Chapter 2

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Wes was the first one I saw when I walked in the doors. He throws off his headphones, pausing his game of League of Legends, and standing up, smiling widely at me. "Emily! You're here!" he yells, running over to me and picking me up. "Hey Wes! I missed you!" I say, as he crushes me in a hug. "You're joining the game bang right?" He asks, not setting me down, my feet dangling in the air. "Yup! My presence has been requested in the Smosh Game space." I reply. "Yay! To the game bang room!" He cries, carrying me bridal style throughout the building. "Wes! You crazy cookie!" I scream, laughing and wrapping my arms around his neck and his hair tickling my bare arms, as Matt runs behind us, trying to catch up. "I see Wes found you." Matt says, slightly out of breath, yet something else is off from his voice, it sounds like he's jealous. "Yeah. I go in for a hug and I find myself in a bridal style carry. I feel tall." I try to lighten the mood, and it works as both Matt and Wes relax. "Well it doesn't help that you're under 5'5. Anyone feels tall when they're being carried by a gentle giant." Matt explains. "Wait. Wes, put me in Matt's arms, I want to see the difference." I say, as Wes gently places me in Matt's arms, watching as Matt tightens his grip on the arm that's around my waist and the one under my knees. "I feel short but tall at the same time." I conclude. "TO THE GAME ROOM!" We all shout as Matt carries me the rest of the way and I look to see that Matt's smile never leaves his face.

Matt's POV

I was excited when Ian and Anthony asked Mari to have Emily come over for a game bang. I had met her a few times at vid con, comic con and PAX when she was doing a panel with Jacksepticeye, Markiplier and Pewdiepie, and when she had a booth for her meet and greets. I had known her for about two years and I couldn't believe her reputation on YouTube. She was one of the most popular let's play gamers on the entire site and I was bouncing in my seat when I heard her voice over the phone. I hadn't seen her since the premier of Smosh the Movie, and I had missed her, as we had gotten close in the time I had known her. Also, I was in love her. I really had hoped that we could begin a relationship, and hoped she would say yes to the game bang. Emily sounded excited once the idea was mentioned and she was screaming yes and I almost burst out cheering. I started begging her to hurry up, as I wanted to see her as soon as humanly possible. "I'm on my way! Unless someone wants to pick me up?" She asks. The vision of Emily in a car, alone with me sounds way too appealing to me. She had a wicked sense of humour and I wanted to get to know her better. "I'm on my way!" I yell, running out of the building, ignoring the looks given to me by Wes and the rest of the crew. I'm in my car in less than three minutes, driving at breakneck speed to her house.

I finally reach her house: a three-story house with a game room in the basement and a pool in the backyard. She had said in a vlog that she wanted to live with someone, but decided against it because she didn't want her roommate to suffer her loud voice, or her staying up way too late. I step out of my car, smiling despite my best efforts to make sure I acted normal. I jogged up the front steps, ringing the doorbell and fixing my hair, a nervous thing that I do. "It's open!" her voice shouts, and I walk through the front door, my excitement growing. "Hey Matt! I'm in the bedroom, come up!" She yells, as I walk up the steps to her bedroom, seeing pictures of her with her friends, at award shows and conventions. I smile at the one in the biggest frame; a picture of her, Wes, Lasercorn and me. I remember she hadn't met Flitz and Joven, as she had to leave earlier in the premier so she didn't get swarmed with people, so she had never met Joven or Flitz. It was from last year at Vid Con and both of our channels were doing panels, and Emily had hopped on my back before the photo was taken, and we were both smiling a little bigger than normal. She had put the caption "Best. Day. Ever! I met the cutest guy ever!" with an arrow pointing to me, and I smiled at the thought of her thinking I was cute. Emily appears from the bathroom, as I fling myself on her king sized bed, which is very fluffy. I truly take in her beauty as she wears a black, baby doll fan made shirt, saying her slogan, and dark blue shorts with black tights underneath, with her signature natural makeup and straightened hair. "Hey Em! I'm so excited for you to do a Game Bang with us!" I say, letting my excitement loose, and watch as her face lights up. "Me too! I've wanted to do one with all of you for ages and ages! What game are we doing?" She asks, her blonde hair falling in her face as she puts on her black converse and her hand comes up to move her hair out of her eyes, my hand itching to move it for her. "Just Dance! Apparently the winner and the loser have to do a romantic duet.... So pray you come in second and we can have an IanCorn reunion!" I tell her, following her down to my car.

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