Chapter 3

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Author's Note: 

Hello! Thank you to everyone who has been reading and enjoying the story so far! I am always so happy when I see that people are reading it! Please enjoy the new chapter! XOXO~Rage

PS: The picture above is Sohinki! 

 "Or maybe a Johinki duet?" Emily teases me as she gets into the car. I blush slightly at the thought. "What if it's you and Wes?" I ask her, instantly regretting it as I see her in my mind dancing with Wes, and I hate the thought. "Jump. He's 6'3 and I'm barely 5'5. I'd have a better chance of dancing with you." She explains and I agree. I turn on the radio and get onto the highway, listening as she sings to a song that I don't know. She thinks I can't hear her, but she has the voice of an angel, singing the words out by heart. Soon the song and the ride finish and we're at the Smosh Games HQ. "That was incredible!" I praise and watch as her face goes beet red. "You heard me? Oh god! I must have sounded terrible!" She says, moving her hand to hid her face. "NO! You were perfect." I promise her, moving her hand away from her face, my hand lingering on hers. "Anyway... We're here! Good Luck to you... and let's hope I lose and you win." I whisper the last part, hoping she won't hear me, but when she blushes, I know she heard, and I might have a chance to be with her. However, I don't get my hopes up. She's an amazing person, and I am just a part of Smosh that no one recognizes. Out of everyone in Smosh, I am the one that is always forgotten.  I would have a better chance with dating a rock than dating Emily.

I take time to walk into the building, as Emily has already gone inside. My heart was racing when I thought I had a chance with her. I had almost blown my cover inside the car with my stupid remark. I need to act natural and remember that she is just another person and not the single most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life.  I can't have another slip up, and for her to completely reject me. I take a few moments to relax, trying to keep my heart rate down. I open the doors to see Emily squealing as Wes carries her bridal style towards the game room. I run to catch up to them but my blood boils. Wes had met Emily before I had, and I remembered that Wes talked about her, saying she was perfect. I don't want to fight one of my best friends but for her, I would. I finally catch up to Wes and Emily, identical smiles on their faces. "I see Wes found you." I say, out of breath and jealousy leeches into my voice. Wes doesn't seem to notice, but Emily seems to and makes a joke to lighten the mood. "Yeah. I go in for a hug and I find myself in a bridal style carry. I feel tall." She concludes, making us all laugh. "Well it doesn't help that you're under 5'5. Anyone feels tall when they're being carried by a gentle giant." I explain, smiling. "Wait. Wes, put me in Matt's arms. I want to see the difference." Emily requests, and we all stop to make the swap. Emily is gently placed in my arms, and she gently latches on to my neck. I tighten my arms around her waist and under her knees, terrified of dropping her. I truly feel how light she is, and it worries me as she's only two years younger than me but feels like she weighs the same as 13 year old. "I feel short but tall at the same time." She concludes after being in my arms for a few minutes. "TO THE GAME ROOM!" We all yell, and she leans her head down on my shoulder, I continue to carry the girl of my dreams, a smile never leaving my face.  

My Angelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن