!Teen Sabo x !Teen Reader- "Jump and Fall"

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A/N- Hey!! I'm soooo sorry I haven't updated in so long. But to make up for it, here is this super long story. So get comfy, maybe grab a snack, and enjoy!

😘😘😘-Author chan

Your pov-

I zoned out humming to my favorite tune as I cleaned my room, which sat on the 4th level of the ship. It was pretty high up from the deck.

There was a big window behind my desk where I stood cleaning, and it offered a great view of the ocean and horizon.

The salty wind greeted me as it flowed through the open window like the lulling waters beneath the ship. Tingles traveled in waves down my spine as it whispered in my ears, gently brushing my h/l
h/c tresses forward.

Feeling satisfied with the organization of my desk, I stepped back to take in the new look of it.

My body lifted off the floor when it slipped out from under my feet. The wind slithered back in and coiled tightly around my form.

I took in a small sudden breath as the wind rushed up and into my nose, filling my lungs with the bitterness of fall it carried on it's journey through the season.

The wind was comfortable and consoling in the way it cradeled me protectively, pushing away my quick thoughts about what was happening and when it was going to end.

My window grew smaller and smaller as it stared back at me, disappearing from sight. The ground reached out with open arms to a kind and warm bear hug, pulling me toward it quicker.

My eyes closed as I opened my arms to welcome the ground's hug.

I felt my body land on something soft but sturdy, and my eyes fluttered open. My vision filled with a tall, handsome, muscular boy about my age with curly blonde hair, a top hat with goggles, and a burn mark over one of his blue eyes.

The chilling sea wind retreated from the warmth and radiance in the boy's kind grin.

He gazed down at me, "Good thing I was here in the right place at the right time! Are you okay? My name's Sabo by the way."

"A-Arigato! Yes, I'm fine. I'm y/n, nice to m-meet you." My cheeks tinted with the color pink.

"Can you stand?"

"I think so..."

He set me down gently on my feet and I staggered forward a little bit, but regained my balance.

"How did you fall?"

"I was cleaning my room, and tripped on something behind me that was in front of the big window in my room, and fell through the window."

"Oh. Well at least you're okay."

"Yeah, I could've gotten hurt if you didn't catch me, so thank you soooo much!"

A soft pink glow danced over his cheeks and he grinned sheepishly, "It was nothing, I'm happy to help. Maybe I'll see you around?"

I smiled kindly, "Yeah, maybe."

He strolled away and my thoughts were filled with him and the events that just happened. It all seemed so strange. Usually I'm just clumsy and there's no cute guy waiting to catch me.

I sighed returning to my room. I closed the window, then finished cleaning.


I got my f/food in the dinning hall and went to the utensil table to get a spoon.

A man about my age was standing on the other side of the table getting something, but I wasn't paying attention.

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