My h/l h/c locks were coated in dried dirt and pieces of leaves, and it was very choppy and uneven from my escape from home. My already short breaths weakened as I pressed further to get as far away as possible for my horrible past.

The sound of growling and piercing roars rang through my head, fading into white noise. I felt a sharp pain across my back, as something tore my skin, tattooing me with something more than a scar. I fell forward into a surprisingly soft, warm blackness.

The next morning:

I heard the sound of chirping birds, rustling leaves, and snores and grunts next to me. I kneed my blurry e/c eyes with balled fists, and blink a few times taking in the scenery. I look around to find myself still lost in the gigantic forest.

As I set my hand down to push my body up to see, I find a huge pile of black fur glistening under me. It seemed to be breathing, and have a small tail, two big arms and legs, a big head, and two cute ears. I kept quiet as to not wake it up, but I think it was too late when the furry monster stretched out its arms and legs, giving a soft growl. It peered up at my small motionless figure sitting on its belly. Then the impossible happened..... it sniffed my body, and licked me after it was satisfied with my scent.

I was dumbfounded!! WHY didn't it kill me!!? Hey, I'm NOT complaining, but I think I have a pet bear!! I gently pet its ear, and it grumbled quietly, and it rubbed it's head against mine in affection, making me giggle.

Leaves were dancing in the air, slowly swaying to the ground like twirling ballerinas, and one landed on his dark, shiny nose. He tried to eat it, and shake it off, but that didn't work. He snorted, and the leaf along with me, came tumbling off of him onto the ground.

"Hey, ow! What was that for?"

The bear stared at me, and for a second, it seemed like he was smiling at me. He got up on all fours, and snatched a mouthful of my already tattered clothes. He threw his head back, and released his grip on me, and I flew into the air, falling back down onto his big back. He looked back at me and now I was astonished, this can't be happening.

I tightly grasped tufts of his fur in my small hands and nodded at him, he growled in response. He strode forward, and then broke into a run. I felt my body bump up and down on his back as his enormous paws pressed onto the dirt road jumping over tree roots, sticks, and rocks.

His heavy breaths and warm fur gave me comfort I'd never had before. I wondered where he was taking me. I was still quite tired, dirty, and hungry. I buried my face into his neck, and soon heard trickling water. The bear sat down, allowing me to slide off his back. I started to walk over to the river, but my hands and knees met the ground in defeat as I collapsed in weakness. My furry friend trotted over to my form and picked me up again, bringing me into the shallow river with him. He set me down, and I rubbed the water over my body, cleaning away the dirt packed into my skin and hair.

He walked forward in the water, and then started jumping up and down in joy, rolling over himself to get clean. I laughed in pure delight, "You're so cute!! HAHAHA!!!" I could almost hear him laughing with me as his parted jaws seemed to smile, and his black eyes gleamed in the sunshine. WAIT, I CAN HEAR HIM!!! HE CAN TALK!!!!!!!

"Y-you can t-talk!!??"

"Yes, I can. I take care of and protect many animals and people, and watch over the wilderness as one of the guardians of the forest. My name is Talon, but you can call my Tally. I'm your protector now, because you were in trouble, and you have the special gift. Now, I will live out the rest of my life with you as my master, to make sure you reach your full potential."

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