Part 3: Zoro x reader-- "Lost"

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Zoro's pov--

*knock knock*

I thought I had told nobody to follow me... Maybe it was somebody else.

I got up and answered the door to the crows nest.

I opened it a crack and saw y/n holding what she claimed to be rice balls and sake. How did she know those were my favorite?

I was taken aback by her wings. They were huge, and looked softer and whiter than fresh snow. She looked like an angel. My heart battered against my ribcage and my cheeks grew hot.

I abruptly grabbed the food and booze, and slammed the door in her face. I couldn't let her see me like this!

I clutched my chest. Why does my heart race whenever I see her? I sat the bundle down on the floor.

Maybe I'm threatened by her! Especially after seeing her strong wings, who knows what she's capable of!

I leaned up against the door and listened to her crying on the other side. My chest ached and guilt washed over me. I wanted nothing more than to let her in, but she would only distract me. Why did hearing her cry hurt so much?

I slid to the floor and sat down.

"I don't need you! In fact, I don't need anybody!" She cried out.

I squeezed my eyes shut, knowing I had hurt her. I began to drown in a tsunami of remorse. My vision grew blurry.

Silence seeped in between the cracks and crevices of the crows nest. I hung my head in the shadows of the dark room. The moonlight casted a melancholy silver glow on the wooden floor boards. I listened to the rain that relentlessly pelted the ship like a million brass bullets per second. Heavy black rain poured from my eyes.

Lightning and thunder crashed above, startling me out of my trance. I opened the door a sliver, in search of y/n. I was met with a furious reindeer.


I stared guiltily at the ground. His arms were crossed and his brow was furrowed.

"What did you do to y/n!?" He asked angrily.

I met his gaze, "She's the one who came up here and bothered me when I warned her not to, it's her fault!"

Chopper pointed an accusatory hoof at me, "No Zoro, I saw you take the stuff she was nice enough to give you, and then you immediately slammed the door in her face!"

I mindlessly traced the hilt of my sword. I bit my lip and rubbed the back of my neck. A heavy feeling of dread filled the pit of my stomach like liquid cement.

"Your dumb actions made her cry, and she flew off to the next island where we can't reach her until we sail there! And, she's still badly injured!"

"It's not my fault that she's a dumbass, she's the one who flew off recklessly!"

"You're the one who made her fly off recklessly! Stop passing the buck, asshole!"

I became red with embarrassment. The stupid reindeer caught me. I scratched the back of my head. "Then...what do you suggest we do to get her back?"

"Well, she couldn't have flown too far with that concussion, and hopefully the island is closer than we think. If we're not there by tomorrow, we'll have to find a way to get there immediately. You better fix this," the reindeer growled.

I wiped my nose on my sleeve and pushed past the reindeer, leaving the crows nest. "Whatever."


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