|Chapter Fourteen|

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Charlotte being a vampire gave her unfair advantages but what she didn't know is that she isn't the first vampire I'm going to kill and won't be the last. Elias looks at me and from the look in his eyes he doesn't know who will come out alive.

"To the death" Charlotte reminds.

Her speed catches me off guard, I slam into the uneven gravel my body slides awkwardly, Elias wants to step in but Noah puts his hand out. Blade in hand I slowly stand up only to be grabbed in a choke hold and thrown on to the ground having the wind knocked out of me.

"Best hunter? bullshit" she smugly flips her hair aside. This time I stand up with no interruption, she nears me to grab me again but I swing the blade on her arm she hisses and pulls away instantly.

"Silver" showing the blade.

She lunges again her speed coming at me and I know at the exact moment to roundhouse kick her in the chest cause her to fall back. In no time I'm on top of her with a knife to her throat.

"This was quite a boring fight" sighing I press the blade to her throat but she gurgles out something.

"I concede!" she gasps out.

Noah intercepts me as I go for the final kill, I look at him with slitted eyes while he helped his sister up. My hand twitches to plunge a knife into her chest, inhaling deeply I let go of the knife and let it fall into the ground.

"You did very well" Elias spoke to me as Noah was leading Charlotte away. A heavy push of anger rages throughout my small body.

"Coward" I drawl out as Elias pushes my back against his chest, he is in attempt to warn me.

"Put your ego aside" Elias warning rings into me.

"You vampires act as if you own the world but you're pathetic going against your own code" Elias pulls me back sharply.

"We know the code Serena, just back off" Noah calls from afar.

Heat rises to my face as I pull myself away from Elias. But for some odd reason he pulls me closer. I was gone away from him in the span of three days and I could tell how antsy his wolf was.

"I'm not letting you leave anymore, we are fated together and must stop acting like a child" Elias face leans down on mine.

I don't reply, instead I follow him to his car. I stop at the stolen one across the dirt path and grab my bag. A cold breeze moves my aside as I close the door when I stop and so does everyone else. A heavy thudding is heard almost as if a minor earthquake is about to happen.

"Serena get in the car!" Elias roars out, I obliged rapidly running to the car I throw everything in the front seat. Charlotte looks pale and Noah is cradling her head on his lap. Elias slams the door shut pulls the car in reverse, the car lurches as he changed a gear. Gripping the leather seat too tightly the question that is raiding my mind. Who are they?

Wolves emerge out of the forest line, different colours of coats ranging from all sizes, I stare ahead and see the emblem marked on their skin.

They were a crescent pack that had been obliterated years ago but they had regained themselves. They fulfil the definition of a rogue but they dangerous no matter what, only Royals and high ranking Alpha's can live without a pack, without it they loose control and fill the true meaning of a werewolf. They are much stronger, they never shift into their human form; it reveals them as vulnerable towards the wolves.

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