Life Announcement: Goodbye Anthony!

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Hey soldiers...

So today, Anthony Padilla announced he was leaving Smosh. He wanted to focus more on his solo career, and he has every right in the world to. I, for one, am very happy for him, and I am very excited to see what he will create in the world.

If you guys didn't know, Anthony and Ian have been friends for 19 years, and have been doing Smosh for 11 years. It's been a long time, but I'm still sad about it. Smosh won't be the same without Anthony standing by Ian's side.

GOOD LUCK ANTHONY!!! Go send him some luck and some love!

"Once a Smosher, Forever a Smosher."


PS: Don't worry! Anthony will still be a character in the story! The story takes place in 2015 for the record!   

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