Ace x reader- "Some Kinda Feeling"

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Ace's pov:
I've heard some of the guys around the ship talking about a new member coming to join our crew soon. But you can't really trust rumors, at least not here. We're all a bunch of pranksters, and the big deal with the rumor is all the guys keep staying how the new member will be a woman. I don't know how true this is or if there even is going to be a new member at all. But something today does seem off. I guess I'll find out soon. Pops just called a crew meeting, he's making a big announcement, I wonder what I could be.

Nobody's pov:
*Whitebeard walks in with a cat purring in his arms, but nobody questioned it.*

"Alright, settle down, settle down, is everyone here right now?" asked whitebeard.
He scanned around the room, to find everyone including a snoring Ace, and loudly cleared his throat. The room was silent, except for ace sleeping soundly. Whitebeard eyed Marco, standing next to ace, and a loud bonk was heard throughout the room, with laughter following close behind.

"Wh-what did I miss?" yawned Ace.

Everyone snickered at him, and Whitebeard grinned, beginning to speak up about the large rumor.

"So, I know word has gotten around that a new crew member is coming soon. And yes, it is a woman."

Large whistles and hoots were heard through the room.

"QUIET! Now, she is here to be treated like a normal crew member, and nothing else. Understand!? She has a devil fruit power that allows her to change into any animal she wishes. In fact, she is right here in this room as of this moment."

Everyone looked around for a woman to find nothing, but a lot of shirtless testosterone.

"Now, she will be serving under the second division, with Ace and Marco. Ace, Marco, it is your job to watch her and keep her out of trouble."

The other men looked a little disappointed.

"Well, that's cool, but where is she-yoi? We'd be happy to show her around and teach her."

Ace fell asleep again only to receive another smack again, shooting upright, looking at his surroundings rapidly, before calming down again.

"Well, she's right here." Whitebeard smiled down at the purring kitten in his arms.

"Uhh, a cat???" Ace questioned.

Your pov:
"Uhh, a cat?" The freckled cowboy asked.

"Actually, I'm not just any cat. You see, I can talk too, and kick your ass. I giggled and pounced out of whitebeard's arms onto the man's table, stalking towards him."

"Whoa..." the man watched me blankly.

I stepped carefully and stood nose to nose with him as I changed back into a woman right in front of him. "Meow."

His face burnt red and his form caught fire as he fell backwards.

Laughter filled the room, as I grinned triumphantly. "Pleased to meet you all, my name is y/n."

The man with the pineapple head looked at me smiling, "My name is Marco-yoi, and the man on the floor is Ace. Nice to meet you too." He held his hand out.

I hugged him instead to his surprise, and pulled back before he could do anything. I smiled, "I don't shake hands, I give hugs."

"I think we're going to get used to you very quickly y/n."

"You guys are pretty cool too."

Ace stood up, and looked at me with a small grin on his face, "Alright, my name's Ace, nice to meet you. I mean, I met the floor first, but first times are for everything." He held his hand out as well, but I jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly.

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