!Child ASL x !Child Reader- "Home"

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Your pov:

I rubbed my eyes with my knuckles and moved to sit up.

Pain shot from my tail bone up my spine to my neck.

I whimpered as I crouched forward, finally upright.

"Where was I?"

Old memories of a tall man torturing me in an abandoned factory last night began to play back in my mind, yet I couldn't remember why....

The sound of crunching leaves grew louder and louder, and I became stiff when a tall man with graying black hair and a mustache with a strong physique stood over me.

Was this the man that hurt me last night!? I had nowhere to go, I was gonna die here!

I tried to back up, and staggered up ignoring my legs that were screaming at me to stay still.

My legs won, and I landed back down on the ground with a thump, and clenched my eyes shut, waiting for more pain.

"Hey squirt, I'm not gonna hurt ya. What's your name? Mine's Garp. But you can call me Grandpa."

I slowly opened my eyes, and turned back to peer up at him through blurred vision.

"My n-name's y-y/n..."

He keeled down and spoke softer, "That's good for a start. How old are you, y/n?"


"What happened to you, where did you come from?"

My vision began to distort with fresh tears pricking the corners of my eyes.

I sniffled, "I don't know where I came from...b-but a tall man with dark hair tortured me in an abandoned factory, and I don't remember why. I don't even know how I got here..."

His expression darkened with concern and anger, "I see...can you walk?"

I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head, tears flying off my cheeks.

He grinned, "Alright! That settles it! You're gonna go live with my grandson and two other boys close to your age! There's also a couple caretakers that'll fix you up there, so you'll be all taken care of."

More tears fell down my face as I sobbed into his chest and hugged him, "Arigato!!!!"

His eyes widened, but softened soon after, and he placed a hand on my back, and picked me up, bringing me to my new home.

Time skip to Dandan's Shack:

*Knock knock*

A big lady with orange hair slammed open the door.


"Hey, I have another kid for you to take care of..."

"NANI!? But I already have three crazy boys!!!! How am I supposed to take care of a fourth bra--I mean child?"

"Are you questioning me and your duties? I gave you an order. That is...unless you want to go to jail instead like you were supposed to..."

The eyes of two mountain men popped out of their skulls, and they passed out from fear.

"N-n-n-no, Garp-san!! We'll take her, what's her name?"

"Y/n. She's eight years old, and has various injuries that need tending to right now. I'll visit again eventually."

He handed me to the big orange haired lady.

"Bye, y/n! Grandpa-san loves you!!"


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