Sabo x Reader- "Flower crowns" P.1

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Your pov-

I smiled to myself as I watched the tall blond revolutionary practice using the flame flame devil fruit and haki, his body moving intricately with precision and speed.

The sun beat down on me and other revolutionaries that relaxed on the deck. My body was becoming a bit sticky with slight perspiration from the scorching heat that rained over my skin.

He continues to practice and get stronger everyday, and he never stops amazing me with his great accomplishments. He had come so far since Dandan's ranch. My heart squeezed a little, suffocated with emotion.

His body came to a complete stop as he put his arms out in front of him and dropped to the ground, beginning to do push ups.

His top hat with goggles, and his over coat and ruffled collar were put off to the side, while he wore his normal pants and button down shirt. The sleeves were neatly rolled up just past his elbows, and the first three buttons on the shirt were undone.

A soft pink glow eminated on my cheeks as I watched his large arm muscles ripple in the movement, my heart jumped around in my chest as my breath grew shallower.

His features carved out a strong, determined look as he focused on counting his push ups and keeping good form. My eyes feverishly darted across his face absorbing all of his little details. A few drops of sweat slid down his forehead, and traced out his strong jawline that judded out as he slightly clenched his teeth.

My gaze became a bit more intense as he stood up and got a nearby cold glass of water. Tilting his head back slightly, I watched him gulped it all down.

The sweat made his tucked in shirt cling tightly to his form, making it mostly see through.

My e/c eyes bored into his now enjoyably visible torso, and my cheeks grew hotter with the color red as my gaze finally trailed back up to his face. He opened his eyes, and caught sight of me staring.

I squeaked slightly in surprise at the abrupt embarrassing moment, and hid my deep red face in my knees, which were tucked into my chest.

I could at least hope that he was far enough away to not notice my blush.

JUST breathe-- everything will be alright. He probably didn't notice, play it cool and be yourself.

Seconds later, heavy yet nimble footsteps began to grow louder as somebody approached me.

I felt a small gust of warm air blow past my side as they sat down next to me. I hugged my knees a bit tighter, the tension quickly building up.

"Hey, Y/n-chan!~ Are you alright? Why are you hiding your face? It's a beautiful summer day, you should be having fun!"

The sound of his voice made my stomach lurch and my heart flutter, sending shivers up the back of my neck.

I slowly looked up at him, my cheeks still visibly pink.

I manage a friendly smile, "Yeah, I'm okay. It's just really hot today. I don't know if I have enough energy to do anything in this kind of heat."

He inched a bit closer to me, making me gasp slightly.

"Come on, y/n! We're docked on a gorgeous summer island, and don't have a mission or trouble for the first time ever, and you would rather mope around and do nothing!?"

"Well... I... well... um--"

"--That's not the y/n I used to know. You always loved a good adventure!"


"--Nope, you're coming with me off this ship, and we're gonna go have some fun!!~~" he grinned childishly.

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