REQUESTED: Lucci x Reader- "The Mask"

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I was cursed. Until he came along and casted an everlasting spell which helped me realize the truth beneath the mask...


I absolutely dispised the thought of anyone staring at me... silently judging me... it made me want to curl up in a ball so small, that I could disappear.

Everyone was given a mask from the time they were born to the time they released their last breath. They hid their faces in fear of judgement. If everyone covered up, how was there anything to judge??

      ~~they were wrong~~


I judged myself. I hated who I was.


It all seemed so bland. What was our purpose in life? Everyone is all the same, all the time. Nobody can be themselves because the government told us to wear these stupid masks to prevent increasing suicide rates due to bullying.

Yes that's great and all, but the problem is... I'm the only one with  full face mask-- and people hate me for it. The masks are all animal based, and mine is the biggest, ugliest one-- a wild boar. Everyone else has a zebra, or a flamingo, or a giraffe mask.

I have an ugly full faced mask because I'm the daughter of the President, and the head officials can do what they want within reason of the law. The masks are considered dress code, kind of like how nudity is-- in most places-- illegal in public. I must wear the ugliest mask there is to ensure that nobody will fall in love with me or try to kidnap me. Father always says it's for my own good.


I sighed as I rode in the carriage with my friend and personal body guard, Frederick who was taking me to a opening magic act tonight, which was becoming very popular.

The magician was disputed to be performing a disappearing act tonight, but I don't quite believe in those silly children stories.

We passed a banner pasted on a brick building with his portrait painted on it... I raised an eyebrow-- there was something that stood out about him... his mask was covered with leopard print, but that's not it. The look on his face... who he is seems to be peculiar.

The carriage pulled to a screeching halt as I tugged on the reins to stop the horses. I stared at the picture to make more sense of it. I had to meet this man, and learn what made him different. I read the large cursive above his head that read,

          "Mr. Lucci and The Disappearing Act-- TONIGHT, 8     PM"

I didn't think I had ever been this excited for something before, something new, at last!!

I found my face doing a strange thing, where my cheeks lifted and the corners of my mouth turned up. I was actually smiling!

         "I'd fuck the shit outta that guy!"


Frederick lifted his monocle to his left eye, *hmph hmph* "What I meant to say, was that we must be going if you're going to get made up for the show tonight."

His gloved fingers slipped, and he dropped the monocle. "I hope he can make them clothes disappear if you know what I'm saying..."

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