REQUESTED: Part 1-- Ace x Reader-- "Watching The Boys"

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Author's note-- Hey guys! This one shot was recently requested by AshliDinkelman! Also, just a reminder, if any of you ever have any requests for me, let me know! I'm open to any ideas you might have. I hope you all enjoy the story!
❤-- mwahsome


Your pov--

I was the only girl on the Whitebeard crew. Sometimes I wished there was another girl to talk to, but dad always told me that I distracted his men enough, and adding another girl would make it even harder on him as the captain.

I had no choice but to listen to him. I was on his ship, and he was the captain, and my dad. So, when I was bored, I spent my time listening to music and watching the boys in the fiery heat of the summer.

I layed on the deck in my lawn chair wearing my hot pink bikini, sun hat, and sunglasses.

Some crew mates walked by and stopped to drool over me, others cat called and whistled. I would look up every now and then, and think either, 'Oh, he's cute!' or, 'What a creepy pervert!' None the less, dad always came to my rescue by shooting them the look of death, and they would run away in fear.

Could things get any more boring around here? I sighed.

Suddenly, a new bunch of men rounded the corner and stopped on the deck. One had a pineapple-shaped head, one was the chef, and one had a cowboy hat and freckles.

I pulled my sunglasses down the bridge of my nose to get a better look at the scene. The sun seared my skin like frying bacon in a pan. I wasn't sure whether sitting in the intense heat, or watching the boys was making it harder for me to breathe.

I sat up in my chair and leaned forward, completely engaged in their bodies, movements, and behaviors.

I was particularly drawn to the shirtless cowboy with freckles. My face flustered as they began a pushup competition. I watched each muscle twitch and flex as the cowboy rose and fell to the deck, pushing his body up and down.

Sweat dripped off his brow and traced the tattoo on his back. The two other boys grew impatient with counting and stood on his back.

My eyes widened as I saw him keep going as if nothing had even touched him. He must be incredibly strong... I wiped my nose and found red smeared on my hand. I quickly rubbed it off and looked out to sea.

"Are you enjoying yourself, my dear daughter?" Whitebeard asked.

I rolled my eyes, but he couldn't see it through the dark lenses of my sunglasses. "Not really. I'm bored, and you keep scaring off the men. They're my only source of entertainment around here anyway..."

"How many times have I told you, y/n? They don't like you, they like your body! They're like dogs drooling over a treat!"

I rested my head on my hand, "Great, now I'm a fucking dog treat..."

"Young lady, what did I tell you about swearing!? That's not very lady like!" He scolded me.

I faced him and tore off my sunglasses. "I'm not a little girl anymore! I'm 24 and can make my own choices!"

He frowned deeply and crossed his arms, looking down at me due to his tremendous height.

"I see how it is. Fine. Then I'll send you alone on a mission to the next island with the second division commander, Portgas D Ace. If you come back unharmed, and the mission was a success, I'll treat you more like an adult."

I smirked, "Sure, I can't wait to prove you wrong about me. You've been way too overprotective for too long."

Whitebeard called for Ace to come over.

I watched the freckled cowboy knock the two men off his back, and stand up. He was slick with sweat, and pushed his black hair away from his forehead. I almost forgot how to breathe. I was wonderstruck and couldn't move.

He approached us and came to a stop, grinning up at whitebeard, "What's going on, Pops?"

I began to sweat as well, as I watched his biceps and abs tense up and ripple, he raised his hand to his forehead, wiping off the sweat. My face burned.

"Well son, I need you to take my daughter here"--he gestured to me--"out with you on your mission to the next island."

Ace looked at me. I blushed under his gaze, and averted my eyes. I could feel his smirk. I almost felt guilty. Had he seen me watching him from across the deck?

He held out his hand, and I reluctantly grasped it in mine. My hand was engulfed in his large, strong one.

He tipped his cowboy hat while smiling kindly, never breaking eye contact. "I'm Portgas D. Ace! It's nice to meet you. What's your name, Miss?"

I couldn't bring myself to look at him.

"Come on y/n, don't be shy now! Ace is a nice boy," whitebeard urged me.

I slowly brought my gaze up to Ace's, and managed a shy smile. His eyes stared right back into mine. It felt like my entire being was melting into two scorching endless pools of hot chocolate. I was drowning, slowly suffocating in soft caramel, but I didn't want to breathe.

"H-hi! I'm Y-y/n D. Newgate. Nice to meet you t-too."

He bowed gently, "Oh no, the pleasure's all mine! It's not everyday that I meet a woman as lovely as yourself." He grinned.

I blushed at his grin, and hid my face behind my other hand.

"All right, that's enough you two!" Whitebeard separated our hands. I had forgotten to let go of his hand! How embarrassing! My face burned hotter, and I hid it in both my hands.

I heard his hearty chuckle, "You remind me of my little brother, Luffy! When we were little, he used to get scared easily too! Don't worry, nothing bad will happen to you on our mission."

I peaked through my fingers and saw Ace smiling softly at me. He spoke gently, carefully persuading me to let my hands fall from my face and look at him.

He took a few steps closer and gazed gently into my eyes. "Hey, I promise that I won't let anything happen to you, ok? I'll protect you and stay by your side the whole time, no matter what."

I nodded, "O-ok. Arigato, Ace!"

Whitebeard knocked us out of our trance as he slapped Ace on the back while shouting, "That's my boy! Now get to bed you two, you're gonna need rest for tomorrow's mission!"

Ace and I turned our attention back to each other. He offered another sweet smile, speaking softly, "Goodnight, y/n."

I began to mouth a reply, but it was too late, and he had already begun to walk off to his bedroom.

I clutched my chest, watching him leave. "Goodnight, Ace." I whispered to the stars in the sky, smiling to myself.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Don't get ahead of yourself now! I said you can go on a mission with him, not on a date!" My dad complained.

I scowled, "What makes you think I like him anyway, huh? You don't know anything!"

He crouched down to meet my gaze, a large smirk grew on his face. "I know. I've never seen you look at anyone the way you looked at him."

My face flushed and I crossed my arms, "No, I just like watching the boys when I'm bored."

He stood back up and grinned down at me. "Well, goodnight sweetheart. I love you. Get a goodnight sleep to be well rested for your trip tomorrow!"

"I love you too, Dad. Goodnight." I grumbled.

I trudged to my room, wondering if Dad was right about me.

Was I watching the boys, or was I watching Ace?


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