Chapter 38

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I look at my ex-boyfriend as he glares at me, making me want to shrink even further into Matt's arms. "Shayne, get the hell out of our studio. You're not welcome here." Matt spits at him, holding me protectively. "Like hell I'm not. I'm part of the Smosh Squad, therefore, part of the Smosh Family and from what I understand, Emily is now part of our family." Shayne seethes, and I glare at him, remembering the verbal abuse, and the cheating, and the lies. "Leave!" I scream at him, pushing myself away from Matt, and stalking over to Shayne. Wes and Joshua move back to give Matt some back up in case things get physical so that I at least won't die if Shayne gets a little to close for comfort. "Why should I do that Sweetie?" He asks, reaching a hand out to touch me. I smack it away, and glare at my ex. "First of all; NEVER call me that again. It makes my skin crawl, and it also makes me want to rip out your vocal chords so you can never tell another girl how ugly she is, or she should constantly go on a diet so that she's prettier for you. Secondly, if you ever try to make yourself sound like the victim again, I will release a video I filmed eight months ago, and explain EVERYTHING you did to me. Finally, if you ever come near me again, I will personally take you down. Yes, I work here now and I am now a host on Smosh Games. We are now people who work in the same building, but I'm guessing that it's because you never told Ian and Anthony that you abused me in our relationship. I'm sure that finding out that a member of the Smosh Squad was abusing his girlfriend and their friend would be great for the Smosh channel, and the Defy Media brand. Stay the hell away from me, and stay the hell away from my boyfriend." I finish by slapping Shayne hard across the face and walking over to Matt, walking into the protective circle of his arms. Wes and Joshua move into action and drag Shayne out of the room, leaving me and Matt alone. "I'm so proud of you baby! That was amazing!" He praises me, and I thank him with a kiss. "I have to ask Angel. What video were you talking about?" He asks, and I wince. "I made a video explaining the abuse that I went through with Shayne, and everything he ever did. It's in my private videos on my Youtube Account." I explain, rubbing my bare arm. "Can... Can I see it?" Matt asks, and I think for a moment. If anyone was going to see this video, I think that Matt should be the one to see it, and I think it would be good or our relationship. "Okay. If you want to see it, go onto my youtube account, I'm already logged in. I'm going for lunch with Courtney and Olivia. I love you!" I say, going to the door after grabbing my wallet and phone. "You forgot something!" He yells as I walk out, and I walk back to him, and he gently kisses me, pulling me close. "You forgot a goodbye kiss. Now go have fun with the girls. I love you too." He says, pushing me out the door, and sitting at my desk. I blush slightly and walk out, feeling better than I have in years. 

Next Week: THE VIDEO 

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