Chapter 24

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Hello my little soldiers! NEW CHAPTER TIME! So this will have a change in POV but don't worry, it's clearly marked. 


I'm almost out of the building before I hear Ian and Anthony yell "What the hell?"  with Joven and Lasercorn's shouts of anguish mixed in. I know for a fact that they have found the game bang room in shreds and everything is destroyed. "Mari! Get your ass back here!" Anthony booms, and my feet carry me to the game bang room. "What the hell were you thinking? You've completely trashed everything except for Matt's desk, and you've completely ruined everything!" I look at the trashed game bang room, and look over at Joven and Lasercorn. Their hands are covering their mouths, but Lasercorn looks the saddest. He gingerly crouches down and picks up something from the floor. He stifles a sob, as he holds the thing in his hand. "How could you do this?" He whispers, and I finally see the thing in his hand; a smashed popsicle stick frame, decorated with glitter and Pokémon stickers, with the words "Best Daddy Ever" and a picture of Lasercorn and Tyler in it. The picture was ripped, and the frame was completely broken, all because of me. I feel the guilt pouring in, and I have no words. "Lasercorn... David. I'm so sorry." I say, and he turns to me. "Get. OUT! Don't ever call me David! Only Emily can! She at least would be okay if she was asked about having another female co-host! Leave! Get out of here!" He yells, his eyes wild and full of anger. Ian grabs my arms, and pushes me out. "I never thought you would stoop this low. We finally see the true colours of your soul. Never, EVER come near Smosh again!" He yells, and he pushes me out of the building and towards my car. I walk towards my car, and I realize I need a partner if I ever want to break up Emily and Matt. Someone who would want the two of them broken up, and who would benefit from the both of them being done. "Wes!" I say, and I start driving towards the hospital. Wes stands outside, waiting for someone. I get out of my car and walk behind him, "Hello Wesley." I say, and his back stiffens before he turns to me. "Hello Mari."

"What do you want?" He hisses at me, towering over me. "I want your help. You want to Emily, and I want Matt. If we work together then we can both be happy. We just need to break them up, so if you kiss Emily, Matt will break up with her and we will be there to comfort them." I explain, and he scoffs. "I don't want to break them up! If they break up naturally, then I would go for Emily but I would never do that to a friend!" Wes yells, and I back away. I see Lasercorn's car pull up, with Tyler in the backseat. "I promise, you will accept my offer sooner or later." I say, and walk back to my car. I look up to the hospital, and whisper, "I will have you Matthew Sohinki!"

Emily's POV

Matt comes back in the room without Wes. "Is everything okay? Where did Wes go?" She asks and he nods before kissing me. I'm surprised about the display of affection but I respond eagerly. "Not complaining, but what was that for?" I say, my hands still on his neck. "I love you, and I wanted to make sure you knew that." He tells me and I look down, and I blush. "I love you too." I say, before he hugs me. I hug him back, and my heart fills with contentment. Suddenly my laptop rings with a Skype call from Ian and Anthony. "Hold on babe. I have to get this." I say, grabbing my laptop from the side table, clicking answer on the call. "Hey guys! What's going on?" I ask, noticing the sad looks on their faces. "Is Matt there with you?" Ian asks, and Matt pops his head into the frame. "Hey." He says simply, before I scoot over to make room for him. He wraps an arm around my shoulders to secure him on the bed. "We have bad news. Mari trashed the Game Bang room, and the only thing left is Matt's desk." Anthony breaks the news to us, and I cover my mouth with my hand. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! This is all my fault!" I cry, leaning my head into Matt's shoulder. "It's not your fault Emily! We're going to have Mari pay to have everything replaced and it will be great. You're going to be seated next to Wes and Matt. We'll talk to you guys later." Anthony explains and signs off the Skype call. "I'm so sorry baby. I wish that I had never agreed to come do the game bang." I say tearfully. Matt lifts my head and stares into my eyes. "You agreeing to do that game bang caused the single greatest thing to happen to me. I was able to ask the love of my life to become my girlfriend, and I was finally able to kiss an angel. Never EVER say you were responsible for this, because it was all Mari's fault." Matt assures me, and he kisses me gently, and I instantly feel better. "I'm still so sorry for what's happened to the Smosh guys. You guys have had that room for so long and now it's destroyed." I apologize, and Matt hushes me, reassuring me that it wasn't my fault. 

My Angelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن