Sabo x Reader- "Beyond the Railroad Tracks"

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Requested: mistychan12

Btw, not that you guys care, but this story is a REAL story that actually happened. My dad and aunt (his sister) went on an adventure as kids one day on his old dirt bike and they used to ride next to the railroads, and watch the trains pass by close enough to reach out and touch. On their travel they found something... you'll find out....

Hope you like it!!

❤❤❤❤❤-Author chan. 😁😁😁😁

Your pov:

"Morning, Koala-chan!! Do you like my outfit?" I gave her a hug

She smiled and hugged me back, "You look pretty as always, y/n. But I'd recommend wearing shorts or something instead of a dress or skirt. You're going on an adventure today with Sabo!!"

I deadpanned. "WHAT? I've gotta change my new cute outfit for adventure? What kinda bullshit is that? You were all gonna see my panties at some point some way, some how."

"You're riding a motorcycle..."

My eyes lit up, "SUGOOOIII!!!!!!"

I ran back into my room and slipped on a tight light pink crop top so it didn't get it caught on anything in our travels, and put on some jungle green shorts. (not puke green. That ish be nasty.) To finish up the look, I laced up some knee high black combat boots with a 3 inch wedge.

I walked back out of my bedroom, and waved. "Koala-saaan!! Oi!!"

She spun around and came back over. "Damn girl, you're looking fiiiiinnee!! Turn, lemme see dat ass."

I chuckled and turned for her. She spanked me. We were pretty close, she was like my sister, and we played around like that all the time. But she didn't notice we were being watched.

A tall man in a top hat with piercing blue eyes and wavy blonde hair watched wide eyed, and wiped away a couple drops of blood that I'd preceived as a runny nose.

"You fresh girl!! I'd tap tha--"

I nudged her with my hip and she looked up to find a very flushed blonde man standing in front of us surveying the scene.

"Oh shit..."

She cleared her throat just to fill in the awkward silence, "Well, you have the maps and the information on your escapade, you two should get going. I have other orders from dragon-san to stay here for the entire mission... doing paper work. Btw, you have the location of the motorcycle for your travel needs on land. And yes, it is necessary. Have fun!!"

She winked at me making me blush. She knew more than she led on. But why wouldn't she? We've been friends forever.

"...Hey. I like your outfit.."

He offered a small smile, making me squeal inside at how cute his attempts were to compliment. "Thanks Sabo kun! You must feel a lot cooler having your shirt off and wearing shorts, I mean, it's gonna be 90 degrees Fahrenheit today! I look good too..."

I blushed and he laughed.

I looked down, and felt uneasy. We had to jump down into a little motor boat to get to the island.

He noticed this, and stared into my e/c orbs causing me to stare back.

"Hey, it's okay. You trust me, right?" He offered a hand for me to take.

I nodded slowly, and took his hand. I gasped as he swept me off my feet in one movement, and on instinct I wrapped my arms around his neck.

We jumped down, and I heard the small boat creak under his feet.

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