BONUS Chapter 21

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To celebrate this story reaching over 200 reads, BONUS CHAPTER! 

I wake up the next morning after a night of peaceful sleep, with my throat being able to breathe, and knowing that there is peace among Smosh Games. I woke up around 10, seeing both Matt and Wes fast asleep, both looking like small children in their sleep. I smile to myself, being surrounded by my wonderful boyfriend and one of my best friends. I reach out quietly and grab my phone and my laptop that Sean dropped of last night from my house. I quickly text Joshua to see if he wants to visit me, and he quickly responds that he would, and that he was bringing hot drinks. I text him my order as well as something for Matt and Wes, knowing they won't be up for a while. I know that they are both heavy sleepers. Joshua comes up, and drops off the drinks, taking a seat beside me. "How long have they been here?" he asks quietly, taking a sip of his drink. "Since you guys left last night. I think they went to sleep around 3 or 4 am, so I'm not expecting them to wake up until noon." I explain, drinking some of my tea. "So tell me Joshua, do you mind it when they pick on you?" I inquire, turning my body slightly. "No. I love the Smosh Games guys, and I've known them all for a long time. I know they're all joking and they always apologize after an episode if they feel they were a bit too harsh." He explains. "That's awesome. For the record, I won't be the one picking on you. I'll be helping you blow up David in GTS and destroying stuff on the minecraft server." I say, extending my fist. "There's the gamer I know and I love. Just a question, how much stuff do you have on GTA?" He asks, bumping my fist. "A lot! I play with Mark and Sean quite a bit, so I have quite a bit of money, 15 cars, and I've found the more weapons, the better!" I say, laughing as Joshua laughs along with me. "So, what games are next in line for the Raging Fangirl?" he asks, drinking some of his drink. "Unfortunately for me, Scott Cawthon emailed me a little while ago, and he's giving me an advanced copy of his new game, and it's going to be Five Nights at Freddy's 4, Random Encounters wants me on an original song for Yandere Simulator with Natewantstobattle and I have to leave to start filming in January, as well as some golf with friends with Sean, and Left for Dead 2 with Mark, Wade and Sean." I say, remembering I have more collaborations on the horizon. "That's so awesome! I know it's kind of creepy but I really am a big fan of you. It's kind of incredible you're friends with me." Joshua says, scratching the back of his neck. "That's incredibly sweet! I should let you know that Smosh Games helped inspired my channel. The fact that I went from a Fangirl, to a professional Fangirl is amazing. So I should really thank you." I say, causing him to blush.

"I should probably go. My girlfriend wants to go for lunch, and you need to jump on twitter. The top trending hashtag is #GetWellSoonEmily, so I think your fans need you." He says, getting up from his chair. "Hug?" I ask, knowing his objection to hugs. "Anytime from you. Thanks for asking though." He says, wrapping his arms around me. "Wait! I forgot to tell you. You're contact name is Batman." I tell him. Joshua laughs, and tells me goodbye. I check the time as he leaves, and see a whole hour as passed. I get back on twitter, answering questions and tweeting out what's going on, getting back to some fans. I get on YouTube to see some other tributes to me, prompting me to comment. I end up watching a video of Matt dancing, with Flitz. My heart swells when I see the amazing moves he doing and smiling. Instantly an idea of doing a dance video comes into my mind, and I remember I have to ask about what he thinks. I look up to Matt starting to stir. "Good morning my angel." Matt says tiredly, his morning voice raspy and husky. "Morning! You two must have been tired! It's almost noon!" I say pointing to the clock on the wall, showing the time is 11:55. "Wow. Sorry, I should have been more entertaining. You're the one in the hospital and I'm the one sleeping." He tries to apologize, but I immediately shake my head, because he shouldn't feel bad. "No! Don't even worry about it. I've only been up for a few hours and I've mostly been answering twitter questions and tweeting out that the videos won't be out for a few days because I'm in the hospital. I'm more concerned with how this happened. I've eaten there so many times and I've never gotten sick before." I say, moving my laptop to the side and grabbing the drinks. I signal to Wes, who's rubbing his eyes tiredly, and smile brightly at him, who smiles back. "Morning Wes! Joven was here for an hour and he dropped off some hot drinks for all of us, unfortunately they might be cold. Don't worry! Yours is a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream and chocolate. I remember your order, and that you hate coffee. Matt, yours is coffee with cream and sugar, but the cream is soy. I can't have my boyfriend getting sick." I say, passing the drinks to the boys. "Emily... We have something to tell you. We know how you got sick, but we need you to promise you won't rage." Wes says, drinking some of his beverage. Immediately I'm suspicious. My anger was some of the inspiration towards the name of my channel, and if they are asking me to not rage, then it's serious. "I make no promise. My rage has a mind of it's own, now tell me. I want to know if I have to sue or hire Mark and Sean to go kick someone's ass until I can." I say, crossing my arms in defiance. "You can kick someone's ass?" Matt asks, taking a sip of his coffee. "I've Brazilian fighting since I was 14, and then I advanced to kick boxing, karate and kung-fu. I can basically defend myself in any situation. Now tell me!" I plead with Matt, begging him to tell me. "It was Mari." He says, and my vision turns red. 

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