Chapter 4

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 Author's Note: 

Hello! Thank you to all the people that have been reading! Above is the just dance punishment that the losers have to do, and below is Emily's dance! XOXO~ Rage

 Emily's POV

Matt finished carrying me to the game room, and placed me gently down, my arms still around his neck and his around my waist. "I forgot to do this..." I said, and pulled him into a hug that was long overdue. His arms tightened around me, and squeezed my waist. "Next time, I'll remind you." He whispered in my ear, as he opened the game room door. Mari immediately embraces me as she squeals, "You're here!" I hug my best friend and laugh, as Lasercorn, Joven, Ian and Anthony come up behind her. "Hey Emily. Thanks for coming to do this." Ian and Anthony say at the same time, both going in for a hug. I had met them lots of times before at Vid-Con, both of them quickly becoming some of my best friends. "Hey boys. Thanks for having me over. I need to come over to see you both more often." I say, returning the hug. "Laser! Joven! Stop being creeps and come greet the girl!" Ian yells, as Joven stares at me with a jaw dropped, and Lasercorn with his laser-stare. "Is that who I think it is?" Joven asks, Ian and Anthony laughing with Matt who had came in behind me with Wes, at Joven's fangirling. "I'm Emily, AKA the Raging Fangirl, Nice to meet you, Jovenshire. I'm actually a big fan of you. I was rooting for you on King of the Nerds!" I say honestly. I was a big fan of Smosh Games and was a subscriber for as long as I can remember. "YOU KNOW WHO I AM??? YOU'RE MY FAVOURITE GAMER!" He yells, and pulls me into a hug. Ian eventually pulls Joven off of me, but Joven just smiles and goes to sit down. "Hey David. How's Babycorn doing?" I ask, hugging him. "He's still alive. How are you doing?" David asks, returning the tight hug. "I'm good." I reply simply. Lasercorn was an old friend of mine that I had met when I first moved to LA, and knew about some of the problems I had in the past. I was one of the only people allowed to call him by his real name. I was grateful for his presence in my life.

"Let's get started! Emily, you're filling in for Flitz. He's not here at the moment, and Mari said you're an insane dancer?" Anthony asks me, as I tie up my hair. "I've been dancing since I was 10 and I'm now 26. I'd say that classifies me as a good dancer." I say, stretching out my arms. "Good. Let's shoot this shit!" Ian yells and I take my place beside Matt as the cameras start rolling. "GAME BANG!" We all yell, and strike a pose, which leads to Wes picking me up. "If you haven't noticed, the person in Wes's arms is the Raging Fangirl or Emily as we know her! We finally caught her and she's going to be doing Just Dance 2016 with us!" Anthony yells, as Lasercorn groans. "The air is thin up here!" I yell and pretend to faint in Wes's arms, and while they laugh and as they introduce the punishment, Wes puts me down on the ground. "Em goes first!" Matt says, and he appears with a hat. I reach my hand in and pull out "I'm an Albatroaz by AronChupa." I say and laugh. "YES! I actually had to do a performance to this song and I love it!" I squeal. The song starts and I start dancing. The dance was a ballet game, not my training but I quickly get into the rhythm and watching my points rack up.

 "She's incredible!" Joven yells. "I want to lose now." All the males say as I jump to the beat. "I feel like all of you are just watching my ass as I jump." I retort, kicking up my leg over and over again. "Sohinki and Wes definitely are." Mari retorts as I finish the song. "Pervs!" I laugh and purposefully sit on Matt's lap. "I think you're up. Try and beat my score of 12,500." I whisper. "Oh god... I'm so dead." He whispers. He steps up to the floor and pulls the song name out of the hat. "Want You to Want Me by Jason Derulo. Oh good..." Matt groans, and continues to groan at the dance moves. He does sing the song as he dances, and the others sing with him. I join in too, smiling at the lyrics. as he fails the song, barely gaining one star. "Why was that so tiring?" He groans as he falls into the seat beside me.

Soon the others have finished their dances; Ian dancing to Uptown Funk, Anthony jumping to the Black Eyed Peas, Lasercorn bring out his raptor claws on Fun, Wes trying to dance to Calvin Harris and Mari bringing out her best dance moves on Stuck on a Feeling, the best being Joven with Animals by Martin Garrix. "The pelvic thrusts were too much in the song!" I cry as the memory burns into my subconscious. Matt just pats me on the back, and gives me a side hug to comfort me. All the males and Mari try to beat my score, but none come close and at the end, it's Matt and me. "#Emhinki" Joven says as he pants from just finishing his dance. "You both will be dancing to 'You're The One that I want' from Grease!" Ian yells, as we all groan. I look to Matt and smile, happy that it's the two of us. 

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