Chapter 31

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Matt's Point of View will have details for the rest of the date! It will be coming soon! 

                                    Matt's POV (3 Days prior)

I leave to go check out the damage in the Smosh Games studio, but I get a text from Joven, saying that I didn't need to come by. I call Joven, waiting for him to pick up. "Hello?" He answers, and I roll my eyes. "Why did you sound so questioning? You have caller I.D on. Anyway, I have an idea on something that I wanted to do for Emily, and I need a lot of help." I say, getting into my car, and putting my phone in it's mount. "What do you want to do? We have everything put back in order here, so Lasercorn, Flitz, Ian, Anthony, Wes and I are all ready to help." He says, and I hear the others come onto the line. "I need to set up her desk, and Mark has already sent me the list of what she uses for her home set-up, and I need to go the jeweller's to pick up her gift and then we need a lot of help for my next project." I tell them, starting down the highway, heading towards the office. "What's you next project?" Anthony asks, as I stop at a red light. "A flash mob. Emily is a loved member of the dance community and I really want to show her some affection." I say, stopping at a red light. "That's amazing! I'm sure she will love that! We can call in some of our YouTube friends like The Warp Zone, Rosanna Pansino, and Shane Dawson! She loves those guys! They would only be too happy to help." Ian chimes in, and I continue down the highway, turning into the homestretch of the office. "I think that would be amazing, but is Joshua there? I have a gift that I need to get for Emily right away." I say, as I pull into the office up front. "Wait! I'm coming down too. There is someone I want you to meet!" Anthony says before Joshua interrupts. "Adventures with Joshua and Matt!" He yells, and the line clicks dead. Joshua bounds out the front door of the office building, and he hops into my car, looking at me expectantly. "I planned a date for Emily in 3 days for when she gets out of the hospital. I have to go pick everything up for her." I say, and noticing that two people have left the Smosh Games office. Anthony has his hand intertwined with a girl with long black hair and purple highlights, and she looks up to him, smiling.

 Anthony has his hand intertwined with a girl with long black hair and purple highlights, and she looks up to him, smiling

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 "This is my girlfriend Lilly Graham. We met at a coffee store when I spilt my coffee all over her. She's perfect!" Anthony gushes and the girl blushes. I laugh and introduce myself and explain why I sound a little frazzled. Lilly laughs and offers her help towards getting everything else, just asking to be kept out of the flash mob. I gladly accept, knowing that when I go shopping, I'm going to need some feminine help. I climb in the car, and Lilly climbs in the back. We put on our seatbelts and I start the engine, putting the car in gear and start going to the first place.

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