Sanji x Reader- "A Gentleman to all Ladies" part 1/2

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Your pov:
A smile crosses my face as the memories of Dandan's ranch play back in my mind like an old tape.

I was Luffy's twin, although I didn't have black hair like his or deep brown eyes. (Ignore if you do in real life). We looked completely different from each other, and he was older than me by 2 hours, although he still acts like he's 2 years older than me.

He's always been my innocent dork, but he seems to understand my feelings when I talk to him. He's actually very smart, which baffles other people from the wide grin and childish nature he displays everyday.

Speak of the devil, "YYYYY/NNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GUM GUM BAZOOKA!!!!!"

I'd expected it, he claims it's captain orders that I need a hug every day. And he has to jump on me to do it, which isn't always, but today was one of those days. It's actually very sweet of him.

He gave his famous all around hug, and I tried to manage wrapping my arms around him with the best of my ability, but his arms held mine down at my sides.

"Hi Luffy," I peered down at the ground.

"Hey, you're sad, who made you sad!? I'll kick their ass!!"

"Can we talk alone?"

His voice became softer and his deep brown pools looked into my e/c ones, "Yeah, I'll always talk with you."

He let go of me. I held his hand and brought him into my room, locking the door.

"Now tell me what's wrong, I don't like seeing you frown." We sat on the bed.

"Well, I've liked Sanji for awhile now, but he doesn't seem interested in me. Even in the slightest. He loses blood over Nami and Robin, but he doesn't even look at me. It's making me even more scared to tell him how I feel, because I can't be sure how he'll react if he treats me like a ghost."

"I don't think I can do much to get him to take notice to you if he hasn't already. It's not you, it's him, and if he doesn't like you for who you are, then he's not for you."

"But if he pays attention to Nami and Robin but not me, doesn't that mean that I'm not pretty enough?"

"Wait, shhh, listen. I can hear something."

I became silent and then whispered, "What is it?"




I was taken aback.

He cupped my cheeks and turned my gaze into his, "Y/n.... You are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! And anyone, who doesn't think so is blind."

I blushed, "...Thanks Luffy."

"You're the prettiest girl ever!!! And I have the perfect plan, to make him notice. Does anyone on the crew know that you are my biological twin?"

"No, not as far as I can tell, why?"

"Can you pretend to be flirtatious with me so we can tell if he likes you or not? It'll be fine, we don't look anything alike. Just don't make it awkward. You know what they say--'you don't get anything out of kissing your sister,' so just pretend, it'll be fun!"

I teared up from pouring out my feelings, "That's a great idea Luffy! Thank you for helping me. You're the best brother ever!!! I love you so much."

He wiped my tears away with his thumbs, "I love you too! And hey, what'd I tell you about being sad?"

"Not to be...."

"Or what?"

"You'll tickle me..."

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