Shanks x Reader- "Honk!"

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Your pov-

I closed my eyes, laying back on the deck in my f/c bikini, enjoying the sun.

Footsteps neared me growing louder and louder until they stopped and I couldn't feel the sunlight trickle over my skin.

I crept one eye open, looking up at the obnoxious red head grinning down at me.

I closed my eyes again, "Yes, Shanks?"

I heard the smile in his voice, "Do you wanna play with me?"

"I was enjoying my sun bathing... What could we play anyway?"


I groaned standing up, "But you always win tag. That's not fair."

He thought for a second, and then smirked wiggling his eyebrows, "How about spin the bottle?"

I pushed him back a little, my hand covering his face.

"Yeah right!"

"Hey, it was worth a shot." He purred.

My cheeks flushed, "If you're so bored, why won't buggy play with you?"

"Oh, I never asked him."

So, I was his first choice, and he really just wants to spend time with me!?

My blush deepened and I pouted crossing my arms.

"Fine... But pick a different game."

He picked me up and spun me around swiftly, and I let out a surprised yelp, clutching onto him for dear life.

He laughed gleefully, "Yes yes yes yes yes yes!!!"

Slowing down he quickly set me down and casted his gaze to the ground with flushed cheeks.

He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly, "Sorry, I got a bit carried away there."

My stomach flipped at the action, as I giggled at him, "No, it's okay. How about we play hide and seek tag? It's easier for me."

He beamed, "Alright, I'll count first!"

Turning around and covering his eyes with his hands, he began to count to 20.

I snuck around the deck, and quickly hid in a barrel outside of the men's dorm.

The sounds of chatter and footsteps filled my ears, but I couldn't sense who it was.

I peaked out a hole in the barrel, and found Buggy sat right next to it relaxing.

The red head's familiar voice called out, "Oi, Red nose!"

I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for it to happen.

"I do have a name you know... "

I released the breath I trapped in my lungs.

"Yeah, I know... Have you seen y/n by any chance?"

"Oh, you mean that girl you still can't pick up?"

"Buggy..." Shanks whined.

"No, I haven't. Try harder."

I became bored and just as Shanks turned his back to make his way across the deck, I jumped out of the barrel.

"Hey, Shanks!"

He spun around and a playful grin slipped onto his features as his brown eyes met my e/c ones.

"Come get me!"

He strode forward, and I backed up a bit waiting for him to get closer. Buggy began to leave, and just as Shanks reached out, I grabbed Buggy and pulled him in front of me as a shield.

Shanks didn't react quick enough, and his hand came into contact with Buggy's red nose.

Everything stopped, and Shanks and I didn't breath in anticipation of his actions as his face heated up with rate boiling up inside of him.

When nobody moved, I boldly broke the silence.


Buggy exploded, "ARGGHH!!"


Shanks and I layed on the ground with steaming bumps on our heads as Buggy stormed away.

Shanks bursted out laughing, making me laugh until tears rolled down my cheeks.

We finally calmed down, and he sat up turning to me, "That was awesome!"

"I guess so, but I think he's really mad at me."

"Nah, he'll get over it. By the way-" He helped me up.

I quirked an eyebrow. A soft pair of lips met mine and pulled away before I could react.

He smirked, "You're it!"

I touched the place where his lips had been and smiled to myself.

His hearty chuckle rang through my ears and made my heart flutter, spreading warmth throughout my body.

I watched him in a daze as he escaped across deck before I could begin my hot pursuit to get him back.

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