Chapter 42

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I am so sorry this is so late! I ended up getting a job and I had a shift on Friday so I couldn't update and the week before I had a shift at a different part-time thing that I do so please accept this late chapter! 

We finish with SSS and Emily and I are still laughing from the antics when we go back and change into our regular clothes, but Emily has now switched from her heels into her converse, and her hair is still tied back. She still looks beautiful as she walks out from the bathroom, and I smile widely at her; still in shock that my girlfriend now works along side me at my favourite job in the world. "What's got you so smiley?" She teases, and I lean forward to kiss her gently, before pulling back and simply saying "you". She blushes a scarlet red, but grabs my hand and leads me to the Game Bang room, where Wes is setting up the cameras. "Are you guys ready?" Lasercorn asks, and Emily nods. We all stand in front of the camera, and get ready to film. "GAME BANG!" We all yelled into the camera, and we all laughed a little bit. "Welcome to Game Bang guys! Today we are playing Dance central 3, as you guys keep requesting it!" I introduce the video, and I see Emily smirk. We had really picked a bad game to play with 2 professional dancers, and I remember that I had lost the last time we had played this on game bang. We had chosen this game to make Emily comfortable for her first game bang, but I was regretting this already. "As you can probably tell, we have already predicted the winners..." Everyone turns to Emily and Flitz after Lasercorn makes his defense. "Maybe!" Emily laughs, and we begin to explain the rules. "To keep things interesting, all six of the original songs are in this hat. We will all have to pick the song and dance to that. If we get the one that we had last time, someone can pick a new song for us. The two bottom scores will have a dance battle, and the ultimate loser will have to eat a handful of ONLY the rotten egg and vomit beanboozled!" Joven explains, as we all groan. We had eaten them a few times at a convention and we had hated them. We walk over to the back wall and we all begin the game. "I will draw first!" Emily says, and plunges her hand into the hat, selecting a random song. "I have gotten 'Backstreet's Back'" (Video Above) She cheers, and Joven cheers. "You got mine!" He hugs her quickly, and she takes her place. The kinect picks up her motions, and she begins the moves. She quickly gets into the dance, and she works incredibly hard. "This is how you dance, ladies and gentlemen!" Wes yells, clapping for her. "Thank you Wes!" She says, barely breaking a sweat. "Okay, I feel a little scared!" Flitz says, as her scores passes 1,000,000. "How does she already have 1 million?" Lasercorn yells. "I'm just a good dancer." She answers simply, grinding her hips. "I feel like a pervert, and that's my own girlfriend!" I chime in, and the others laugh. "You enjoying the view over there Sohinki?" Jovenshire teases. "I definitely am. However, her score is tallied up." I say, watching as she gets the flawless finish on the song. 'I got 3,697,481 on Backstreet's Back!" She cheers, and sits on my lap, barely panting. "How did you do that good?" Everyone seems to ask, and she laughs. "I may or may not have done a charity stream where I had to do every single song on Dance central 3. It took me 12 hours!" She laughs, and we realize we are all screwed. "Wes is next!" Emily declares, and Wes stands up to grab his song. "I got Get Low!" Wes says, and Emily starts laughing. "That is one of the hardest songs to accomplish on hard! Especially if you aren't an accomplished dancer! Wes, I wish you all the best!" She laughs, and Wes pales. The song starts, and Emily proves to be correct. "Wes, you need to step it up buddy!" Joven cheers from the side, and we all start encouraging Wes to do his best. 

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