Sanji x Reader- "Knight in shining Armour"

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Nami, Robin, and I strolled out of the secret garden onto the deck of the ship.

We entered the kitchen for breakfast and sat down at our usual seats. I sat down next to zoro, my best friend.

I nudged his shoulder gently, getting his attention.

A hint of a smirk played on his lips. "Good morning, y/n-san. Did you like the clothes I gave you?"

I smiled softly, "Yes, they're perfect. They cover up everything and they're comfortable. Thank you."

He hummed in reply, as I rested my head against his shoulder.

I always borrowed zoro's clothes, because I hated the way that Sanji looked at girls. I didn't want to wear something that would make him see me as an object. I just wish Sanji would be a bit more respectful and less pervy, but that's like asking Luffy to become a vegetarian.

I knew there was something more to Sanji than meets the eye. He always acts like a fuckboy, hitting on every girl he sees. He treats women like they can't take care of themselves, as if they're all damsels in distress and he's the knight in shining armour. It all seems mysterious to me, and I want to find out who he really is deep inside.

"Robin-chwan!! Nami-chwan!!
Y/n... Here is your food!"

Sanji spun around to the three of us and passed out our plates with smiley-face shaped eggs and heart shaped veggies.

His nose bled as he complimented nami and robin on their outfits: both wore a crop top and long flowy skirt. Just as I suspected. Wearing revealing clothes earns more attention.

He growled at Zoro for touching me.

"You stupid marimo, you're infecting y/n with your terminal asshole disease! You're gonna make her even less girly!!"

I lifted my head off Zoro's shoulder and looked at Sanji.

"Aww, good thing I never touch you. I'd be infected with little bitch syndrome."

Zoro snickered loudly.

"If only you were a bit more girly, things would be so much better! I'm sure you have a nice big set of personalities under all those clothes. I already met one of the three you have."

I scoffed, "Be thankful you're still standing right now after that comment. You're crazy."

"Je suis fou de toi. (crazy about you)."

"What? Sorry, I don't speak croissant."

Zoro chuckled, while Sanji sat down with a solemn expression, speechless.


Later that day, nami and robin were playing volleyball on the deck, wearing small bikinis that left nothing to the imagination.

I wore a long, baggy shirt with matching long, baggy shorts, and played tag with luffy.

I watched Sanji closely as he fawned over nami and robin.

"I can't wait until we get to the next island, there's supposed to be a famous spa and dress shop. We can get our nails done, our hair styled, and get massages!" Nami spoke excitedly to Robin, who smiled and nodded in agreement.

Smoke practically rolled out of Sanji's ears as his face burnt red.

He screeched, "BEaUTy tREaTmENtS!!???!!! sO SEXYY!!!!!! AIIIIIIIYYYYY!!!!"

Irritation gurgled from deep within my body, until Zoro yelled at Sanji.

"Shut the fuck up dart brow, you're bothering the other crew mates!"

One Piece x reader!!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang