Chapter 35

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Still Matt's POV 
(This takes place after he drops off Emily at her house for the date) 

The flash mob went perfectly and she loved the surprises I had for her! I seriously owed my friends, but most importantly I owed my friend Scarlett Young. She was an old friend of mine, and she helped me put together everything for the flash mob, and she organized everything at the hospital to make sure that no cars were in the parking lot. Scarlett was younger than me at 22, but was actually taller than me at 5'11,  but she was a total sweetheart with dyed red hair, piercing green eyes, and she was sarcastic, funny and cool. Wes had taken a real liking to her when they met, and from what I heard, they had a date in about a week! Speaking of dates, I had to focus on mine. I had about an hour to get ready before going to pick up Emily and then take her for our date. I quickly drive home after dropping off my angel, and speed back to my apartment. I run up the steps, throw off my hoodie, and run to my bedroom, trying to find an acceptable date outfit. The Italian restaurant I had made the reservations at was incredibly fancy, and you needed to be in a blazer to even get a foot in the door. They had made that very clear when I booked a reservation there. I find a dark blue dress shirt, black dress pants and a nice pair of shoes, and lay them out on my bed, thinking that they are okay for her. I then hop in the shower, getting into the hot spray and allowing some of the fears I had for the date melt away. 

"You'll never be good enough for her! You don't deserve her!" 

The voices in my head scream out at me, trying to get me to do what my mind screamed at me; cancel the damn date. My heart fought against it, reminding me that Emily loved me, and she wanted to go on this date. Trying to get the voices to stop, I step out of the shower, feeling worse then when I stepped in. No matter, I dry my hair, and style it, trying to get it to the way I like, and throw on antiperspirant and cologne. I finish with getting dressed, and throwing on my favourite watch and grabbing my wallet. I head out the door at 7:00, knowing LA traffic, and I finally arrive at her house at 7:30, right on time! 


I can't believe I told her! She was so calm about the entire thing, and she made me feel accepted, and loved. Sitting down at our table, we sit across from each other, and our waiter comes over to us. Looking up; it's a tall brunette male who looks like a model. Shit. "Welcome to Fantasia, my name is Marcus, and can I start you off with something to drink, beautiful?" He asks, directly at Emily. Jealousy roars at my chest as he stares at my girlfriend. "I'll have some water." She says, looking slightly uncomfortable. "Also, I'll have a non-pervy waiter who doesn't hit on me when I'm on a date with my boyfriend!" She tells the waiter, and he blushes a deep dark red, as I smirk at him. "You heard my girlfriend. Also, I'll have the water too." I say, smiling at Emily. "I-I-I'm so sorry miss. I'll get those right away for you!" He stutters and walks away. I connect my hand with hers, clasping it over the table and smiling down at our hands. "I love you, my angel." I tell her, placing a kiss on her hand. "As I love you, my love." She says, placing a kiss on mine. The rest of the date went smoothly, with conversation flowing, and the food being delicious. We got fantastic service, as our waiter feared a bad review from Emily, and I think he was a little afraid of my tiny girlfriend. We walked out 2 hours later, with smiles on our faces and hand in hand, ending the greatest night of my life. 


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