|Chapter One|

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Eyes scanning the crowd, I huff in annoyance looking for my friends. On a warm August night they had all decided we needed to go out and party through the streets of Seattle. I have always hated  following their unintelligent plans; but I always followed because if I stayed home I would watch old re-runs of friends.


Turning around I face Kael, he's leaning on the pillar near the bar, which was crowded with people.

"Hannah just never stops" Kael states which makes me nod in agreement, the neon colours and the rancid smell of puke makes me pull away from the bathroom.

"Can we leave?" tiredness sways me, blinking a few times I looked up at Kael who was equally struggling to stay awake. Midnight had passed and both Kael and both pulled 15 hour studying sessions.

"I was going to ask you the same thing" he said with a shy smile.

Looking over my shoulder I see that Hannah is dancing with our two other guys, she is laughing as she spills a little bit of her drink and giggles. I see that Kael has made his way towards Hannah, she stands up straighter and nods her head slowly understanding his words. She continues her dancing while Kael gives her money for a cab.

The club music shakes the floor causing a light tickle against my toes, pushing my way through the throngs of people. We reach a exit, both of us sigh in relief as we push ourselves forward.

The cool air instantly relaxes me, as it does with Kael, he smiles brightly as we walk in sync.

"I can't believe our little Hannah is now of age!" Kael said proudly. The streets are bare, intersection lights stay one colour no cars in sight. The city lights sparkle with wanderlust.

Nobody would be able to tell that Hannah and Kael would be cousins, for one thing, Kael has his African American ethnicity; Hannah being pale as paper. They had no similarities but they did shared the same last name.

The light flashed for us to cross the road and hearing the wind blow caused me to turn around, in the middle of an intersection leaves scuttled, almost hypnotically; leaves hovering over the ground. There was no wind.

Kael and I reach his apartment he offers me to stay, my feet stay planted. Shaking my head he knows I'm capable of taking care of myself. Exhaustion had rolled on me; the wind blows this time and none of the leaves move. With the door closing I'm left alone. I can feel a unnatural presence.

A man slowly creeps within the shadows my hand clenches into a fist, a natural instinct of mine when I prepare for a fight. The man merely smiles but his expression drops into a deadly pursuit.

"Serena Carson"

"If you wanna kill do it now" I spoke in snarky tone.

Any supernatural creature would want me dead, I've killed many of them. Many creatures have claimed my death would avenge their beloved, they never got the chance.

He wears denim jeans that are slightly faded, he is shirtless, a divine well sculpted six pack is shown. He moved forward making me take a step back. As if it was a second nature he senses my movement to run. Grasping my wrist he jumps back suddenly, we both know and stare at each other. We both feel the connection, it's almost like a shock of electricity that had been dormant has come to life. The wind picks up and the leaves scuttle louder and louder until it just stops.

This only happens for one thing only.

"Fuck!" I shouted.

He remains stoic, I turn around and run back to my apartment it's a block away and in twenty seconds of non-stop running I make it through. He remains at his spot, his shock keeping him sated.

My anxiety does not rest, I can feel myself shaking at this new found information. I count past a hundred, a way to call down my anxiety, that and audio books. Nothing could undo this, I'm trapped.

Closing my eyes I day dream about my future, begging to have a diploma a real job in world. A world where vampires and werewolves weren't out to kill me.

I felt a cold hand on my mouth, biting down I see him hovering me with curiosity, the wave of pleasure wakes my body to want him. Nausea creeps up my throat seeing this abomination hold me.

He moves closer with a stoic expression, he speaks causing shivers to erupt within me. I move back causing my sheets to slide down exposing my revealing nightgown.

"You seriously wear that to bed?" He said his eyes approving of what he sees.

"Usual when I have men to warm my bed" a menacing smile erupts on my face.

Wrong move.

Grabbing me roughly the back of my neck is pushed into the pillow, pain and pleasure from his touch make feel ill. His long delicate fingers trace my jawline, I push away.

"Careful, love" he warned me.

"I don't want you" I said shaking my head.

Deep down I knew if I did this right I could appease my dead parents and they would be happy I rejected him. Let the werewolf suffer, they are monsters and kill innocent people.

Especially hybrids.

"Your lovely uncle Jem bit the dust" he mocked me.

"I had a feeling" I said strictly containing my rage, I knew he was playing me like a puppet. My uncle was well known and he never calls, he is slightly off his rocker. Over the years he would send letters with the instruction to burn after. Crazy old man.

I wasn't going to play into his trap, my fist was clenched. He showed no mercy for my uncle and yet he holds all the cards.

On the side of my pillow I can feel the cool silver blade. The man is running his fingers down my place and close to my chest. I arch my back, pulling out the blade the man merely smirks. By his body language he thinks I'm weak; a joke even.

I wanted nothing more than to strike his heart and watch him bleed on my bed but these silk sheets were expensive.

"You're out of practice" he shakes his head.

Putting all my strength I throw the knife, he sees it coming and catches it, he begins to twirl the handle of my family incrusted knife.

I have him distracted, I run out my apartment without without giving him a second thought. He was hot my tail but luck was on my side, bottom floor of my apartment. My hair was falling out of my bun, strands started to fall awkwardly. Running out I can see the leaves scuttling around, no wind, as if they were floating.

I need time to get myself out of this, I don't care if I had to work with a witch I would unbound myself from him.

Even if it would kill me.

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