Part 1/2 !Cheater Sanji x Reader- "A Woman's Secret"

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REQUESTED: mrsfullbuster00

Your pov-

I stared intently at the new girl named Yessica who was helping us find our way off an island.

We'd gotten trapped in the labyrinth forest famous for killing many people because once you went in, you could never find a way out.

She happened to claim being the only person who knew how the forest worked as a labyrinth, and therefore was the only one who could help us leave.

I didn't particularly appreciate her presence, as she basically threw herself at men; particularly Sanji.

Sanji and I had been in a relationship for 6 months, and upon the day we got together, he swore to me that he'd never flirt with other women again except for me of course.

It looked like he was trying really hard to keep his promise, but Yessica kept egging him on.

She dressed in barely there outfits as if to mock me, and didn't let up on her suggestive comments to Sanji, even in my presence.

Whenever I wanted to be around Sanji, she was already there or I had to be with both of them to be respectful to her.

I didn't know what she wanted or why she was doing what she was, but it was becoming too much to bear.

My eye began to twitch around her, as staying composed became almost impossible. I usually don't have a big mouth, but if she did so much today as talk about how she was "so much more attractive than me and everyone else" or how "sanji is perfect for somebody as perfect as herself", I was gonna lose it.

Currently, we were stuck in a river in the middle of the forest on the thousand sunny.

I watched across the deck as she and Sanji chatted and laughed, I knew she was aware of my observant eyes, but she kept pushing it.

Tears began to build up, threatening to flood over my eyelids and down my sorrow stricken face.

Robin sat in her lawn chair on the deck, and she put her book down, and sat next to me on my chair.

She put an arm around my shoulder, and held me tight. She was like my big sister and best friend. She always found a way to cheer me up.

"Hey, don't worry about her. Sanji knows he belongs to you, she's just throwing herself at him. There's a difference between being respectful and knowing when the other person is in the wrong. She's wrong, so you can stand up for yourself. Why don't you go say something to her?"

"Well...I don't want to cause trouble or seem like the jerk. We obviously know what she thinks about me. She could manipulate the situation to make it look like I'm bullying her."

"We're your nakama, I think we all trust you more than we trust a random girl we met on an abandoned island. Nami and I will back you up. She doesn't particularly like us either. But if you don't want to cause trouble with her, why don't you talk to Sanji alone? You're the one in control here, not her."

"You know what? You're right. I'll just go talk to Sanji alone before dinner tonight, and if she's there, like always, I'll just ask her to leave and she'll have too because Sanji will think something's wrong with me and will want to talk alone."

She offered a small smile, "That's the spirit! Don't let anybody stop you or bring you down. Just remember, put on that bitch hat and get mad before you cry because crying doesn't kick ass, a crazy bitch does."

I giggled, "Thank you. You're the best, Robin." I hugged her.

She returned the action, "I'm always glad to help!"


I entered the kitchen to find Sanji alone cooking.

Yessica was strangely gone.

"Sanji, I need to talk to you immediately about--"

"--Sorry. I can't talk right now, I'm very busy. It can wait, right?"

He kept his eyes trained on the pan of sizzling food in his hand.

I became harder to talk, all of the held back emotions forming lump in my throat, my vision blurring again.

"You don't have time for me any more. But... you're never too busy for her!" I blurted out and stormed out of the room.

I fled to my room and slammed the door.

I collapsed on the bed crying quietly to myself.


Outside on the deck:

Yessica had a mischievous smirk on her face, having heard and seen everything that happened between Sanji and me in the kitchen.

"Hey! What did you do to y/n!?" Chopper squeaked up at Yessica, having witnessed everything.

She snarled at him, "Uggh, you look like something I'd pull out of the shower drain. And what are you yapping about!? I did absolutely nothing."

"That's not very nice of you to say! And if you did nothing then why did y/n run out of the kitchen crying and you happened to smile about it as if you had something to do with it?"

Her voice was thick with exaggerated surprise and sarcasm, "I didn't know you were a private investigator! Wow!"

"I'm not. I'm the doctor! And if there's anything I've learned from all my years of work and research, it's that there's no medicine to cure rotten, bitter cunts like you. So suck a fart out of my fuzzy ass and say, wow it tastes like my additude!"

Nami and robin heard everything and snickered from across the deck in silent victory.

Yessica was burning with fury as Chopper dropped the mic, and he walked away as if nothing happened. She watched him leave, and she used all of her willpower to not start a fight for the sake of keeping her secret.

Chopper felt her searing gaze on his back as he strutted away, and he put both hooves in the air as his way of signaling her to go fuck herself.

He finally got to y/n's bedroom and knocked on the door.


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