Chapter 12

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Hey! I'm sorry that updates have been irregular, but school started up again and I didn't have time to update! If you are looking for another story to check out, you can check out the newest chapter on Smosh Games Vs. Zombies! *Shamelessly promotes another story* THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 70 reads! I never thought this story would get past like 5. If you like what you read, hit that vote button! XOXO~Rage

"What the hell?" Lasercorn exclaims, running over to check on her, crouching beside me. "I don't know! She was fine a few minutes ago, and then her entire body went pale and she fell to the ground!" I'm panicking, seeing my girlfriend lying on the ground completely still. Anthony goes to check if she's breathing, my mind thinking what could have caused this. "Matt, get her to a hospital, now! Her breathing is constricted and she's not going to be able to breathe in a minute." Anthony's voice breaks through my spell, and suddenly I forget everything that's happened with Wes. "Wes! Joven! Come on! We need to get to the hospital." I shout, having Wes pick up Emily, her head leaning against him, and Joven running to grab his car, pulling up when we get to the front of the building. "Wes, put her in the back, I'm sitting with her. Joven, drive as fast as you can to the nearest hospital!" I order, Wes placing her body gently in the car, her head resting in my lap. The car lurches forward as we drive to the hospital, my face streaking with tears as we drive towards the emergency room.

We finally pull up to the hospital, Emily's body covered in a sheen layer of sweat and her breathing severely restricted. "Someone help us!" Wes yells, running in. I follow behind with Emily. "What's going on? What happened?" A doctor asks, helping me place her body on a gurney. "I don't know. She just collapsed after going pale. Please help me." I plead with him. "We'll do everything we can." He promises and starts wheeling her down the corridor to the ICU unit. I start to follow until Joven and Wes restrain me. "Let me go!" I thrash, trying to follow after her. "Stop. Matt, she's going to be okay. I promise you." Joven says and I stop thrashing and collapse, sinking to the floor, resting on my knees, my eyes red with tears. I feel an arm around my shoulders, and look up to see Wes, looking at me with tears in his eyes. I start thinking about what's happened between us and I feel sadness, wanting to fix things in between us. "Wes, I'm sorry for what happened. I know you didn't plan on hurting Emily, but you have to know that I love her, and won't let her go." I apologize to Wes, looking up at him, seeing tears in his eyes. "Matt, I'm sorry too. I never should have agreed to what Mari had planned and I should have backed off, I just didn't think about what Emily wanted. I just want her to be happy. I'm sorry for what I said about your previous relationship. That was over the line and I'm so sorry, I never should have said anything." Wes apologizes and we hug it out.

"What do you think happened with Emily? Do you think she just passed out from the shock of Mari quitting?" Joven asks, leading the three of us to some chairs. "I don't think so. Her breathing was constricted and her body was covered in sweat." I explain, "That sounds like an allergic reaction. I have the same problem with my food allergies." Wes point out. "But she had her food specially made. Joven and I watched, and she even said that is was a severe allergy. No dairy products could be on her food." I defend, knowing that the restaurant wouldn't screw up her food that badly, knowing we could easily sue them. "What's wrong with your girlfriend Sohin? Having a little trouble breathing?" a voice calls from behind us, one I easily recognize. "Mari! What the hell did you do to her?" I roar, standing up to her. "I switched the tickets. I ordered the same thing as her, except mine had extra cream in the sauce. My friend in the kitchen helped me switch them out and Emily was dumb enough to eat the plate." She explains, coming closer to me. "Why? What did she ever do to you?" Wes asks, towering over her. Joven comes up behind us, supporting Wes and me. Both of Wes and Joven's eyes are burning with hatred and anger, something I've rarely ever seen. "I did it so we could be together Matt. I love you and that little bitch took you from me. She was standing in the way of the love we have for each other. I needed her to be gone so you could see the girl who you're truly meant to be! So with her out of the picture, we can be together and Wes can be with Emily." She says smiling. "I will never date you. I never thought I would say this, but I hate you Mari Takahasi. I hate you!" I scream and watch as Mari's face changes. 

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