Ace x Reader- "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy" p.3

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Your pov:

After breakfast, Ace decided to teach me how to hunt and fight.

Walking outside, I noticed that Dot had been missing the past couple days, but remembered she was wild, and knew how to fend for herself. Plus, there was plenty of berries, grass, and roots she could eat.

I guess it was for the best.

Ace brought me into a clearing, and he showed me different moves like a leg sweep, punch, block, and kick.

It was pretty basic.

Then, he spared with me.

I went in for a punch. He grabbed my wrist and spun me around, pulling me into his body. The way he wrapped me up put me into a bind, and he rested his chin on my shoulder with his signature smirk.

I pouted, "H-hey! No fair..."

A loud chuckled ripped through his throat, and he spun be back around, unbinding me.

"You've gotta keep your guard up!"

While he was still laughing, I took my chance and leg swept him.

He fell on his butt, "Hey, that wasn't fair."

I replied in a mocking voice, "You've gotta keep your guard up."

"I guess you're right..."

I held my hands out to him to help him up. He grasped them tightly, and I felt him pull with me, but instead I fell down onto his lap.

"A-ace, what are you d-d-doing?"

"Fighting you!"

He began to tickle up and down my sides, and I squirmed trying to get out of his grip.

I laughed so hard that tears came to my eyes, and I was gasping for air.

He finally let me have a break, and we panted hungrily for air.

My cheeks had turned red from lack of air, and he was staring closely at all of my features.

I noticed the placement of each freckle on his face, and the way his strands of black hair blew gently in the wind.

His arms wrapped around me as he stood up, holding me.

"Ace, can you please put me down?"

He pouted a little, "But it's fun to carry you. I like it."

Pink danced over my cheeks and nose, "I know, but I can walk."


He set me back down, and we walked a little further into the forest.

Time skip:

We stopped at a fallen tree, surrounded by bushes and tall plants. The sky and sun reached through the gaps in the oak tree leaves, glittering into white light that stung to look at.

Ace bent down and grabbed a cross bow and arrows by the hollow log, handing them to me.

"I'm gonna teach you how to hunt. This is called a cross bow. I don't usually use this, but if there are multiple animals I want to kill in one area at the same time, then I do."

He walked around behind me, and grabbed the back of my left hand so that it was placed under the middle of the crossbow for support.

His hand remained on mine, and his other arm came around, and placed my right hand on the trigger.

He moved so that my arms lifted up for me to see with my right eye through the crosshair.

He aimed me at the base of a tree, and rested his chin on my right shoulder.

His hot breath tickled my neck as he whispered softly into my right ear, "You aim by shutting the other eye, and looking to the center of where the crosshairs meet. That's where the arrow will shoot, and hit. All you need to do is pull the trigger."

His right hand still cupping mine which held the trigger was squeezed, and the arrow came whistling out of the crossbow, and it hit the tree with a satisfying thunk.

He backed away, and I felt almost lonely with his absence of touch.

"Ok, I like that. It seems simple enough." I offered a small smile.

He beamed at me making the sun look dull and my pulse skip a beat.

"There's a couple of deer up there, you wanna shoot them? We can have it for dinner. I believe in you."

"I guess I could try." I shook a bit with anxiety. I've never killed anything before. I didn't know if I could do it.

"Be careful, cautious, and quiet. I'll be right behind you to help."


I pushed forward with my head held high, and watched my footing as I advanced. I gazed up and saw the two deer right between a few trees.

I lifted up my shaking hands and aimed for one deer, hoping they couldn't hear the crossbow rattling in my arms.

My pointer finger grazed the trigger, and another deer came around the corner, running me over. I shot the arrow, and it flew off into nothingness as the side of my head smacked on the ground, falling into a desolate dream.

I woke up in the middle of the night covered in bandages, with Ace turned away from me, sleeping soundly.

I blinked a couple times staring at the ceiling, and turned my head to look out the window, when my eyes met a tall dark figure walking toward the bed.

I tried to wake up Ace, shaking him, but he didn't move.

I screamed as the strange man grabbed me. He gagged my mouth with a black cloth, and I shook as sobs racked my body and I thrashed around.

He tied my hands behind my back with ropes, and he threw me over his shoulder.

The last thing I saw through my blurred vision was Ace, passed out in his bed with a syringe in his neck.

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