Chapter 20

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This is the video that Emily is watching when Sohinki wakes up! I love this video so much! 

            We wake up in the morning by the sound of clicking keys. I open my eyes slowly, rubbing my eyes and seeing Emily awake with her laptop open on her lap. "Good morning my angel." I say tiredly, Emily looking up and smiling at me. "Morning! You two must have been tired! It's almost noon!" Emily says, pointing the clock, showing it's five minutes to noon, meaning I was asleep for 8 hours. "Wow. Sorry, I should have been more entertaining. You're the one in the hospital and I'm the one sleeping." I apologize, causing Emily to shake her head. "No! Don't even worry about it. I've only been up for a few hours and I've mostly been answering twitter questions and tweeting out that videos won't be out for a few days because I'm in the hospital. I'm more concerned with how this happened. I've eaten there so many times and I've never gotten sick before." She says, moving her laptop to her bedside table, and grabbing two cups, handing one to me, and signalling Wes to come over and grab his. I see what she was watching, and I smile slightly when I see that it's one of my videos, one where I was dancing with Flitz. "Morning Wes! Joven was here for an hour and he dropped off some hot drinks for all of us, unfortunately they might be cold. Don't worry! Yours is a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream and chocolate. I remember your order, and that you hate coffee. Matt, yours is coffee with cream and sugar, but the cream is soy. I can't have my boyfriend getting sick." She smiles warmly at the two of us, leaning back against the pillows on her bed. "Emily... We have something to tell you. We know how you got sick, but we need you to promise you won't rage." Wes says carefully, fully aware of Emily's tendency to have her anger come forward and it takes over her usually sweet personality. "I make no promise. My rage has a mind of it's own, now tell me. I want to know if I have to sue or hire Mark and Sean to go kick someone's ass until I can." Emily says, folding her arms over her chest. "You can kick someone's ass?" I ask, taking a sip of my coffee. "I was in Brazilian fighting since I was 14, and then I advanced to kick boxing, karate and kung-fu. I can basically defend myself in any situation. Now tell me!" She says, her eyes pleading with me. "It was Mari." Emily's face visibly changes from peaceful to anger.

Emily's Point of View

I can't breathe. My throat is closing, and my breath is coming out as raspy, and I know for a fact that this could be the last time I ever react to dairy because I'll die. I wake up later, my vision blurry, but I know time has passed and I can breathe again. I look around and see bright lights and know that I'm in the hospital. The Smosh crew must have brought me here. "Miss Wojdak! Congrats! You're going to make a full recovery, but we're going to be keeping you hear for about two days to monitor you. You also seem to have quite the gathering outside! I assume your friends, but you'll see them soon. It's around 4:00 am so you sleep honey." A nurse's voice rings out through my groggy head. I nod slightly and go back to a dreamless sleep, but this time, I can actually breathe.

I wake up around 7:30, and eagerly wait for the extra half hour to come around. A doctor comes by, with a borrowed book and with some words. "Emily, I'm Dr. Smith. I have to say it's an honour to treat you." Dr. Smith smiles at me. "Thank you doctor. I have to ask why?" I question, at the fact that it's an honour to treat me. "My kids look up to you. They say you inspired them to become musicians. My oldest, Jason is now playing guitar and my youngest, Sam is playing bass." He explains, showing me a picture of two teenagers, both with their instruments. "That's incredible! Here, I'll sign something for them." I say, signing two pieces of paper the two kids. "Anyway, I can start your visitors hours. Anyone special?" He asks, putting the autograph away. "My friends Smosh Games. Especially my boyfriend Matthew Sohinki." I say quickly. "Right away." He says and he leaves to retrieve my friends. I busy myself by running a hand through my hair and I begin reading the book the doctor brought me. I couldn't concentrate for long until I hear Matt running into the room. "Oh thank god!" Matt's voice cries, causing me to look up and put my book aside. "Matt!" I cry, as he runs over to me, crushing me in a tight hug. I wrap my arms around him, pulling him tighter to me, reassuring him and myself that I'm okay. "I thought I lost you! You weren't breathing and I thought you were gone." Matt whispers into my hair. My heart shatters, and I quickly reply to cease his fears. "You'd never lose me, I love you. I love you so much." I whisper into his neck. He pulls away from me, and I reach up to dry the tears that have formed, my hand caressing his cheek. He leans into my touch for a moment, before he pulls away. "I think this is necessary..." He whispers, before kissing me softly, gently holding my head in his hands, and I wrap my hands around his neck, pushing harder. We only pull away when we hear clapping from the back off the room, my friends and Smosh are here! I'm so surprised that Nate, Felix and Sean are here. Mark was my emergency contact since my parents had lost contact with me when I moved to LA. Sean doesn't look happy however, as he says "Not to disturb you, but I don't think this is what the doctor ordered. Plus, we don't know if you've passed our tests, Sohinki. So back away from our girl and let us deal with you after all of this.", as he moves closer to Matt and me. "Sean! Don't make get out of this bed and kick your Irish, potato-loving arse back to Ireland! Now get over here and hug me! I've missed you!" I laugh, as he hugs me. Felix, Nate and Mark both receive hugs, and I smile. Relishing in the thought of having the people I loved most in the world in my room. 

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