Part 1: Zoro x Reader-- "Lost"

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Your pov:

I sprinted as fast as my legs could carry me away from the huge purple spider. It was the size of a Mac truck. It screeched as it came closer and closer to catching me. It was right on my tail.

It snapped it's giant tree-sized pinchers at me, baring its silver blood thirsty teeth.

I ran faster, and glanced back to see how far behind me it was, and then I smacked hard into something, and fell flat on my back.

Zoro's pov:

I was running around town trying to find my way back to Robin. We had gotten separated when I was distracted by what looked like a giant purple spider running through town, and I have to find her because we were on an important mission.

I sprinted ahead. I looked back briefly to be sure that I hadn't been in this direction yet, and then I slammed into something really hard, and landed flat on my back on the cobblestone road.

I looked up to see a angry 1000 pound purple spider the size of a Mac truck jumping forward, preparing to land on me.

I unsheathed 1 of my swords and rolled forward, tucking my body under the spider as it flew over me. I cut it clean in half.

It's sliced body landed with a crash on the ground, and dark green ooze dripped out of it. It smelled like rotten fish.

I resheathed my sword and stood up, dusting myself off, when I saw a woman lying on the ground. She had a huge bump on her forehead. I touched my own forehead and winced. She must have been the thing that hit me.

Your pov--

I felt someone gently shaking me. I groaned and opened my eyes, to find a muscular man with gold earrings, 3 swords, and green hair staring down at me.

"Oi, woman! Are you alright?" The green haired man shouted at me.

My head was pounding. I hope I don't have I concussion. I began to nod in reply, and he helped me sit up. I gripped his hand tightly as he helped me stand, but I became dizzy, winced in pain, and fell back down, almost throwing him off balance.

"Hey, what's your problem?" He asked me impatiently.

I felt like I was gonna throw up. I swallowed spit to push down the feeling of my gag reflex acting up.
"I was running from that huge spider for a while, and then I suddenly ran into you. I think the impact broke my leg and gave me a concussion. I can't walk."

He sighed and rubbed the back of his tanned neck. "Well... I can't just leave you here... do you know where the doctors are? I'll drop you off there."

I squinted up at him, the sunlight seared my eyes and made my head hurt, forcing me to look away. "I live here, there aren't any doctors in the island, sick people need to contact travelling doctors or go to the next island."

He dragged his hand down his face. "Dammit!" He ruffled his hair and paced back and forth, pondering what to do next.

Apprehensively, he picked me up bridal style, and began carrying me somewhere.

"W-what are you doing? Where are we going?"

"Just keep quiet, woman. You've already caused enough trouble."

"You're kinda rude, you know," I grumbled.

He didn't respond. He carried me all around town. I noticed quickly that he was going in circles, so I spoke up.

"You have a terrible sense of direction. You've been going in circles for the past 5 minutes."

He stopped in his tracks and looked away, his cheeks turned pink in embarrassment. "I thought I told you to keep quiet, dumb woman."

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