Chapter 16

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Hey soldiers! I am so sorry that I am late! Please enjoy the new chapter! 

                                                            Matt's POV

I'm waiting in the waiting room, sitting in the uncomfortable plastic chairs when I hear a familiar voice speak to the nurse at the front desk. It's just past 7:30 in the morning and it's only 20 minutes until visiting hours start. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I had gotten a call yesterday saying that Emily Wojdak was in the hospital. I'm her emergency contact and these are her friends." A deep voice sounds. I recognize it: Markiplier. "Mark? What the hell are you doing here?" I ask, coming near him and his friends, one that I also know quite well and two I've never met before, but I've definitely seen before. He turns away from the desk, looking at me confused. "I'm Emily's emergency contact. She was an old roommate that lived with me when she first moved here, and she asked if I was okay being her contact as she didn't have any contact with her family and we never changed it. What are you doing here Sohinki?" Mark asks, walking over with his friends. "Emily's my girlfriend. Pewdiepie? Jacksepticeye? What are you guys doing here? I thought you guys lived half way across the world. Nate, I thought you had that music thing." I ask, asking the three famous Youtubers across me. "Emily is one of our best friends. We all look at her like a little sister, even though she's older than me by three months, so when we heard she was in the hospital, we jumped on planes and drove here as quickly as possible." Jacksepticeye explains, sitting down with all of us. "Are Ian and Anthony here?" Pewdiepie asks, leaning forward. "Yeah. All of the Smosh Guys are here. They went down to the cafeteria to get something to eat. We've all been here since about 5 pm, I stayed back in case there was news on Emily." I explain. "By the way, you can call us by our real names. It's what Emily prefers to do and we actually like going by them." Jack or Sean explains. "Thanks. I'm actually glad you guys are here. I need the support since one of the people from Smosh actually did this to her." I say, balling my fists in anger at the memory. "What! Who did this? I will end them!" Sean says, balling his fists and standing up. Nate explains quickly that Sean is very protective of Emily and never wants to see her hurt or upset when I look to Sean in surprise. "It was Mari, the girl on the channel. She really wanted to date me, but when I started dating Emily, she quit and tried to poison Emily so that she was out of the picture. She's now off of Smosh and Emily is joining the show." I explain the situation, and then a doctor comes out. "Emily Wojdak?" He calls out, and we all stand. I walk up to the doctor, " I'm Matthew Sohinki, and I'm her boyfriend. Can we see her yet?" I ask, desperately hoping the answer is yes. "Go ahead. She's awake and was actually asking for some group named Smosh Games. Specifically you, Matthew" The doctor says, looking at us. "That's our YouTube channel. They're in the cafeteria." I explain to the confused doctor. "We'll go down and get them. Go see your lass." Sean says, pulling the three other youtubers with him. "Thanks!" I yell over my shoulder as I take off to go see the woman I love.

Woohoo! Emily's okay! 


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