Chapter 40

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I walk down the hallway, looking for Ian and Anthony, after carefully making sure I had closed the video and shut down her equipment so that no one else would see the video. I was practically stomping down the hallway, keeping my eyes peeled for the former emo or bowl hair cut that was Anthony and Ian. Finally, I find them alone at one of the break rooms, and I rush in to close the door, making sure we're alone. "Thank god I found you!" I say, and they look at me in confusion. "What do you mean Matt?" Ian asks as I glare at the picture of the Smosh Family picture on the wall. "How much do you know about Emily's and Shayne's relationship?" I ask, trying to figure out how much they knew. "If this is about the eating disorder and the abuse, then we already know. We saw it happen." Anthony fills in. "WHAT?" I yell, and I look in at shock at the two men. "We saw him yelling at her when she was eating, and then she came clean about the eating disorder about five minutes later." Anthony explains, and I look at over at them in shock. "AND YOU DID NOTHING TO STOP IT?" I bellow, glaring at them as they cower away from me, even though they were both taller than me. "It wasn't our place." Anthony whispers, and I glare even harder at them. "Shayne abused my girlfriend for months! MONTHS! He shouldn't be part of the Smosh family is he pulls that shit and made my girlfriend self-harm! She's an angel! You stood by and saw her get abused!" I yell at them, throwing my hands through my hair as I realized that Ian and Anthony could have saved Emily a lot sooner, and maybe she wouldn't have all of those scars, and wouldn't have to worry about covering her legs. "You could have stopped it!" I scream, and Anthony stops me. "We couldn't just fire Shayne! Word would get out and Smosh would be ruined! This is a business, not a high school." I glare at him and Ian steps forward. "I didn't know... Anthony was the only one who saw it. Emily told me after she broke up with Shayne." He whispers, and I can see genuine sadness and regret as Ian looks down to the floor in shame. "You knew and didn't say a thing because you were worried more about your career, rather than your friend?" I seethe, and my vision turns red as I swing the first punch towards Anthony Padilla. 

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