Chapter 32

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"First stop: Jewellery Store, where I am about to lose about $900. I have to pick up her necklace, and then we need to go to the mall and pick up her outfit for our date. We have 3 days before she's out of the hospital, but we still need to choreograph the entire flash mob!" I say, driving towards the store where I had pre-ordered her locket. "How far away are we from the store?" Joshua asks, looking out the window. "Another 5 minutes if Matt takes the next left up here. Otherwise we are 20 minutes away." Lilly speaks up, and I turn the car to the left, and I see the jewellery store up ahead. "How did you know that?" I ask, pausing the car at the red light. "I figured that if you didn't want to drive for another hour, then you would want to go to the nearest jewellery store. Since this is the closest one, I knew the direction you would have to take." Lilly says, looking out the window. "Wow. Nice work Lilly." Joshua says, and I see in the rear view mirror she smiles. "We're here!" I say, getting out of the car, after parking the car close to the door of the jewellery store. Everyone gets out the car, and we all walk in the store, refreshed by the cold air of the air conditioning. "I ordered her a locket with custom engravement on it. I just need to pick it up and pay for it." I explain to them, and I walk over to the counter, where a red haired worker was busy arranging a ring into a ring box. It made me think of the future; thinking to myself "Could it be possible? Maybe Emily is the girl that I am meant to marry."  The worker turns around to face me, and smiles. "What can I do for you? A ring?" She gestures to the rings in front of her, but I shake my head no. "I need to pick up and pay for a custom locket that I ordered. It's under Matthew Sohinki." I explain, and she nods her head quickly. "I'll be right back with that. Have a look around the store if you'd like to find anything else for your beloved." She hustles off to the back and I go walk around the store, finding Lilly looking with Joshua at the diamonds glinting in the bright white light of the cases. "Looking at anything particular?" I say, and Lilly shakes her head no. "Anthony and I have only been dating for a couple of weeks. I'm not ready to marry him." She explains and I smile at her. "I understand that. I love Emily, but I know that we're not ready to get married anytime soon. I want to be her boyfriend for a while before I even think about proposing to her." I say, and she smiles back at me. "What about you Joshua? You ready to propose to Kate anytime soon?" I tease Joshua and he blushes deeply. "Not even close! I love her, but I need more time before we think about marriage." Joshua says, and we all laugh at our similar answers. "Matthew Sohinki?" A voice calls out, and my entire body freezes. "Matt... is that who I think it is?" Joshua whispers, as Lilly looks at us confused. "Shit." I whisper, before turning around and seeing one of the last people I would have ever expected to run into. "Hello Rebecca." I look at my ex girlfriend standing in front of me, and I think to myself one thought; This is the person that made me sink into depression. 

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