Luffy x Reader P1- "The Prince and The Frog"

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Requested: artygirl1418

My heart pulsed rapidly, causing my body to shake with each breath.

I peeked out from a small break in the thick red velvet curtains, to observe as my captain was being forced to marry the princess of Zoran (what I call 'whore island').

Her name was Felipa.

The priest spoke, "We are gathered here today, in the joining of Felipa of Zoran and Luffy of the Straw Hat Pirates."

Ugh, more like slutty Felipa...

The audience applauded accordingly. They all wore ridiculous cupcake shaped ballgowns or suits with giant over-the-top hair-dos.

I stared at Luffy's melancholy face as his hands were bound with sea stone cuffs.

Who was orchestrating this, and what did they want with Luffy??!!

Some time passed until the priest spoke again. "If there are any objections to why these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Guards lined the castle halls and the walls of the room. They raised their guns in preparation of any objections.

I fumed with rage in my hiding spot behind the curtain, and although my idea could be fatal, it was worth a shot.

I whistled a soft melodious tune into my wooden flute--which was covered up by the music from the organs and choral group. As my flute diasspeared, my body turned into steel and shaped one hand into a hammer and the other into an axe.

The priest uttered, "Do you, Felipa, take Luffy as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do!!" She squealed.

I rolled my eyes.

The priest drawled on in a monotone voice, "And do you, Luffy, take Felipa, as your lawfully wedded wife?"

Luffy stared at the cobblestone floor with a clenched jaw. The guard behind him hit him with the butt of his gun, making Luffy weakly choke out a response.


I held myself back until I finally realized that nothing could prevent the event from happening, except for me.

Words that I never thought would come finally drifted through the air, "You may now, kiss the bride."

She leaned in to kiss Luffy. My eyes widened, and something in my body clicked, pulling the trigger.

I jolted out of the shadows and sprinted up the isle. In one swift movement, I cut off Luffy's sea stone cuffs.

He gave a soft confused smile, "Y/n? I didn't know you were here!"

I smiled back, and opened my mouth to reply when surprised gasps and looks of disgust filled the room.

"You ruined my wedding!! Who do you think you are?!!" Felipa complained.

The guards shot at me, but the bullets ricocheted off my steel body.

All the guests ran in a panicked chaos to flee the room. The massive crowd piled up at the doorways to get out before they got hurt.

I grinned at (Slutty) Felipa, "I'm the girl who's gonna kick your ass!"

"Oh really? Do you know who I am?!!"

"No, but I do know I haven't seen a hoe as big as you since last fall when I raked the leaves."

She huffed in anger, and chased after me as I went after the guards to aid in the grand escape plan.

One Piece x reader!!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora