Everything You Need To Know About Emhinki!

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To give you some insight about Emily and Matt, I give you; Everything You Need To Know About Emhinki! 

Emily is 26, turning 27
Matt is 27, turning 28 

Where did They Meet: 
At a convention in 2014

They started dating August 10th, 2015 and their first date will take place August 15th

Safe and Sound By Capital Cities 

Ex-Boyfriends and Girlfriends 
Emily's Ex-Boyfriend: Shayne Topp 
Matt's Ex-Girlfriend: Becca 

Emily's Contact Name is My Angel ❤️
Matt's Contact Name is My One and Only ❤️

Tweets About Each Other 
@RealRagingFangirl @Sohinki is My Prince, Best Friend and Protector all rolled into one perfect human! Love you babe! 

@Sohinki @RealRagingFangirl is the best thing that ever happened to me, and to think I started our relationship by making a fool out of myself in front of her! I love you, My Angel! 

Who Said "I Love You" First: 
Sohinki said it to Emily first, then asked her to be his girlfriend 

Where was The First Kiss: 
Smosh Games Studio, Game Bang Room 

What They Love About Each Other:
Emily: She loves Matt's Caring Nature towards Her, and everyone else.
Matt: He loves everything about her. He just loves her. 

How They Tell the Fans: 
Matt tweeted about it when she was in the hospital, and so did she, and they released the Lunchtime with Smosh Games 2 days after Emily went into the hospital. 

@Sohinki Achievement Unlocked: Girlfriend Obtained! Please go show my girlfriend some love! @RealRagingFangirl 

Hope you enjoyed the daily dose of Fluff! New chapter up on Thrursday that includes part one of their date!  

My AngelNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ