Chapter 11

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Long Chapter Today! Updates will be irregular for a little while because I am going back to school, so please don't lose faith in the stories that I am writing! Enough of that, ON TO THE STORY! XOXO~Rage 

                                                Matt's POV

I walk towards the conference room, after hearing that that's where Joven led Emily. The door is open, and I walk in, both of them not noticing my entrance. "I've been three months without my eating disorder. I know that it's terrible, but I still did it after my ex-boyfriend and I split up. I used the cutting to express sadness, and I couldn't stop. Eventually, I decided that I was done with it and I got help." She finishes, as Joven rubs her back in a soothing manner. "What ass would make you feel like that? You're a beautiful person inside and out." Joven asks, I want to hear this, as she never told me who her ex-boyfriend was and the fact that he made her do this to herself, makes my blood rise. "I don't want to tell you..." Emily hesitates, and she slowly raises her head. "You can tell me, I promise." Joven reassures her, and she steels herself. "Fine. My ex-boyfriend is Shayne Topp and my ex-boyfriend is Courtney Miller." She says in a rush. My vision turns red as I realize a member of the Smosh family has hurt my angel. I turn and slam the door, looking for Shayne to make him pay for what he's done.

Footsteps chase after me. "Matt! Stop!" A voice calls behind me, and I stop my rage to see Emily, running to catch me. "Why? Why should I stop? Look what he's done to you!" I seethe, turning to continue, until a hand rests on my arm. "Please. Stop doing this and we need to talk." She pleads with me. I look to see her eyes are filled with tears. My rage subsides, as I need to comfort her and I crush her to my chest, holding her close to me, comforting her. I feel Emily's tears on my chest, and it breaks my heart. "I love you. I promise nothing can change my feelings towards you, no matter what." I say, rubbing her back, kissing the top of her head and holding her tighter. "I love you too. Just promise me you won't cheat. It's what started the cutting. I didn't have anyone else so the knife became a friend. Just promise me you won't cheat, you won't put me through that again." She asks, and the thought of cheating on her makes me sick to my stomach. "I can't imagine my life, knowing that I hurt you. So I swear on my life I won't cheat on you." I promise. She looks up and leans forward, kissing me lightly, gently putting her hands on my neck. I cup her face gently and push harder, putting my love into the kiss. "Yay! Emhinki for life!" Joven yells, causing us to pull apart. Emily smiles and walks over to Joven. "Thanks for being a good friend, and I now dub us best friends." She says as she hugs him, something that doesn't happen at all because Joven hates hugging. "Yes! I have a cool best friend!" Joven says, hugging her. "Yeah. I have the coolest girlfriend." I say, coming up to the both of them. "I personally have the coolest best friend, and the most amazing boyfriend. Now let's grab lunch!" Emily says, grabbing my hand and linking her fingers with mine. Joven puts his arm around Emily's shoulders and we walk out of the building, towards my car.

We go into small restaurant, the smell of herbs and spices wafting into the air. Emily walks in and the hostess smiles at her. "Hey! I haven't seen you in a while." I look to see Emily smile warmly as she asks for a table. "It's good to see you too. I should come by more often." We sit and wait for a table, Joven answering a phone call, and Emily resting her head on my shoulder. "You okay babe?" I ask her, and she laughs slightly. "I'm fine, but I thought it was funny how you called me babe. I never thought you would call me babe, I like it though." She smiles at me and I fall in love all over again. "I think that the best nickname is Angel. You are my little angel." Emily just pecks my cheek, and stands up to go grab the table. "I'll wait for Joven. We'll be there soon my angel." I tell her. She nods and goes to the table. I watch her retreating backside and wait for Joven, who comes back in smiling. "Dude! That was Anthony and Ian, and they want Emily to join Smosh Games!" He says, gesturing wildly. "What? Are you serious? That's amazing!" I say. "We're going to head back to the office and then they'll ask her. Now let's eat!" Joven says. We agree to not tell her and we go off, towards food and my angel.

Lunch was fun, as Emily had a sense of humour that just made me smile and Joven in stitches. I carefully watch and smile when Emily eats her pasta. I knew she was over her eating disorder but it still made me worry, although it does explain why she was so light in my arms. I'm also hoping the restaurant didn't screw up her food, as she had to make sure her food didn't include any cream, she was lactose intolerant like I was, but more severe. "Matt, you ready to go?" Emily asks, after paying the bill. "Yeah. Anthony called Joven before lunch and actually needs us back." I say, not explaining why he needs us back. "Okay. Let's head back then." She says, offering her hand and I take it without hesitation. We drive back to the office, Emily telling stories of panels she's done, with Joven asking questions about Jacksepticeye and Pewdiepie, as we had never met them before. "They are the sweetest people alive, well besides Smosh of course." Emily says, smiling at the two of us. "I can argue with that, as there is an angel in the car beside me." I say, turning into the parking lot. Emily turns beet red and kisses my cheek. "C'mon! Anthony says there was news to be shared!" Joven jumps out of the car, Emily and I following close behind. We see the Smosh Guys looking sad but excited at the same time. "So we have a question for Emily, Emily, would you consider being a part of Smosh Games?" Ian asks, and Emily looks surprised.

"Me? Are you sure?" She asks, gripping my hand tighter. "Absolutely! You would make the perfect addition, and you would still be able to keep up with your channel, we promise!" Anthony adds, coming up behind Ian. "Then yes! 100% yes!" She squeals, bringing the two of them in a hug. "Wait. If that's what's you wanted to ask me, what's the bad news? Why does everyone look so sad?" Emily asks, as I pull her towards me, gripping her waist tightly. I had noticed she was going pale, and was shaking. I figured she must have been shocked and excited. "The bad news is that Mari quit Smosh Games. She said that there couldn't be two girls on the Smosh Games channel and the fact that Emily stole Sohinki from her made her quit." Ian explains, and with that, my angel falls to the ground, completely still. 


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